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#150032203Wednesday, November 19, 2014 1:54 AM GMT

Guest List: D4RK652 AWESOMETRUMU ROTOMWASH BURRITOMONSTER1 FERACTUS NAVYMAN1123 VENGENCEVINNY CARLTHEDRAGONBORN DOCTORPWNDA JUMBLEBEE5 Jumble walked around the mansion, looking for the dining room. It was dinner time, and Feractus was making Macaroni and Cheese. Rotom and Awesome were fighting each other over who was cooler. Suddenly, the lights flickered on, then off, and... REMAINING: D4RK652 AWESOMETRUMU BURRITOMONSTER1 FERACTUS NAVYMAN1123 VENGENCEVINNY CARLTHEDRAGONBORN DOCTORPWNDA JUMBLEBEE5
#150032671Wednesday, November 19, 2014 2:00 AM GMT

Rotom has been killed! Jumble finally found the dining room, to find his body there, acting as a ragdoll, doing nothing. Dark backed up into the corner in fear, hoping for good to come. After 15 minutes, it was time for bed. Dark was scared. Is he next? Who is next? Whoever it is, he especially hopes it won't be him or Carl. ??? gets up at night, along with Feractus. Feractus: Oh! Hi there- What are you doing with that knife? Please stop it, bro! NOOOOOOO! A scream was heard through out the entire mansion. Everybody got up to check to see what happened. ??? quickly hid the evidence that could be used to find out he murdered him. He wanted to act innocent. REMAINING: D4RK652 AWESOMETRUMU BURRITOMONSTER1 NAVYMAN1123 VENGENCEVINNY CARLTHEDRAGONBORN DOCTORPWNDA JUMBLEBEE5
#150032768Wednesday, November 19, 2014 2:01 AM GMT

#150032854Wednesday, November 19, 2014 2:02 AM GMT

Oh my
#150033045Wednesday, November 19, 2014 2:05 AM GMT

#150033242Wednesday, November 19, 2014 2:07 AM GMT

Vengence went up to Feractus' once living corpse. "How could this have happened...?" Jumble looked for clues, but found none. It must have been Carl. Dark tried to defend him, but it was no use. Suddenly, Dark noticed two people went missing, but he didn't remember who. There was too many people there. Then, he heard a faint scream, and went running around, looking for where the scream came from. REMAINING: D4RK652 BURRITOMONSTER1 NAVYMAN1123 VENGENCEVINNY CARLTHEDRAGONBORN DOCTORPWNDA JUMBLEBEE5
#150033320Wednesday, November 19, 2014 2:08 AM GMT

oh my word.
#150033408Wednesday, November 19, 2014 2:09 AM GMT

this is like watching final destination you know it's going to happen but you don't know when english.exe has stopped working
#150033509Wednesday, November 19, 2014 2:10 AM GMT

navy, who know's you might be the killer >_> stay far away from me
#150033691Wednesday, November 19, 2014 2:13 AM GMT

Dark then stumbled upon Awesome's dead body. He screamed in fear, then saw a dark figure in front of him. ???: Its me... Carl... Dark: You don't sound like him... ???: I know, I have a frog in my throat, but it will be OK. Help me murder these people. Dark: No! ???: Do you want to die? Dark: NO PLEASE NO! ???: Your job is to watch them, make sure they don't survive. Dark: F-fine... It isn't all that bad... ???: First up is this punk. He showed Dark somebody wrapped in bandages, and slowly unwrapped him, to show a knocked out person, bleeding from his eyes, fingers and stomach. ???: I'll finish him. REMAINING: D4RK652 BURRITOMONSTER1 VENGENCEVINNY CARLTHEDRAGONBORN DOCTORPWNDA JUMBLEBEE5
#150033769Wednesday, November 19, 2014 2:14 AM GMT

damnit, i died english.exe has stopped working
#150033820Wednesday, November 19, 2014 2:14 AM GMT

Man this is intense.
#150033865Wednesday, November 19, 2014 2:15 AM GMT

It's getting good
#150033942Wednesday, November 19, 2014 2:16 AM GMT

dank m8 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
#150033994Wednesday, November 19, 2014 2:17 AM GMT

#150034026Wednesday, November 19, 2014 2:17 AM GMT

A crowd of people came into the room. Dark noticed Carl in the crowd, with Vengence out of the crowd. Dark: I-its not Carl...? Its Vengence! Carl: Wha-? Dark: VENGENCE BLACKMAILED ME INTO HELPING HIM KILL THESE PEOPLE! Vengence: Hmph...? That is an impostor, silly. I am the real Carl. Dark: You don't fool me! Vengence: Lets wait for somebody to die, and Jumble could use his detective skills to see who is the murderer. After 7 minutes, it happened... REMAINING: D4RK652 BURRITOMONSTER1 VENGENCEVINNY DOCTORPWNDA JUMBLEBEE5
#150034203Wednesday, November 19, 2014 2:19 AM GMT

Burrito hasn't been mentioned once. I think I know who it is.
#150034232Wednesday, November 19, 2014 2:20 AM GMT

I'm surpri- actually i'm taking that back
#150034444Wednesday, November 19, 2014 2:23 AM GMT

Jumble: Carl wasn't it! Dark: Knew it! Jumble: It must have been Burrito, he has been silent this whole time. Burrito: I'm not it! Dark: Trust me, it was Vengence. Jumble: Vengence just beat on the dead horse, Navy has been dead all along, way before this even happened. It is Burrito! Vengence: I admit. But now one of you will have to die before I go to jail. Everybody held their breath. Who is he gonna kill? Vengence took his knife, pointed it towards everyone, including himself, and... 3... 2... 1... TINK! The knife has hit somebody... REMAINING: D4RK652 BURRITOMONSTER1 DOCTORPWNDA JUMBLEBEE5
#150034497Wednesday, November 19, 2014 2:24 AM GMT

BOY what a klutz.
#150034503Wednesday, November 19, 2014 2:24 AM GMT

omg!!! so scared
#150034505Wednesday, November 19, 2014 2:24 AM GMT

FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, IF KARMA G- nothing nothing.
#150034506Wednesday, November 19, 2014 2:24 AM GMT

he, erm, offed himself? english.exe has stopped working
#150034535Wednesday, November 19, 2014 2:24 AM GMT

Can I be the butler? "Well...there goes the neighborhood."
#150034586Wednesday, November 19, 2014 2:25 AM GMT


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