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#150301859Sunday, November 23, 2014 11:40 PM GMT

made this Wondering how people think it is Not running it here though PM me if you want a link to where I'm running it Not running it here cause this place is too fast for a guy that doesn't have Internet half the day. For years humanity has searched for knowledge, power, wealth, and squandered their potential. One of the greatest questions science has asked has concerned humanities evolution. Scientists have studied species on earth, trying to find that which we evolved from, following their theory of evolution. But they, dead set on their goals and their truths, ignored the crucial truth. They are not of Earth... Earth was created similarly to how scientist have researched it, a ball of rock and lava, heating, cooling, hardening, and becoming what it was today. But contrary to their belief it was not created in that way solely. Beings, greater than any others, were the driving force behind it. Beings who harnessed the full extent of their brain, accessing areas of tremendous capability. Bending energy and matter to their will to create what we call Earth. These beings knew the truth, they knew everything. They could harness matter, energy, everything, with nothing but an inclination of thought. But even then their nature was twisted. There were those who created the planet, created life, and set the plans in motion. And then there was he who believed the plan was flawed. They created the earth, the plants, everything that is what we know was their doing. And then they created us. Mirrored our genetics and our structure after their own, giving us the potential for great knowledge and power. They planned to bring us completely to our potential, guiding us through the ages, making sure that we would not stray from our path. But then they vanished... --- -Year when the first ice age began goes here- A group of men and women sat in a circle, beneath a grove of trees flowering with beautiful blossoms. They said not a word audibly, but information passed between them all, thousands of words in the milliseconds and seconds they sat. Planning, speaking, laughter, singing. All without so much as a sound. They discussed the planet, life, death, the future, and the past. Plotting out the course of humanity. A single one of them stood, stepping into the center of their circle. They all stared in confusion, curiosity, and even a slight tinge of fear, for he was one of the oldest and strongest of them. He eyed them all for a moment before they all rose quickly, trying to back away in fear and surprise. A few stood forward and struck back as the one attempted to reset all their work, believing their plan for the planet to be a mistake, a horrible plan in general. They were unable to beat him, but their combined power warped what he planned. Instead of a cataclysmic explosion to destroy the planet a burst of cold froze it, creating the first ice age. At its epicenter they were caught, frozen in time, their minds and bodies too cold to think further than protecting themselves as they shut down. And the universe was untouched by their kind again...until now. -October 23, 2014- The thrum of the helicopter beat out his thoughts, so loud that all he could do was stare out the window. A faint sound came from the thrum, repeating for a moment before someone grabbing his shoulder startled him. "Huh? What?" He asked, turning to the uniformed man to his left. "We're about to land! You need to follow me, it's a blizzard outside!" The man shouted over the radio headset. The man nodded, taking another look outside the window at the white flurry of snow. Through the blizzard the snow gave way to the packed icy ground and the heli-pads flashing lights shown through the flurry. With a slight thud the helicopter touched down and the doors opened. He turned towards them, pulling off the headset as the uniformed soldier hitched a guide cable to him and shouted, his words coming through the rotors beats and the engines whine faintly. "Hold! This!" He shouted. The man nodded and grabbed it tightly as the soldier climbed out into the blizzard and hitched his own line to a guide hitch leading away from the helipad. The man climbed out as well, holding his line and the guide line. The soldier turned and gave a thumbs up as he started following the line. He shouted something but he couldn't tell what the man had said, the wind and he rotors tearing the sound away before he could tell what it was so he simply nodded. The two men proceeded from the helipad, the helicopters engine whine growing in intensity as it lifted off the pad and into the air. "WHERES HE GOING!?" He man shouted to the soldier. He turned and tapped his ears and shook his head, unable to hear what he said. The man shouted again and proceeded forward. With no other option he followed, looking at the flurry get snow around them that blotted out his vision a few feet away. In the distance lights were flashing as the base entrance came into view. The two proceeded towards it, hunched over in the snow as the doors opened before them. The doors closed with a thud, blotting out he winds howl as they entered the hall inside leading into the base, "Damn, bad timing sir, you arrived in an artic howler as we call em." The uniformed soldier said with a laugh. "Eh..yea..uhm, where's he going?" The man asked again. "The pilot? He's going back to base, can't stay here, the frigid tempatures will turn jet fuel into jelly." The man explained. "Ah...alright that's sensible." The man said, relaxing. "And uh, what's your name again?" He asked. "Major Davenport sir." The man replied. "Ah, major, I presume you already know me then?" He asked. "Yes sir, Dr. Richard Nelson, expert in evolutionary historics and military history? And odd coupling but they said you're the best in your field." The Major replied. "Well I wouldn't say the best but I'm good at what I do." Dr. Richard said with a chuckle. "Yea? Well let's see what you've got to say about what we've found up here. Nothing we've ever seen, it's extroidinary, but the strangest part is that they appear to be human, and evolved to our own structure." The major explained, leading him into the facility. "Is that so? And where did you find them again?" Dr. Richard asked. "In the ice, deep down. This facility is used for...research of the dangerous sort. So we keep expanding deeper into the ice. As you know the ice in the center of the artic circle is the thickest. Well, we finally hit the bottom of the shelf...that's