#150212454Saturday, November 22, 2014 6:50 PM GMT

Scouts on the far borders of Grimalkin territory note the fighter jets and warn the forts, outposts and Malkin Tower, and immediately anti-aircraft and other military units begin to mobilize against the jets.
#150213812Saturday, November 22, 2014 7:07 PM GMT

(It's an escort you ass....)
#150214287Saturday, November 22, 2014 7:14 PM GMT

(We're only mobilizing, not shooting you down. And Jesus, Malkin Tower is only about 300 miles from the farthest border, how long does it take you to get here? It's been a year.) Grimalkin DIPLOMACY] We continue to welcome Russia as friends, but are ever weary. We also continue to extend the same offer to Venires, and the SUN are continuing to supply us with sufficient technology. All is going well. RESEARCH] Research on spacecraft is now complete, but we lack sufficient resources to build them. We begin to research new ways to colonize the Moon, Mars, and other places. MILITARY] Corresponding with recent technology, the military gets new tech such as better weapons than previous. INTERIOR, HIERARCHY AND COURT] For once, all the ministers agree on something; Russia is quite suspicious. In the interior we begin to build spy satellites and radio transceivers just in case. Court gossip is currently all about Russia. INTRIGUE] The spy was successfully recaptured, and withdrawn from Russia. The counter-intel spy in Antarctica remains.
#150214475Saturday, November 22, 2014 7:16 PM GMT

#150214833Saturday, November 22, 2014 7:21 PM GMT

(You think you can do what you want, go around screaming and SPEAKING IN AN ANNOYING TONE LIKE THIS AND CALLING EVERYONE NOOBIS? And then go spy on me despite that it should be literally impossible except from above Malkin Tower? Really?)
#150215387Saturday, November 22, 2014 7:29 PM GMT

(We have a spy that somehow you can think you can magically take away at will. My country perceives you as a threat for your little, "Announcement" to the world. All I'm simply doing is bringing a civilian jet filled with diplomats with MIG 29's as escorts. )
#150216078Saturday, November 22, 2014 7:39 PM GMT

The Migs disembark as the AN i34 lands at the nearest airstrip.The migs fly over space and are connected to the diplomats through headsets. A small step letter folds out as the diplomats and ten Russian soldiers step out with AK 12 Assault rifles and MP5K sub machine guns.
#150216845Saturday, November 22, 2014 7:50 PM GMT

As the Russians approach Malkin Tower, guards come out from the now steel plated battlements and point their weapons at you. "Halt! Drop your weapons so we may investigate your presence!"
#150216932Saturday, November 22, 2014 7:52 PM GMT

(idunwanna, you helped on the Cortes Conundrum. That was a mathematical equation. You DIDN'T work on the Columbus drive.) The SUN- Diplomacy] The SUN sits in it's part of the world, calmly enjoying it's network of representatives and the endless flow of information. The SUN keeps a eye on the Russians, prepared to set off the trip mine at any moment. Research] --Juana Colony] --The colony of Juana continues to grow, but in a way still steady for the environment... After all, lessons have been learned from Earth and the SUN seeks to let it grow. --The entire planet of Cortes is claimed by the SUN officially, as a official colony. --The unique materials flowing from it spark 'Project Gaia'. --Earth Research] --Research to Grimalkin slows down, more so since the SUN is feeling satisfied on it's deliverance. Now Grimalkin needs to show it can live up to it's part of the deal. Political] The Juana Colony receives it's official governor, who was actually elected from the SUF Bolivar expedition by the colony.
#150217131Saturday, November 22, 2014 7:55 PM GMT

Grimalkin notices a message recently received from the SUN, and they agree in a message to send one of their direct descendants from the Malkin coven to be tested. Of course, only the SUN knows why. They then send the descendant off to (insert place where the SUN is here.)
#150217255Saturday, November 22, 2014 7:57 PM GMT

(I swear im gonna irbm you and sun) The diplomats look frightened as the soldiers aim their assault rifles at the battlements. One slowly speaks. "They.. they are defense... Please do not hurt us..."
#150217421Saturday, November 22, 2014 8:00 PM GMT

"Drop your weapons immediately and you will not be harmed!" Orders the garrison commander. "If you do not do so we will open fire! Your weapons will be returned afterwards!"
#150217542Saturday, November 22, 2014 8:02 PM GMT

The MIG pilots are notified to get back down to aerospace, Things might get ugly. The one diplomat speeks still noticibly scared more. "They.. .they are for defense... The president of russia sent them to us.."
#150217669Saturday, November 22, 2014 8:04 PM GMT

