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#151591847Saturday, December 13, 2014 6:13 AM GMT

I kind of feel like making a grouchy girl, one who is somewhat rebellious and layback. Or should I go for the knight to be male warrior?
#151592584Saturday, December 13, 2014 6:32 AM GMT

(Why not both?)
#151625232Saturday, December 13, 2014 9:22 PM GMT

Name: Valerie Stone RP age: 19 Appearance: Average height for a girl her age with light tan skin, jet black disheveled hair, and hard cold blue eyes. She has a heartshape shape face, and people would consider her pretty if it wasn't for her sour attitude. Clothing: She wears a simple black tunic with short sleeves and a small skirt, she wears a brown leather vest over the tunic, and has leather boots and woolen gloves on as well. She commonly has a rugged sheath for her dagger on her belt. From where: She comes from a small village named Heathrow, named after the heather flowers that are all over the village. Items: Brown Knapsack, steel dagger with rugged sheath, some salted meat she brings when she heads out of the village,a small wooden canteen, and a coinpurse not really filled. Bio: Valerie was raised up all her life at Heathrow, a village that despite it's peaceful appearance has some pretty low criminals there, who seek a place where they would not have to worry much about the guards. Valerie was spoiled raising up, by her parents who had adopted her before she would have memory of her parents. And thus created a stubborn attitude with her, which resulted in her being somewhat of grouch. She made friends at the local inn becoming quite the gambler, and a bad one at that. Being in such a small village where everyone knew each other made Valerie somewhat desperate to get out. When she became of age last year, despite her parents disagreeing she began offering herself up as a caravan guard/escort. However, she agreed with her parents to come home after each job, which she is heading back from one right now. Other: Warlock; Is a tomboy who loves to start fights, and not afraid of expressing her opinions.
#151626787Saturday, December 13, 2014 9:46 PM GMT

Name: Abdaj Sikal RP age: 34 Appearance: a 5'8" man who weighs 198 lbs. tanned skin from being out in the desert sun(Middle Eastern). Muscular, short cut black hair and beard. a scar crossing his face at a diagonal from right to left. Clothing:Loose silk shirt and pants. Leather boots. A white turban with removable mouth peice(it's a tight turban not one of those big goofy ones.) wears hardened leather armor over his torso, arms, and legs in combat. From where: (Make up a city name or village name) Shila on the edge of the Soilraex Desert. Items: dual Scimitars. A curved dagger. Water bags, a few coin purses, map, sleeping roll & tent, a recurve how and a quiver of arrows Bio: Abdaj was born in the small town of Shila on the edge of the Soilraex Desert. As he grew up his father taught him how to survive in the desert and the wilderness. When he grew up and was old enough, His aging father and a local soldier taught him how to use the sword and knife of his people "The Alikeer" (Kind of like the Mamelukes) When he was 19 a woman from the provincial capital moved in and taught him how to use a bow. At the age of 23 Abdaj was recruited for a war against a neighboring province. He lost many friends and he carries that grief with him still. Now he wanders the kingdom as a mercenary looking for work or a nice place to settle down Other:Warlock
#151626795Saturday, December 13, 2014 9:46 PM GMT

Name: Lucas McCalion RP age: 23 Appearance: Lucas is a tall man, very built. He has brown hair and brown eyes. He has light skin. Clothing: He wears a white, normal shirt with brown pants. He wears leather shoes from the hide of a cow. His clothes are patched or ripped up. From where: (Make up a city name or village name): North Westernland Items: Dagger, Chalice, Red Gem he has no idea what it's for. Bio: Lucas was born into Northern Westernland to a rich family. He constantly has a rich life and made an attachment to his butler, Kilarus. Him and Kilarus would always live together. Kilarus always made sure Lucas had everything he needed. When Suandrin was in power, Lucas went past Halin borders, when he returned, he found Kilarus dead. Heartbroken, he found a note that said "You have violated the rules this amazing kingdom, we have destroyed what you love." Ill shaken with revenge, he searches for Suandrin to finally kill him and avenge Kilarus. Other:Warlock
#151642239Sunday, December 14, 2014 1:44 AM GMT

@Bull: (Accepted) @Consul: (Declined, nobody can start out in the Soliraex Desert, I want the place to be a mystery for now) @Logann: (Declined, Surandruin was in power hundreds, if not thousands, of years ago)
#151642896Sunday, December 14, 2014 1:53 AM GMT

|NUUUUU BIO !!!! Cri cri fine i will start later after i shower qq|
#151643058Sunday, December 14, 2014 1:56 AM GMT

Name: Abdaj Sikal RP age: 34 Appearance: a 5'8" man who weighs 198 lbs. tanned skin from being out in the desert sun(Middle Eastern). Muscular, short cut black hair and beard. a scar crossing his face at a diagonal from right to left. Clothing:Loose silk shirt and pants. Leather boots. A white turban with removable mouth peice(it's a tight turban not one of those big goofy ones.) wears hardened leather armor over his torso, arms, and legs in combat. From where: (Make up a city name or village name) Shila Items: dual Scimitars. A curved dagger. Water bags, a few coin purses, map, sleeping roll & tent, a recurve how and a quiver of arrows Bio: Abdaj was born in the small town of Shila. As he grew up his father taught him how to survive in the desert and the wilderness. When he grew up and was old enough, His aging father and a local soldier taught him how to use the sword and knife of his people "The Alikeer" (Kind of like the Mamelukes) When he was 19 a woman from the provincial capital moved in and taught him how to use a bow. At the age of 23 Abdaj was recruited for a war against a neighboring province. He lost many friends and he carries that grief with him still. Now he wanders the kingdom as a mercenary looking for work or a nice place to settle down Other:Warlock
#151646457Sunday, December 14, 2014 2:47 AM GMT

(Tim, I posted on the previous page.)

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