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#150974827Tuesday, December 02, 2014 10:54 PM GMT

■▬▬ Introduction ▬▬■ Welcome to Pine Crest Preparatory School, located in Forest Hills, Michigan. Built in 1889, Pine Crest Prep is a prestigious private school, for the rich and famous. If you are looking to connect with those of your financial stature, this is the school to go to. The small percentage of students that do attend PCP are the world's future heirs and heiresses, actors and actresses, or inventors. They are split up into specific class schedules that will give them the knowledge they will need for their futures as high class citizens. Some of the classes taught here include: • Latin • French • Bulgarian • Korean • Turkish Students that do not do well in their core classes will be removed from the school, effective the moment report cards are distributed. ■▬▬ Groups/Clubs ▬▬■ Pine Crest Prep is one of the many schools in America that encourages students to get involved in clubs and groups. They are a place to become more socially active, and to help improve grades. Some clubs have specific qualifications you must meet in order to be a member, such as gender, grade point average, or simply Invite Only groups. Some the schools more popular clubs include: • Book Club [Plainly a club that meets weekly and talks about the specific book you are reading for the month. Every four weeks, members are assigned a new book that they MUST finish, and keep members updated on for weekly meetings, by the end of the four week period.] • Choir [AUDITION ONLY. One of the more popular groups at PCP, the choir club only accepts the best singers from the campus. If their roster is not full, students will often be brought in from other schools around the country, regardless of financial stature.] • (Sport Name Here) [Pine Crest Prep has most all American sports available for students to participate in. Students are encouraged to take part in a sport, regardless of skill, in order to keep them active while school is out.] There are more than just these clubs, and students also have the ability to form a club, as long as it is appropriate and approved by (ROLEPLAY CREATOR). ■▬▬ Intrigue ▬▬■ The story takes place in the future, 2026 to be exact. Nothing around the world has really changed; Starbucks is still your average teenagers favorite, H&M is still mass producing clothing, etc., but just last night, all connections to and from the state of North Dakota was lost. The Government has tried to calm citizens, saying a large telecommunications tower was knocked over when a tornado swept through the quiet state. Students with relatives in ND were immediately swept away by staff, leaving no trace. Questions about where the students are are brushed off by staff. (Creator's Note: It is up to you what has happened to those students. Were they sent home? Where they placed into hiding? Anything could have happened.) ★ ROLEPLAY RULES ★ 1. No 'hidden powers' 2. Be kind/friendly 3. Romance and language at your own risk. I am not responsible for any trouble you get in! C.S. Name: Age: Hometown: Gender: Personality: Appearance: Short Biography: Other: **If you were not accepted and attempt to enter the RP, we will begin a blacklist with users to ignore in the RP. I will clearly state your name when accepting you, so that there is no confusion.** >>> Begin in the parking lot, saying goodbye to whoever it is that dropped you off, then move into the grand lobby for dorm room numbers, class schedules, and other information that you will need while staying at Pine Crest Preparatory School.
Top 100 Poster
#150975037Tuesday, December 02, 2014 10:57 PM GMT

Ah the joys of plagiarism.
#150975184Tuesday, December 02, 2014 10:58 PM GMT

Terribly sorry if this is a more or less bad idea for an RP. I have yet to go through the RP forum to see whats popular/what would be a good RP idea, I haven't participated in a RP in over 7 months. By the way, my C.S. will come soon. I'll keep a chart of who has been accepted/what was included in you C.S. to make sure of RP accuracy.
#150975449Tuesday, December 02, 2014 11:01 PM GMT

RP closed.
Top 100 Poster
#150979280Tuesday, December 02, 2014 11:38 PM GMT

You know, I might have believed this was all a sad mistake and not an attempt to copy an existing RP if it wasn't for the Intrigue section.

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