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#15017562Monday, October 05, 2009 1:04 AM GMT

[For any smartalecks, I claim this idea as my own. Join no copies of this idea!] Many cats came to a forest. They naturally fell into groups, and fought eachother much. Many cats died from the bloody battles fought between the small unorganized groups. Eventually the cats agreed to meet at a place where four large tres surrounded a giant rock, during the full moon. They argued over stolen prey, and a fight broke out. Many cats were slain. Those who survived slept where they lay, too tired by the fight to return to their dens. They awoke bathed in moonlight, with the slain cats surrounding them, no longer torn and bloodied, but shining like fallen stars. "Unite or die!" spoke the spirits. A black she-cat stood up. "My name is Shadow. How should we unite without a leader? I can hunt in the depths of the darkest night. Let Shadow rule the forest!" A silvery gray tom spoke up, "You would lead us into darkness, too! I am River! I move through the forest along secret paths and hidden places. It is River, not Shadow, that should unite the forest!" A wiry brown female spoke next, "The forest is more than River and Shadow. Wind alone reaches its distant corners. I am as fast as the wind that blows from the high moors. I should be the ruler!" Next a dark gray tom spoke, "I am Sky, and I reach the uppermost branches of trees and catch the fiercest of birds. Sky alone should rule the forst!" The largest of the surviving cats was named Thunder. He was a fiery orange tom with amber eyes and large white paws. "What good is any of that compared to my strength and skill at hunting? If any cat was born to rule, it was I." Yowling broke out under the four great trees, and the spirits watched in silence. Suddenly, the moon was covered by dark clouds, and the living cats trembled in fear. On the top of the great rock a silver tabby stood. She was of the fallen, her fur shining with no light. Her eyes flashed angrily at the living cats. "You are all as foolish as ducks! Can't you think beyond yourselves for one moment? Think of your kits!" The five cats- Shadow, River, Wind, Sky and Thunder- stayed silent. "The forest is big enough for all of your families. Find cats like you, choose a home in the forest, and set down borders," the tabby continued. A white tom broke form the ring of star-lit cats. "If you do this, we will reward you with eight more lives, so that you may elads your Clans for many moons to come." A tortoiseshell broke from the ring and stood beside the white tom. "We will watch over you form Silverpelt. We will visit you in your dreams and guide you on your journeys." The white tom spoke once more, "Once a month, at the full moon, you will gather together here, between the four great oaks, for a night of truce. You will see us above you in Silverpelt and know we are watching.And if blood is spilled on these nights, you know we will be angry." The silver tabby yowled, "You will be warriors!" Shadow, River, Wind, Sky and Thunder bowed their heads. "From now on, you will live by a warrior code. Your hearts will be fileld with courage and nobility, and if you must fight, it will not be for greed, but for honor and justice," continued the tabby. After a long silence Thunder nodded his head. "This is wise advice. I believe we can choose our territories and lay down borders fairly in peace." Shadow, River, Wind, SKy and Thunder found cats willing to live with them and headed off to their areas of the forest. Shadow with nighttime hunters with clever minds and sharp claws. River with cats willing to fish for their prey. Thunder with cats able to track their prey through thick undergrowth. Sky with excellent jumpers able to take down fierce birds and climb large trees. Wind with fast cats who loved the open ground of the moor. The five groups formed borders, and at the full moon returned to the four great oaks, Fourtrees. The spirits granted the five eight more lives, and added "Star" to the end of thier names. The time of the Clans had begun. ~~~~~RULES~~~~~ Story-mode only. No making your own Clan. No medicine cats. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Character sheet: Name: Age: (In moons.) Gender: Clan: (ThunderClan, RiverClan, SkyClan, ShadowClan, or WindClan.) Position: (No medicine cats!) -Fur color: -Eye color: -Battle marks and things like that: Bio: [Yes you can be one of the five leaders BESIDES Skystar. Only I may be Skystar.]
#15018222Monday, October 05, 2009 1:16 AM GMT

Name: Skystar Age: 43 Gender: Male Clan: SkyClan Position: Leader -Fur color: Gray -Eye color: Blue -Battle marks and things like that: Scar across left forepaw. Bio: One of the five cats that were granted eight more lives.
#15018691Monday, October 05, 2009 1:23 AM GMT

Top 25 Poster
#15018853Monday, October 05, 2009 1:26 AM GMT

Name:Bloodclaw Age: 54 Gender:Female Clan: None Position: Rogue -Fur color:White -Eye color:Red -Battle marks and things like that:Scars across the sides of her head. Bio: A MASSIVE(larger than crookedstar) cat,with claws permanently stained blood red.
#15019035Monday, October 05, 2009 1:29 AM GMT

