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#151204565Saturday, December 06, 2014 7:17 PM GMT

Currently ads are PNGs, but what if you could make them GIFs? Ads currently work by you giving an image then spending an amount of auction tix to increase your chances of the ad being on a users web browser instead of another ad so if you spend more TIX you get more ads shown to more people. So my idea is first you would have to pay an extra amount of TIX at the beginning just to make the ad (not the auction thing i mentioned before) then you would pay the auction TIX like normal. maybe it could work something like that? of course roblox could change the idea but you could also include GIFs in things like group icons (would cost more than the picture), and game thumbnails (would cost less than video, more than picture) What do you guys think about this? do you like the GIF ads, the GIF group picture, the GIF game thumbnail, all of them, or hate it?
#151204595Saturday, December 06, 2014 7:17 PM GMT

Just the subject Answer: NO.
#151205593Saturday, December 06, 2014 7:32 PM GMT

ok so you didnt read it if you did you wouldve realized i wasnt just talking about ads
#151206616Saturday, December 06, 2014 7:46 PM GMT

no replys? D:

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