where we found them. The date the carbon in the ice gave us was from before the first ice age." Major Davenport explained as they entered the elevator. "Bottom level." The major said as the door opened. "Lowest point in the artic circle, it's so cold here that the ice reaches all the way down to the ocean floor. That's where we are now." He added. "Impressive facility." Dr. Richard said with a nod. "Right this way sir." The major said, walking through the hallway into the facilities bottom level. He led him through a few hallways and turned a few corners before they reached a black door labeled with a few numbers. The major pushed the door open into a well lit observation platform. Below on the main level of the room a number of personell circled a large block of ice. Above it a clawed mechanism went to work, exposing and cutting out the center of the ice. Within moments of their arrival the ice cracked and the claw took hold of the center, hoisting it out and depositing it on the floor. In the center of the ice stood a black haired man with a devious grin wearing no clothing. "Amazing...it's...a human, this evolved, before the ice age." Dr. Richard muttered. "Indeed Dr." Another voice said from behind him as a man in a white coat, dusting snow off his arms still. "Ah, Dr. Richard, meet Dr. Abold, head of the facility." Major Davenport said. "Ah, Dr. Abold, I've read much of your work." Dr. Richard said with a smile, reaching to shake his hand. "As I yours Dr. Richard." Dr. Abold replied,mc lasting his hand and shaking it. "So...any ideas pertaining to this Dr.?" Dr. Abold asked. "Well...I won't know until he's out of the ice." Dr. Richard said with a look at the ice block. "Yes, they're working on that now." Dr. Abold replied as the three men watched a crew of men working on the ice. The ice work was surprisingly fast as they chiseled, cut, and melted it away, the outside running with water and diminishing quickly. "Sir...Sir!" One of the men shouted, motioning towards the three men on the observation deck. "Mm, something must be wrong, follow me gentlemen." Dr. Abold said, motioning the other two onto a small personal elevator that lead to the bottom floor. The man at the ice waved them over quickly as they neared. "What is it Riley?" Dr. Abold asked as they neared. "Sir...it's...I...look!" He stuttered,moo intent at the figures face. The four men stared at the figures face for a moment, stepping back. "My god, how is he alive!?" Dr. Richard exclaimed. In the ice the figures eyes were moving, staring at the four men in front of it. The room went quiet as the ice cracked, fragmenting around the figures face as its face contorted into a look of rage. "Dear god...dear god...it's...It's...this is impossible...EVERYONE BACK!!" Dr. A old shouted, running from the ice with Dr. Richard and Major Davenport in tow. With a tremendous crack the ice smashed apart, shards flying throughout the room, cutting open scientists, guards, and shattering against the walls. Shouts of terror and fear cried out for a moment before all fell silent. The figure in the ice slowly rose from the ground, eyeing the room. He looked to the ceiling without a word for a moment and then frowned. Raising his hands he looked to the ceiling again with another glare. Frowning again as nothing happened. He looked around the room, muttering in some strange language that made no sense to those gathered. His body rippled and changed as he strode towards the doors. As he neared he raised his hand and yanked it back, the doors flying in past him with the creak and groan of tearing metal. One of the doors struck an electrical wire in the ceiling, causing sparks to fly and catch multiple items on fire. Within moments the entire room was a fiery blaze as the man strode out, becoming a perfect Replica of Major Davenport. He pulled off his radio, speaking his language into it. "Uhm what sir, can you repeat that?" A voice asked back. He took a moment before speaking again, "This is Davenport, I need transport, Dr. Richard is injured." He replied in the majors voice. Stopping in a computer room he grabbed ahold of the systems mainframe and went rigid, downloading everything in the facility and crucial knowledge from the Internet before exiting the room and heading out of the facility. Back in the ice room the men were quickly trying to put out the flames. The sprinklers soon kicked on and doused what was left as Dr. Richard and Dr. Abold stood, dusting themselves off.. "That...that was...incredible..." Dr. Abold muttered. "Incredible?! Dr Abold that was insane!" Dr. Richard shouted. A loud crack rang out, silencing everyone. Across the room the other ice block was fragmenting and melting. ------- :Rules: If it's not obvious, you're one of the First. The men and women who created earth. They were incredibly powerful, using the full capacity and capability of their brains, but time and the cold as well as the hibernation of their powers has diminished them greatly, locking away the parts that they once used with ease. They are all still capable of usin certain parts of their brain, but not much more than that, making them, in essence, super humans. As with most of my RPs, my word is law. I don't care much towards what you do, if it starts to break plot or get out of hand I'll inform you before any action is taken so that you may rectify your mistakes. Do not be OP or anything else like that. You should know better. Also if you successfully read this thing from start to finish without stopping hen you get a cookie. A metaphorical cookie. Sorry I'm out of real cookies. ------ Character Sheet, fill in the fields where the dashes are. Name that you will choose later in the RP to blend with human culture ---- Your true name(this can be something bizarre or weird but don't make it anything human. Our words were not created when they were around, nor was English, or any other language from earth.) ---- Gender ---- Appearance(The First were capable of altering their body in any way they wanted, a power they will retain. Your appearance would be your default return to appearance as in the RP you will most likely change it multiple times to your advantage, as it is one of your greatest weapons.) ---- Age you appear, as The First could appear as anything hey liked they could also appear any age. ----- Who did the escapee become a perfect Replica of? ----
#150331840Monday, November 24, 2014 12:36 PM GMT

No response That blows
#150333146Monday, November 24, 2014 1:45 PM GMT


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