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#150542193Thursday, November 27, 2014 7:37 PM GMT

This is only an example of a playscript. Do whatever you want with this; act it out, use it as a learning resource - anything. Just make sure you use it properly and effectively. The main purpose of this however, is to show PNN an example of a playscript. "An exploiter not revealed" A storm is approaching. It seemed like today was going to be an average, chilly and darkened day. Was I wrong? 24 hours ago... ~ AT RICK'S HOUSE ~ BOB: Come on rick, or we'll be late for PBST training RICK: Wait a second! BOB: How long are you going to take? RICK: Just wait. BOB: Anytime soon? BOB: You must be joking. RICK: I left my uniform upstairs, let me get i- BOB: No! There's a morph at the training zone, you'll be able to get it from there. RICK: Right, thanks. RICK: Saved some time, I guess. BOB: That's right, now follow me. ~ AT THE PBST TRAINING ZONE ~ BOB: Right, get the uniform on before you get kicked. RICK: Alright. NARRATOR: Rick looked around him caught sight of the morph. Soon enough, he gradually walked towards it and got the uniform on. RICK: Is this the correct uniform? SALLY: What do you think? It obviously is; there's only one morph. RICK: Piss off! BOB: Just calm down guys, there's no need to get pissed off about a uniform. RICK: She obviously thinks that there is. NARRATOR: Sally walked away at a furious pace. TRAINER: Right. Let's begin - shall we? Line up everyone and remain silent. NARRATOR: Every single trainee lined up and remained silent for the time being, an assistant as arrived at the same time. ASSISTANT: Is it alright if I assist during the duration of this training? TRAINER: Sure. TRAINER: We'll begin in 5 minutes. RICK: Sally, next time think before you open your mouth, you stupid negative idiot. SALLY: If you continue harassing me I'll make sure you get exiled from this organisation soon enough. RICK: Go ahead. I'd love to see that. NARRATOR: A few seconds of silence followed. TRAINER: Right. We're ready to begin. Anyone talking from now will be removed from training. NARRATOR: The Trainer instructed the trainees to go to their first destination; the exterior obstacle course; and so they did. TRAINER: You may talk during the duration of this activity, however, not when I'm talking or consequences will follow. SALLY: If you anger me more, something more severe will follow. RICK: Are you serious? What can a degenerate like you achieve? Or even do, what starters? BOB: Rick, just stop. RICK: Why, Bob? She deserves it. She started it. BOB: Just leave it, before something sinister happens. SALLY: Listen to your intelligent friend, Ricky. RICK: Shut up! SALLY: You're not going to tell me what to do. BOB: Both of you, just stop. Who's listening to me now? ASSISTANT: Be quiet, all of you! Or I'll personally make sure you don't achieve any points. NARRATOR: Everyone went silent again. TRAINER: Right, you may begin with the obstacle course. Every trainee seemed to go silent besides Rick and Sally, and as they were passing their time quite quickly with their argument, something unexpected was approaching. TRAINER: Well done, you all did well on that obstacle course. +1 point to every trainee in the line! SALLY: Yeah, Rick, you wish your skills were like mine, kid. RICK: Just shut up, are you blind or something? ASSISTANT: I warn- TRAINER: NO. TRAINER: If you 2 are going to interrupt my training with your constant arguing you can leave. TRAINER: kick/sally,rick NARRATOR: Just before the trainer managed to execute the command, something sinister was approaching the training zone. BOB: Look up! Oh my god! Everyone, look up! TRAINER: What the hell...? RICK: What? SALLY: Oh no... TRAINER: What's that meant to be? TO BE CONTINUED ;ppppppppppppppppppp Written by ShatteredGuest for PNN

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