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#150520369Thursday, November 27, 2014 12:08 PM GMT

There are many trolls coming and posting ideas here, along with tons of threads full of arguments that are unneeded. My idea: increase moderation. A LOT. If the thread is a... A. A troll thread. Purposefully WNTS, contains obvious sarcasm, or just not something relevant, delete it immediately. B. Any legitimate idea thread which has gone on for multiple pages, but the contents of the replies are either... 1- Not relevant to the thread . 2- An argument that has the potential to become a flamewar (or has become a flamewar.). 3- 1 and 2 combined- an argument not even relevant to the thread. A good example for 3 would be that old "Blurb" post, with multiple users yelling at each other because they were all calling each other the wrong gender, which wasn't even relevant to the original post. That post is now locked. For any variation of B, the thread will be decided to be deleted or locked, depending on the content. C- WNTS, regardless of what it says, lock it so it doesn't become a flamewar of "OP IS STUPID CUZ HE POSTD WNTS LEKELELELELELELELELELEELELE". That would violate other ROBLOX rules. If you post a few more mods here which moderate with an extreme no-tolerance policy, then S&I will eventually fill with well thought out ideas which aren't repetitive and WNTS a lot of the time. It'll pull some subforums to try to raid and troll it, but then again, no-tolerance policy.
#150520724Thursday, November 27, 2014 12:41 PM GMT

#150521084Thursday, November 27, 2014 1:02 PM GMT

Support, except for B. Delete only replies that fit #1,2,3 of B, not the thread itself.
#150521306Thursday, November 27, 2014 1:12 PM GMT

"Delete only replies that fit #1,2,3 of B, not the thread itself." actually the mods will delete and/or lock threads (like the blurb thread) which have tons of argument replies
#150526158Thursday, November 27, 2014 3:32 PM GMT

#150526408Thursday, November 27, 2014 3:37 PM GMT

#150526861Thursday, November 27, 2014 3:45 PM GMT

They can't. To be honest, I think they merged the forums for another secret reason, because they wanted moderating more effective and easy, because there is more forums than there is forum mods. Also, they are in California so if you are not in their local time zone, you're out of luck. Thankfully, I live in America, so the mods are usually on when I am on. Not all the time, but they are. Unfortunately, sometimes I see one of the mods chatting in OT rather than regular moderating, which is annoying. But I understand that it is really hard to moderate this site. Let's be honest here, the community is complaining, growing and complaining more and more than the mods can fix, grow and fix things.
#150526962Thursday, November 27, 2014 3:46 PM GMT

"They can't." they actually can get a moderator to sit on S&I all day with said extreme no-tolerance policy they also need to hire mods from different timezones
#150527641Thursday, November 27, 2014 3:57 PM GMT

They really do need better moderation here. ~The OT Snowman~
#150528776Thursday, November 27, 2014 4:16 PM GMT

Moderation isn't that easy. The ROBLOX moderators need to check and moderate every sub-forum, hence that's probably the reason why the developers decided to merge sub-forums together. To keep it short and much easier to navigate around the forums. ROBLOX moderators do moderate every sub-forum. They don't need to reply in order for us to know that they're around. They can read your thread(s) and pass it on to the devs. However, I do see Gordonrox24 around here in S&I. Other than that, I'm pretty sure they're around. We just don't see them reply.
#150529225Thursday, November 27, 2014 4:24 PM GMT

"Moderation isn't that easy. The ROBLOX moderators need to check and moderate every sub-forum, hence that's probably the reason why the developers decided to merge sub-forums together. To keep it short and much easier to navigate around the forums. ROBLOX moderators do moderate every sub-forum. They don't need to reply in order for us to know that they're around. They can read your thread(s) and pass it on to the devs. However, I do see Gordonrox24 around here in S&I. Other than that, I'm pretty sure they're around. We just don't see them reply." The thread title is "Increase moderation heavily", not "have a moderator". OP is completely aware there are moderators, that Gordon comes here time to time, and it is not that easy. This is to increase how strict they are in S&I specifically. As much as you want to look forum-smart, it comes to company logic: just get a moderator or two for S&I specifically. They will be in different timezones so there can be night moderation as well. Extreme no-tolerance policy. If it breaks the rules, it is gone. No exception.
#150529496Thursday, November 27, 2014 4:28 PM GMT

New addition because I saw a thread which reminded me of it. D- Any thread with the OP using the HelloSlackers method of "supports". This is when anyone posts, the OP is trolling by putting them on a list of supporters, such as the make tenako mod thread. The reasoning for this being noted with HelloSlackers and not CatLikeTouch is because HelloSlackers started it.
#150534782Thursday, November 27, 2014 5:53 PM GMT

You're gonna find trolls and flame wars in almost every forum on the internet. Get used to it. #Strike with your Darkheart.
#150535065Thursday, November 27, 2014 5:57 PM GMT

"You're gonna find trolls and flame wars in almost every forum on the internet. Get used to it." This is not valid to use against the OP, just so you know There is a difference between seeing trolls and being used to them And removing them due to the seriousness of the forum The latter is OP OP is very aware what a troll is and that there are plenty here However this is to stop the mass trolling since S&I is a very serious forum

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