(Just a quick thing... The Serus System, where the planet Cortes is, hosts a small star and about 4 planets( One is a extremely unstable Gas Giant, so 5 technically). Cortes would be in the zone between Mars and Earth, cold but still able to support life. Only 1 other planet in the system can naturally harbor life, but is a mainly desert climate and toxic with CO2 and Nitrogen. It's lifeforms, mainly giant insects or heavily shelled monsters underground, are extremely dangerous to even advanced Earth tech. The other 2 planets are frozen solid, much like Pluto.) The SUN- Diplomacy] The SUN is confused on why the Grimalkin sent this person... After all, they didn't send a message. They are even more confused on their purpose. The SUN, observing this, begin to look at the Grimalkin not as friends but like they view most other nations; Something to watch and learn about.* Juana Colony] The colony is almost exclusively from South Americans, but also has a growing number of inhabitants from the island nations newly incorporated into the SUN. As a measure, the SUN opens restricted space for civilians from other nations.** The colony is mainly situated around the center of El Juana Grande, a massive open area of life and joy. *The SUN doesn't take to hostilities to their other friends. They are friends to all, but they don't take unnecessary hostilities well. **Basically, it's a visa program. People from different nations can apply, and may be accepted until a quota for that nation is filled for the year. Then it's closed. Anyone who takes the visa and is accepted becomes a Juana Colony Citizen, under the SUN's domain.
#150218016Saturday, November 22, 2014 8:10 PM GMT

The garrison commander takes this in and goes off, presumably to speak to Anne Malkin, and comes back later as the defenses are lowered and the guards presume guarding position. Finally, the blast-and-bullet proof door opens. "Enter, but leave your weapons in the armory. Four of your guards may have weapons."
#150218165Saturday, November 22, 2014 8:13 PM GMT

The four other soldiers, some of them spetsnaz, go back into the luxury airplane as the men guard the diplomats, still terribly frightened.
#150218242Saturday, November 22, 2014 8:14 PM GMT

Grimalkin notices that the message never arrived, and begins to sends it again. "As you know, the direct descendants of the coven, the 13 original Malkins, have physical powers to a very small extent. That's why we sent that specific descendant to you. It's up to you, and you alone, to figure out how to harness whatever it is. Because for three-thousand years, we could never figure out what it was or what it did."
#150218358Saturday, November 22, 2014 8:16 PM GMT

Inside Malkin Tower, all the ministers and guards and hierarchy stop and stare at the diplomats. The Minister of Diplomacy was the one to speak. "Upstairs, to the left, through the secure door, you'll find Anne Malkin." His face still hanging with awe. Almost NO ONE entered Malkin Tower.
#150218380Saturday, November 22, 2014 8:16 PM GMT

( Please no super-humans, except for exo or mecha suits. )
#150218503Saturday, November 22, 2014 8:18 PM GMT

(Not. As I said, very small extent. Nothing more than a door opening on it's own. The whole point is for it to lead into some sort of exo-suit or mech.)
#150218926Saturday, November 22, 2014 8:25 PM GMT

The diplomats and the guards enter.
#150218997Saturday, November 22, 2014 8:26 PM GMT

The SUN- Diplomacy] The SUN, seeing this and finally waking up from their dream state of space, stop the technology supplying of Grimalkin. After all, magic and such isn't real...* They send the person back... Very quickly. Serus System] The Columbus trail has been dropped to 2 weeks to get through. Thats good enough for now. Now onto other research! Research] Research swings back into energy efficiency, missiles and enabling their infantry to still dominate on land. That, and to overall the fleet back into modern shape. Politics] -Visa Program] No one really comes, either through lack of interest or something... So the representative in Britain actually brings up the subject to the British. You know, help solve the problems with the poor and unemployed. -Juana Colony] It maintains a high level of autonomy, it's leaders elected freely and treated much like the SUN treats it's own citizens. And such, the two are linked and in near perfect harmony.
#150219069Saturday, November 22, 2014 8:27 PM GMT

A figure behind the shadows begins to speak. But there's two noticeable features. Brown hair and silvery eyes. "Hello. I am Anne Malkin. There are no guards here, but I would like to speak with you about some concerns of Grimalkin, such as your unnecessary spying on us. We're completely aware of the helicopter you've sent to take surveillance of Malkin Tower."
#150219443Saturday, November 22, 2014 8:32 PM GMT

At the folly of having their descendant sent back, they send another one, except this time to prove that they CAN in fact do the things stated, and with the descendant will be architects, engineers, and assistants with technology plans to perhaps harness it. Simply a theory right now, but perhaps later the theory can evolve into a working soldier?
#150220035Saturday, November 22, 2014 8:41 PM GMT

The lead diplomat speaks. "And we're aware you have a spy." "We are also aware that your announcement to the world scared our country so much we deem you as a threat. The Mi 24 was to make sure you didn't have the capability to kill us all."