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#151407945Tuesday, December 09, 2014 10:03 PM GMT

Reality warping Respect the science!
#151408205Tuesday, December 09, 2014 10:07 PM GMT

Controlling machinery
#151408574Tuesday, December 09, 2014 10:11 PM GMT

"being barack obama" You accidentally press the nuke button. Then Obamacare ends the world. "teleportation" You're in a restaurant and the food is just not going down well. You go to the restroom. All of the stalls are full. Dammit. You have seriously GOT to go. In a fit of urgency, you, without thinking, teleport into bathroom stall of the opposite gender thinking that the bathroom there must surely be empty. It's taken, and you end of relieving yourself on the floor right in front of someone. "the ability to (temporarily) freeze time" Time, time. You have infinite time. Your time never ends. You make a habit of freezing time a little to often. You read things that you shouldn't, you spend too much time thinking. Now people don't even seem like people. They're just objects you can manipulate any way you want, that only come alive when you resume time. This makes you feel rather lonely. For years. What would be a year for other people ends up being 10 years for you. You go insane. You'll have plenty of time being insane. "being able to control time itself." Did the person above you already mention time? Well, he only gets freezing and unfreezing time. You get the whole package deal. The guy that freezes time is totes jealous of you. [audience laffs]
#151409865Tuesday, December 09, 2014 10:27 PM GMT

"money" You were assassinated while you were being chauffeured to your private country club in your limousine. You were too busy eating Filet Mignon, Caviar, and that fancy sparkly water to notice some crazy dude with a gun. "the ability to create realistic projections of yourself" As it turns out, you have no real future. The chinese took all your jebs. You're depressed. "The ability to move up to half a gram of PURE WATER" You end up stuck in the middle of a desert. You collapse, dehydrated. You're starting to hallucinate, and picture a beautiful oasis. You're too weak to move the water to your tongue. "ergokinesis" You accidentally break a local power line after messing around with the electrics for a while. No power for you. :-( "rocket fists" Your fists fly off and you lose so much blood on the floor that you pass out. "the ability of having any power you want" You get really bored because you already thought of all the FUN powers. You actually have to use your creativity for that. [audience laffs]
#151410502Tuesday, December 09, 2014 10:36 PM GMT

"Ability to frat flying and making frat soundwaves" Frat? I would suggest a spelling superpower first. "tfw op is offline" Online-ified! "telekinesis " Suddenly you can clean your room like, super fast. You trip. You fell where normally you would throw your bedsheets when you wake up. Falling on those bedsheets could have prevented you from getting some nasty boo-boos. "Optimism isn't really doing things about something, it's having a positive outlook on everything." what i meant by that is that its a boring superpower you cant do anything with "to be able to heal wounds at a heavily increased rate" You trip on some asphalt and get some very small pebbles into your skin. You don't have time to clean yourself off, and your skin builds over the pebbles. They're stuck in your skin and you get a nasty infection from it and it huuuurts. [audience laffs]

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