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#149635211Wednesday, November 12, 2014 8:27 AM GMT

People just had unnaturally high expectations for it due to how their minds altered their memories of the original trilogy. If you just edit out all the Jar Jar Binks scenes, you'll find that it's actually pretty good.
#149636527Wednesday, November 12, 2014 11:56 AM GMT

oh no not another horrible opinion nooooonononnonononooooooo
#149636621Wednesday, November 12, 2014 12:04 PM GMT

And if you edit out the dry romance between Anakin and Padme and the horrible writing and acting behind Anakin's character. Utterly detestable. HOWEVER, The end of Episode II and the entirety of Episode III wasn't half bad. On a real note though, Anakin was portrayed far better in the clone wars series.
#149636632Wednesday, November 12, 2014 12:05 PM GMT

It's not that bad. Sure, it could have been better. But it's not like it's the most godawful thing ever created. In fact, a large portion of the expanded universe is based off of the prequels. Parts of the expanded universe which, by the way, were really, really good. Also, Qui-Gon was a really awesome character, I'd actually really want to see a future spinoff of starwars about him.
#149636663Wednesday, November 12, 2014 12:06 PM GMT

Late post. Rom, you have a point about the acting for Anakin being bad, but nobody should judge anything starwars related based off of the subplots It should all be graded by the epic lightsaber battles!
#149636682Wednesday, November 12, 2014 12:07 PM GMT

True. I do think it was still underrated despite it's faults. I still cannot get over how they portrayed Anakin though. And to be honest, they never got the "forbidden love" arc done right, not even in the Clone Wars, which is a really pivitol point to Anakin's transition into Vader.
#149636699Wednesday, November 12, 2014 12:09 PM GMT

Well, to be honest, Anakin wasn't necesarily a "Sub Plot" He was the protagonist of the prequel trilogy. The main story driver. A weak protagonist makes for a weak story, but I must admit, prequel trilogy had way better lightsaber duels.
#149636745Wednesday, November 12, 2014 12:12 PM GMT

Rom, have you ever read the Jedi Apprentice books? They, along with Jedi Quest, were everyone's favorite book series in 5th grade, at the school I was in. I'd much like to see a starwars spinoff movie based on that series, especially that first arc with Xanatos.
#149636790Wednesday, November 12, 2014 12:16 PM GMT

No I haven't. Not that I remember at least, I read a fair ammount of Star Wars books back in middle school. But to be honest tim, don't get your hopes up for a any movie based on the EU Thanks to the ass hats at Disney(Who not only killed the Clone Wars for the crapshoot that is Rebels), the entire EU is to be considered non-cannon. Which means any Star Wars book you've read never really happened. Not as far as Episodes VII and on are concerned at least. The only things Disney Star Wars considers cannon are: Episodes I-VI Clone Wars Movie. Clone Wars series Rebels movie(unfortunately) Rebels series(Also unfortunately) So pretty much, Disney fked us all up the ass and anything that was in the EU now no longer happened.
#149636852Wednesday, November 12, 2014 12:20 PM GMT

What I find ironic about that is how much some episodes of Clone Wars relied upon EU stuff. But if you read most of the starwars books you've read in middle school, you probably haven't read Jedi Apprentice. It's a series of about 18 books, each one within 200 pages, designed to be entertaining to all but easy to read for kids about eight and up. It's a good, light read, for if you're ever on a boring airplane ride or something.
#149636905Wednesday, November 12, 2014 12:24 PM GMT

I'll look into it. I've been looking for some stuff to read while I'm plotting out the remaining little kinks in my Nafarian universe and while writing Darvast so maybe that'll give me some decent inspiration.
#149650535Wednesday, November 12, 2014 8:40 PM GMT

I watch the whole trilogy in a certain order. Episode 4: Introduces all the characters Episode 5: Gets you to know Darth Vader Epsiodes 2 + 3: Gives you the origin story of Anakin/Vader Episode 6: Ends the trilogy Episode 1 doesn't matter because it isn't a canon-wise necessity.
#149650776Wednesday, November 12, 2014 8:44 PM GMT

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#149663123Thursday, November 13, 2014 12:09 AM GMT

Hidden Traveler, "trilogy" means set of three stories, typically books or movies. You're saying that you watch the whole SERIES in a particular order. Also, if you exclude Jar Jar, Star Wars episode I might actually be one of the best starwars films ever made - At least in the top 6 list.

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