Name: Sparkfur Age: 38 Gender: Male Clan: ThunderClan Position: Warrior -Fur color: Brown, with a little bit of yellowish. -Eye color: Amber -Battle marks and things like that: Torn up ear and scar across left side. Bio: A cat with fur that seams to have sparks in them, and is very protective.
#15019078Monday, October 05, 2009 1:30 AM GMT

Skystar scanned the cmap they had made in the protected dip of ground. All was well... [Keep in mind, SkyClan is where the TwolegPlace is in the first six books. Hell, the camp was mad ein Smudge's yard.]
Top 25 Poster
#15019134Monday, October 05, 2009 1:31 AM GMT

Bloodclaw stalked through the forests,her claws gleeming with blood as she neared Skyclan.She needed food,and prey was scarce for her.She had to be at least apprentice level in every hunting style to survive the entire forest,which she was.But that didn't help the prey shortage in her area.
#15019137Monday, October 05, 2009 1:31 AM GMT

I was leading a patrol, makeing sure the other clans didn't try anything..
Top 25 Poster
#15019352Monday, October 05, 2009 1:34 AM GMT

Bloodclaw got closer and closer to the Skyclan camp,keeping low and in the bushes to not be detected.
#15019353Monday, October 05, 2009 1:34 AM GMT

Name: Sparrow Age: 19 Gender: Male Clan: SkyClan Position: Warrior -Fur color: Ginger -Eye color: green -Battle marks and things like that: scar along left side of face. Bio: Meh. [Remember, this is the beginning. You don't need the normal names.]
Top 25 Poster
#15019453Monday, October 05, 2009 1:36 AM GMT

(Mkay.) Bloodclaw reached the edge of the camp,and crouched low,waiting for an opening.
#15019506Monday, October 05, 2009 1:38 AM GMT

Sparrow and Whitepelt padded form the camp. They smelled another cat...
Top 25 Poster
#15019574Monday, October 05, 2009 1:39 AM GMT

Bloodclaw hissed,realizing she had been smelled.She slowly stalked around Sparrow and Whitepelt,her massive form rippling as she moved,trying to stay stealthy.
#15019583Monday, October 05, 2009 1:39 AM GMT

[Wow, Pyyre. Nice wall-o-text.]
#15019657Monday, October 05, 2009 1:41 AM GMT

[Thanks, Sparky.] Sparrow noticed rippling. An invader? He leapt, and pinned down the cat. "Who are you?" he hissed.
Top 25 Poster
#15019661Monday, October 05, 2009 1:41 AM GMT

#15019662Monday, October 05, 2009 1:41 AM GMT

Name: Darkpaw Age: 7 Gender: Male Clan: ThunderClan Position: Apprentance -Fur color: Black -Eye color: Green -Battle marks and things like that: none yet. Bio: Sparkfurs apprentance. I looked back to Darkpaw, who was looking across the border, at shadowclan terrotory."Whats that smell?" He asked me."Horrible isn't it, that smell is shadowclan, now keep up!" I mewed to him.
Top 25 Poster
#15019730Monday, October 05, 2009 1:42 AM GMT

Bloodclaw hissed when she was pounced.Sparrow was like a rat on a cat compared to her.She stomped moving in fear of getting his claws into her stomach."The name's Bloodclaw.",she hissed.She hated being pounced by the smaller.
#15019898Monday, October 05, 2009 1:46 AM GMT

[Notes: The thunderpath isn't here yet. The moonstone hasn't been discovered yet, Leaders get their lives at gatherings. There's no twolegplace.] "Why are you here," Sparrow growled.
#15019900Monday, October 05, 2009 1:46 AM GMT

Contuneing the patrol, I stopped agian because of Darkpaw, he killed a mouse."Pick it up, your carrying that to the elders when we get back." I hissed.
#15019961Monday, October 05, 2009 1:48 AM GMT

[Remember: The Warrior Code hasn't been made yet. Though ThunderClan still abides by the more compassionate areas of the Code, such as the 'elders and queens before all,' part.]
Top 25 Poster
#15019965Monday, October 05, 2009 1:48 AM GMT

"I need food.",hissed BloodClaw evenly.She dully noted that her paw was large enough to crush Sparrow's head.If only.
Top 25 Poster
#15020131Monday, October 05, 2009 1:51 AM GMT

(Late bump)
#15020213Monday, October 05, 2009 1:53 AM GMT

"Scamper back to your own clan," growled Sparrow once more. By now Whitepelt had gone and gotten Skystar.
Top 25 Poster
#15020243Monday, October 05, 2009 1:54 AM GMT

Bloodclaw couldn't help it.She began laughing out loud.

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