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#150573429Friday, November 28, 2014 3:48 AM GMT

"Don't you dare die on me, Foliage !" Dkang gripped onto Foli's hand and squeezed it as hard as he could. "You aren't going to die here, not a chance in hell!" Foli gave dkang the most accepting look; understanding his ultimatum and unchangeable death. "I c-could have sworn this vest was a premium buy-" Foli coughs up a chunk of blood and begins to wheeze. "We're getting a helicopter, Foli, we are going to a safehouse, and that bullet in your chest is going into a bin, and were gonna find your brother and w-" "Dkang, wanna know something? your like the worst brother i never had." Dkang gives foli an uncertain face, and later says, with hesitation, that he shouldn't joke around during a situation like this. "Dangit D, you never know when to lighten up.. " Foli's eyes begin to close, as the dust encircles their surroundings. You could see the angry civilians run through the streets, either shooting or throwing rocks, all with a speck of blood on their hands. The blood of the innocent, the guilty, and all those in between. You could also see the zombies running through homes, taking lives that used to live normally. All this seems to enrage Dkang, in which he picks up his companion onto his shoulder, running towards any working car. The smoke and evil consumes them both, and eats at their graces, bite after bite. Knowing this, Dkang takes little time to find them a working vehicle. "Take a seat, buddy. The dang helicopter never arrived, but I know where we can go. South." Foli is unconscious. Dkang then collapses into a deep cry of hopelessness, sobbing and letting tears run down his neck and cheek. He slams his fist into the convertible's steering wheel, creating a loud honking noise. "Why did this have to happen to us.." "Why did this have to ha-" "Hey D, you alright? You've been dosing off lately." Ceberus gives Dkang a light tap on the shoulder, giving him a confused look. He then looks around, patiently waiting for an answer. "I'm fine, I've just had a rough night." "Alright. D, Pick up your weapon. It's our turn to watch over Hark." Ceb reloads his m9 pistol, ready to defend the base at all costs. The sound of crickets and wind holds the two in a timeless pause. "Oh, right." -END OF EPISODE 0- Plot: The First Season takes place mainly in the small town of hark, in which the lonely survivors take on bandits, infected, and ragers (People who have gone mad) Dkang must be able to supply for his new group, as well as deal with the flashbacks of before. However, his group in which he leads brings him to the surface during his times of need, which later proves to be a bond unbreakable. However, there will be a time in which they turn from regular survivors into, "The Daybreak Vigilantes" {This all takes place on Apocalypse rising, however, some flashbacks may be in other areas} Foliage: Although not much is known from him during this scene, Foliage, known as "Foli" to some of his group members, has been through some rough moments along Dkang's side. Foli is one of the most loyal members of the group, and he proves to be witty and decisive during the most important decisions. Foli is about 20, which means that he is still going through the stages of becoming a man. Foli's favorite gun is the mosin, which gives him an accurate shot on his opponents. Ceberus: Formally known as "ceb", Ceberus is one of Dkang's juggernaut fighters. Ceberus knows how to deal with groups of zombies, as well as pesky bandits. Ceberus has a brother, in which he has lost contact with before the apocalypse. Being this strong, Ceberus may not be able to control his strength, in which he will need the comfort of his group to guide him. Ceberus's favorite weapon is the AKS, a gun which provides him the recoil of a rocky roller coaster but the damage of a raging bull. (other characters will be introduced in the episodes to come)
#150639261Friday, November 28, 2014 11:31 PM GMT

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