#150431353Wednesday, November 26, 2014 2:37 AM GMT

(i can't let 2 pages pass without something happening!)
#150431387Wednesday, November 26, 2014 2:37 AM GMT

Kevin got up after listening to the speaker he really didn't know what to think obviously it was all real unlike he previously thought. (so is it night or wat i have no idea what is going on)
#150431411Wednesday, November 26, 2014 2:37 AM GMT

"Holy sht. You hear that? I'm getting my parents to buy me either a Colt Anaconda or a honey badger. This is getting scary. Say, wanna investigate? " Sam asks cheefully.
#150431483Wednesday, November 26, 2014 2:39 AM GMT

[Pawz, shall we keep interacting or later?]
#150431725Wednesday, November 26, 2014 2:42 AM GMT

Keep interacting. ]
#150431775Wednesday, November 26, 2014 2:43 AM GMT

(Seriously, what is going on omg)
#150431787Wednesday, November 26, 2014 2:43 AM GMT

Kira ignored the announcement thinking it was just a prank. He could not help but chuckle to himself. He spoke in his native tongue. "Kimyōna nan dekigoto. Shikashi, sore wa arimasen mendōdearu. Watashi wa chōdo futatabi watashi no ryō no heya ni modorimasu." (What strange happenings. But it is of no bother. I'll just return to my dorm room again.) Realizing that it maybe hard to get to his dorm in this blackout he just tries to go back to his room anyway. He felt like he may hind he head light gear to see so he can continue writing.
#150431837Wednesday, November 26, 2014 2:44 AM GMT

(The Rose et Noirs have returned o.o)
#150431898Wednesday, November 26, 2014 2:45 AM GMT

(ohwait rock were you talking to my character?)
#150431958Wednesday, November 26, 2014 2:46 AM GMT

"What?" Allissa muttered, absolutely confused and stunned at the events. Why did her parents make her go to this evil, evil school? "Investigate? Why not run? Call the cops? Transfer to some other school?" she rambled on, "I hate this!" The girl looked to be vibrating from her chair, her mouth still going on and her face could be seen with a blank stare, "My parents are such idiots! I told them I shouldn't come here, I shouldn't be here, this is an evil place, and they didn't listen! I hate this! God damn it, this school's haunted! This school has serial killers! This school is evil!"
#150431972Wednesday, November 26, 2014 2:46 AM GMT

(No it was to bri bri also, anyone agree we should slow down a bit on posting?)
#150432007Wednesday, November 26, 2014 2:47 AM GMT

(You can join, North if you've been keeping track. Not too late)
#150432060Wednesday, November 26, 2014 2:47 AM GMT

Lea heard the ominous voice say that and a shiver went down her spine, giving her goosebumps. She kept looking at the person, analyzing them. "Anyway, I'm Lea Lecuyer, and you?" She said with a smile, picking at her food with a fork.
#150432112Wednesday, November 26, 2014 2:48 AM GMT

(I love how my character is the only one not giving a flip about what is going on. XD I guess he will remain that will til something interests him.)
Top 100 Poster
#150432158Wednesday, November 26, 2014 2:49 AM GMT

Sitting in the dark, Stephanie could think of only two things. One: It was in the end a good choice to not venture out of her dorm, and search for whatever caused those screams, both the first and the eventual second. The blackout made it nigh impossible to navigate this room, it must be even worse for those outside. Stuck with the "Rose Et Noir" Stephanie could only chuckle. Slightly amused that fortune seemed to favor her so. Though thoughts of what lay outside were quickly tossed aside for the main problem at hand. Second: The blackout made it quite difficult to read any of her newly acquired books.
#150432217Wednesday, November 26, 2014 2:50 AM GMT

ok Kevin got up and looked through his suitcase, still unpacked. Obviously making a lot of noise someone banged on the wall in the room next to him to quite him down "Finally" Kevin said. He grabbed a flashlight out of his suitcase and flicked it on. "Time to investigate." (Is it even night?)
#150433100Wednesday, November 26, 2014 3:03 AM GMT

