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#151054375Thursday, December 04, 2014 3:00 AM GMT

[ NightTrainn : Head Coach Of Barton Bruisers : Retires From Head Coach ] _________________________________________________________________________________ It was reported Wednesday night around 9:00 PM EST that Victory Bowl champion NightTrainn was leaving the Barton Bruisers. It's surprising to see NightTrainn walk away from such an elite team. NightTrainn made the Barton Bruisers who they are today. He finished his Barton Bruisers journey with a 13-5 record and a Victory Bowl trophy. It's pretty impressive to find out that such a successful coach would hang up his cleats, after doing such an amazing job for the Bartion Bruisers. NightTrainn was truly the best coach in the league this last season. And, because of being the best coach it won him his own Victory Bowl trophy. It wasn't too long ago when NightTrainn was still waiting for a thumbs up from commissioner Vrillion, to be a head coach. Back then, NightTrainn was waiting for his opportunity to be granted head coach. But, once he got the thumbs up by Vrillion, he made his name known. He made Barton Bruisers a contender right away. And, since then he's been one of the best coaches and corners in the game. It's truly upsetting to see NightTrainn leave the Barton Bruisers, but, life must go on. NightTrainn will "ALWAYS" be remembered as one of the greats for the Barton Bruisers... He'll be hard to replace. _________________________________________________________________________________ ~ Old Football League Network
#151054857Thursday, December 04, 2014 3:08 AM GMT

Well written and thanks.
#151055490Thursday, December 04, 2014 3:18 AM GMT

#151055549Thursday, December 04, 2014 3:19 AM GMT

This is so true. Sad to see Night go. He will be missed. #NightsLegacy
#151072063Thursday, December 04, 2014 2:50 PM GMT

If you do leave your legacy will live in Barton bruisers stadium Legends will never be forgotten

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