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#149946659Monday, November 17, 2014 4:10 PM GMT

Name - Cthean Desab Nickname- "The Walking Mirror" Age- 28 Ethnicity- Crumbler Backstory- Cthean Desab, as a little kid was a very loyal, independent, and peaceful person. Cthean grew up with a poor family , yet he had all his family members by his side. He didn't mind being poor, as it opened him up to the beauty, and wonders of the world, but would he realize the violence in it too? His four family members always stuck by his side, especially his sister. Cthean had one brother, one sister, a mom, and a dad. His sister little sister "Cesa", was the most loyal to him, the rest he didn't care about as much. Cthean was the oldest of all his siblings. His parents were psychopaths. They would kill innocent people, but Cthean didn't know. Cthean as a little kid continued on with his life seeing it as a place of beauty, and peace. The world to him was the perfect place for him. As time went on, Cthean grew up, and began to see the world for what it truly is. As Cthean started to see violence in the world, he would always deny it, come up with a reason of what he saw, he denied the truth. As Cthean finally admitted the truth about the world he decided he would need a way to protect himself. Thats when Cthean started to practice his natural given talent, polymorphism. As the world started to grow more violent, a rebel group attacked Ctheans' town, they sent the town into flames, and attacked everyone in sight. In the attack he lost all of his family members, except for his sister, and his parents. His brother was gone, and Cthean knew. Judging from Ctheans interpretations, his sister Cesa had ran away with his parents. The day of the attack he ran away from the village before he could be slaughtered. Cthean knew he wasn't strong enough to fight them, sure he was getting good at shape shifting but he definitely wasn't good enough to take them all on. The day of the attack was dreadful, yet somewhat soothing for him. Cthean was free from all his work, no more parents telling Cthean what to do. He thought he was going crazy, but no, his village getting attacked was the best, and worst thing that ever happened to him. Sure he was free from all the work in the village, but Cthean lost his sister, and his parents. Cthean knew he was all alone in the huge world of Icarus. Time went on and Cthean was wandering trying to find any clue of his family. Cthean kept searching and searching, but all he found was the ruins of burnt down towns. Cthean was mostly looking for a town to live in as shelter, but nothing, absolutely nothing. Cthean had spent about one year looking for his family. Finally Cthean admitted it was useless to try and find his family, as they could be ANYWHERE. Cthean then decided to practice and improve his shape-shifting. He practiced any form he couldn't hold for long from his past time of practice, including morphing single parts of his body like his arms into swords. Eventually time moved on and Cthean had spent about four years practicing shape-shifting. Cthean put a lot of time and effort into shape-shifting, and to this day he is still very well skilled in it. Finally he decided to go searching for his family again. He kept finding habited towns, with many people in them, but still no luck of finding his family. Cthean eventually came across a group of assassins while looking for his family. The assassins were not friendly, and they were strong. There were two assassins, just as he expected they attempted to attack him. Cthean was able to save himself using his shape-shifting, but there was something about watching those bodies lay dead in the sand that he enjoyed. He enjoyed killing. Cthean didn't why know but there was something about killing that he just loved. Maybe showing off his power? Was it watching how people struggle to kill him? He didn't know, but he liked killing. Cthean continued to search for his family and he eventually stumbled upon another assassin. The assassin was from a group called "The Black-Watch." Cthean wondered what that group was for. The assassin was not like the other assassins he ran into. The assassin was quite un-friendly, but he wasn't aggressive, or hostile. The assassin told Cthean he had no interest in him. To Cthean it was a surprise. Most assassin would kill without any reason what-so-ever. The assassin said he had to go to a small town called "Steamston." "Steamston?" Cthean asked. The assassin said "It's none of what you need to know." Cthean asked "Whats The Black-Watch." The assassin said "In summary we're a group of assassins." The word "Assassins" rung in Ctheans' head. Cthean grinned and said "Assassins, you say?" The Assassin said "Yes, alright look I gotta get going s-." "How do I join?" Cthean said. The Assassin said "So you wanna join, fine, i'll take you to our leader." Cthean follows the assassin to Steamston. Cthean eventually loses the assassin, so he goes wandering around town to find the leader, but before he goes on to find the leader, he sees someone walking up to him. Its a young girl, she came up to Cthean asking him for a name. In Cthean mind he wonders if its Cesa, but he thinks that's impossible. Cthean replies"Cthean Desab" Cthean then asks for her name she replies "Cesa Desab." Cthean stares in amazement. Cthean had found his sister. He asked "Why are you in Steamston?" She told him "It was the first town our parents found." Cthean replies "Our parents where are they, I wanna go see them." Cesa then told Cthean that their parents were murdered. Cthean is shocked that his parents are dead, but Cthean then tells him about how his parents killed people. Cthean didn't care that his parents killed innocent people. Cthean loved killing, he was no different than his parents. Cesa then asks why Cthean is in Steamston and Cthean replies "I'm looking for the leader of The Black-Watch, I'd like to join it. Cesa replies "I was invited to join The Black-Watch to, I think I know where the leader is follow me." Cthean replies "Well lets go join The Black-Watch then." ISH SO LONG CUZ, YOLO.
#149951274Monday, November 17, 2014 6:42 PM GMT

"In the attack he lost all of his family members, except for his sister, and his parents." What...? "All" All means all I could condone this if you said "Except his sister" But only having his brother die is not "all" Also, if his parents are psychopaths, they'd almost certainly kill the children They're crazy Hell, they'd probably attempt to kill each other And that's only two mistakes from this garbage Use common sense and proper wording next time
#149959763Monday, November 17, 2014 9:25 PM GMT

I've never seen a Bio/Backstory so long. :/ Potatoes will rule the world.
#149959929Monday, November 17, 2014 9:28 PM GMT

"I've never seen a Bio/Backstory so long. :/" This? This is nothing Hell, I've seen character DESCRIPTIONS longer than this
#150084584Thursday, November 20, 2014 3:00 AM GMT

Sorry I'm not that familiar with writing stories because I don't sit on my butt all day doing that and whats wrong with a few mistakes I'm pretty sure you make mistakes too. Next time try to be more nice with your constructive criticism.
#150085261Thursday, November 20, 2014 3:11 AM GMT

@Pistac, welcome to the RP subforum.
#150088693Thursday, November 20, 2014 4:11 AM GMT

It's more than a "few" mistakes It's a crap ton of them

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