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#149662695Thursday, November 13, 2014 12:02 AM GMT

It's pretty awful At some point they should just spend a summer re-doing it
#149662729Thursday, November 13, 2014 12:03 AM GMT

i read a tumblr post about this
#149662730Thursday, November 13, 2014 12:03 AM GMT

what's the issue exactly?
#149662771Thursday, November 13, 2014 12:04 AM GMT

the issue is everything
#149662795Thursday, November 13, 2014 12:04 AM GMT

@Sandy A good summary of it (as my biology teacher says) is, "They teach to graduate, not to educate"
#149662931Thursday, November 13, 2014 12:06 AM GMT

so you hate the school education system because of a statement your biology teacher said? please post a legitimate reason, that doesn't give me insight on anything
#149662976Thursday, November 13, 2014 12:07 AM GMT

@jonny the post was mostly about their schools literally falling apart from lack of care and most of them said that the football team got all the funding...
#149662985Thursday, November 13, 2014 12:07 AM GMT

they should just get rid of it
#149663012Thursday, November 13, 2014 12:07 AM GMT

@Sandy "A good summary of it" Can you not read
#149663148Thursday, November 13, 2014 12:09 AM GMT

I think school sports are stupid we lost funding for our band class last year because the people at the school are like "We need more football equipment so that we can win the trophy in the championships"
#149663399Thursday, November 13, 2014 12:13 AM GMT

i guess i'll copy and paste what i put on the post b/c it pretty much says to everyone "not all schools" ppl need to know there are schools where it's good
#149663516Thursday, November 13, 2014 12:14 AM GMT

k post it
#149663683Thursday, November 13, 2014 12:16 AM GMT

"I think people need to know that it’s not ALL American schools. My school this year received funding from the government for a 32 million dollar renovation. (Info about my school… north Alabama; class 6a… over 1,300 students) My school doesn’t prioritize anything over anything else. I noticed that my school likes to make everything the best it can be instead of just one sport or one class. Our football team is very good, we went to playoffs this year. Our marching band is good, they received first place (not online in class, but overall) at 3 out of 4 competitions they went to. Our volleyball team went to California to compete. I’m not really sure about the other sports but I know they’re serious too. We don’t keep our stadium at our school… instead we have a football/soccer turf field as a practice field surrounded by a track. It requires 3 million a year, and all of the programs at our school that use it pay it off surprisingly. There are things that are frustrating about my school, like the music department not receiving a bit of the renovation… but nothing like some of these people are saying. I guess the only problem we have ever had is the cramped space. I literally once had a homeroom in a broom closet. It was a very large broom closet, but was definitely a third of what a classroom size should be. My school used to only take 10-12 grades (which meant that I was in middle school my 9th grade year), but my 10th grade year they had built a brand knew high school about 5 miles away and they were able to spread out the kids among the two schools and movie 9th grade back where it belonged. Anyway, what I’m saying is that only people who have problems with the American schooling system are posting their terrible stories on this post, but there are good things too."
#149663739Thursday, November 13, 2014 12:17 AM GMT

do you have a plan my plan iz communism too lazy to post the lyrics
#149663783Thursday, November 13, 2014 12:18 AM GMT

i guess i should have added that our stadium is run by our city and is shared equally by both high schools, and the stands are not metal, they're concrete and huge
#149663818Thursday, November 13, 2014 12:18 AM GMT

I hate the fact that our bands are barely funded.
#149664581Thursday, November 13, 2014 12:30 AM GMT

your summary sucks and gives me literally no insight (which a summary should do in a summarized manner) all your "summary" is, is a direct quote from your credible biology teacher
#149664627Thursday, November 13, 2014 12:31 AM GMT

forgot quote marks around "credible"
#149664682Thursday, November 13, 2014 12:31 AM GMT

+ fix attendance rules
#149664749Thursday, November 13, 2014 12:32 AM GMT

I watched an interview where people didn't even know what barometric pressure was. Or when the Civil War was. Or all the planets. ~Go step on a Lego brick.~
#149664925Thursday, November 13, 2014 12:35 AM GMT

'murican school system is like a factory: send a kid in they come out knowing the same stuff all the other kids everywhere else in america know no lesson plans or nuthin' this is why my father and his son live in germany with my mother and i to get away from 'murica
#149664951Thursday, November 13, 2014 12:35 AM GMT

@ayy meh, we do pretty well funding ourselves fundraiserrrrs
#149665057Thursday, November 13, 2014 12:37 AM GMT

@old obviously they interviewed them b/c they knew they were stupid and knew ppl would watch it so they could get the mahney i know what the civil war was... i'm not sure about barometric pressure tho it doesn't sound like something i absolutely have to know in order to live my life everyday so i assume that's why it hasn't been taught to me
#149665232Thursday, November 13, 2014 12:39 AM GMT

@Dig, Maybe, but these were random people on the street. So I doubt it. Also, barometric is air pressure. ~Go step on a Lego brick.~
#149665267Thursday, November 13, 2014 12:39 AM GMT

*Barometric pressure is air pressure. ~Go step on a Lego brick.~

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