(Mari's a dead girl, i'm making a new character) (read the last page, kipec :/) ❃ CS Name- Charlotte Gabriella Gerhard Age- 14 Gender- Female Appearance- Charlotte has short wavy hair that falls to her shoulders. The shade would simply be called 'light blonde', or a step above an extremely light hair color called Legally Blonde. Her hair is usually, if not always, put into a braid or ponytail with a red, baby blue, yellow, or black ribbon. Her skin is naturally very pale, with little to no freckles or blemishes. She has one scar on her right shoulder from a fight, though nobody really knows about it except her. Her eyes are a color commonly known as Sterling Gray, and stand out on her pale face. She has a petite frame and stands at 5'2', and weighs a mere 114 pounds. Personality (optional)- //Sensitive, Harsh-Tempered\\ Charlotte pays close attention to what people say, and one rude word or insult against her or her friends will set her harsh temper off. Sometimes she will mistake words for other things, or think that your saying something that your not. This tends to happen often to her, so it's important to think about what your about to say before you say it around her. Charlotte takes rude words as a personal insult against her, especially if your talking about her arms or feet. After she's done yelling at you, she will probably break into tears. It's awkward, but shows how fast her temper can turn on and off. //Kind, Generous\\ Charlotte will always put others before herself, no matter how much she dislikes them. You will always come before her, and that's a nice thing to know. She is also generous, often giving more than she should to others. If you ask to borrow something, it's yours, no matter what it is. It's hard to gain her trust, but even if she doesn't trust you, she will still give you items. Frequently her stuff gets stolen because of her generosity. //Clean Freak\\ Charlotte makes sure nearly everything is neat, tidy, and clean. Her clothes, hair, and bedroom are all signs of this. One little thing with a smudge or blemish makes her go crazy. She hates things that aren't clean. Biography (optional)- Charlotte is of Swedish heritage, and grew up in the country of Sweden in northern Europe. She was meant to be have a twin, but her twin brother died in the womb. This greatly upset her when she was growing up, as she had virtually no friends, and no siblings. Because of this, she is shy and unsocial, preferring books more than people. This led her to a depressed state during her early teenage years. Her parents thought that perhaps she could make friends at Appleton and receive a quality education. She was happy to leave. What is your opinion on the history of Appleton South?- Charlotte is not deeply worried about the historic events at the school. She probably should be, but the mystery and excitement of all the history is exciting. She is firmly convinced that she will find out the secrets of the school. As for the 'Rose et Noirs', they're nothing to worry about. Probably just populars who claimed they had powers. The school burning down does make her a little wary of going to Appleton, though. Other- ...
#150433139Wednesday, November 26, 2014 3:04 AM GMT

Vincent I grab my bag and dig around, finding my little flashlight that operates when you squeeze the handle in. I give it a squeeze, and a light, accompanied by a whirring sound, comes from the flashlight. I swing the light around the room, finding the door. I quickly make my way out of my dorm. "I hate this stupid school, man!" I yell. The whirring of my flashlight moved it's way down the hallways.
#150433153Wednesday, November 26, 2014 3:04 AM GMT

(The time is 8:30 pm I think so yes it is night.) Kira stumbles around using the walls to help he maneuver around. He figured he'd be at his dorm room by now. He started to get the sinking feeling that he may of gone the wrong way to another dorm section or something else.
#150433229Wednesday, November 26, 2014 3:05 AM GMT

(The lights are back on...)
#150433326Wednesday, November 26, 2014 3:07 AM GMT

(where is everyone where is i) "Damn it guys," Allissa sighed, shaking her head. Investigate? Out of all the things to do around this place, these idiots, these highschoolers, wanted to investigate? Is no one calling the police? The FBI? Anyone? The lights were on anyways, and she was hopeful that the phone lines weren't cut off.
#150433394Wednesday, November 26, 2014 3:08 AM GMT

(God fricking... I keep missing the little important details. I swear I am dumb as heck... well at least I read too fast. :/ Sorry. Disregard my last post.)
#150433598Wednesday, November 26, 2014 3:11 AM GMT

Kira enters his dorm room throwing his bag onto the floor. He closes the door and locks it. He chuckled a bit and pulls out a book from one of his other bags. He shrugs it off and puts it back away. HE sits on the bed having no idea what to do. So out of pure boredom he leaves the room again but not without bring his headgear light. putting the headgear into his pocket he picks up his bag again and heads back to where he was going to see what was the scream before the announcements was for.
#150433703Wednesday, November 26, 2014 3:12 AM GMT

(pik meet up?)
#150433757Wednesday, November 26, 2014 3:13 AM GMT

(idk sure pretend im in the same room as you are, somehow)