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#151176511Saturday, December 06, 2014 6:02 AM GMT

Well, the chat before was already buggy as hell. That black box was annoying, it bugged up everything, and it was turmoil. Then, for just one day, you gave us the previous chat gui back. It was all fine and dandy for a while. But now we get the new old (what am I saying anymore) chat gui back, and it's WORSE. Sure there's no black box anymore (that's a GOOD thing, by the way), but the new server messages clog the entire chat up, especially on larger servers, and there's also no scroll function, making the server messages even more of a problem. / admin commands are still broken, apparently that was never addressed. The chat also never goes away anymore, so if it's obscuring something important, too freakin bad, it's never going away. The character limit is also INSANELY low. If you type a long enough message, around 40 characters, instead of breaking it into two lines, the chat just cuts it off. It also looks REALLY sloppy. This was already a problem, where as the chat moved up, there was still a sliver of the earliest message at the very top that's just hanging in midair. In conclusion, here's what I think. Stop trying to be like TF2, Roblox, and just keep your chat simplified. There was really nothing wrong with the previous chat's system, it worked just fine and had none of the errors and inconveniences the current one has. Maybe, if it was so important, you can add the scrolling and chat commands to it, just make sure you don't break any damn games in the process. And stick to something for at least a few months before changing it again. I'm sorry, but this new chat is just very inconvenient compared to the last one.
#151178419Saturday, December 06, 2014 6:43 AM GMT

#151179278Saturday, December 06, 2014 7:03 AM GMT

#151179339Saturday, December 06, 2014 7:04 AM GMT

support whoever breaks the support chain is most likely a noob who joined at least last month who likes the new chat.
#151191347Saturday, December 06, 2014 3:50 PM GMT

support 100%
#151192254Saturday, December 06, 2014 4:06 PM GMT

Support! Вы будет прекращено в ближайшее время. Хорошего дня!

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