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#151537727Friday, December 12, 2014 5:16 AM GMT

Character: Spyro How Got Ruined: A remade by the cod creators that isnt as gifted and special as the original, he isnt even the main character anymore in the new version! Character: Banjo Kazooi How Got Ruined: Rare got a request from microsoft if they could help, now their taken over by microsoft so they cant make their popular known games anymore, Poof, Banjo bye bye Character: Conker How Got Ruined: Also made by rare, microsoft made a game called Project Spark and at the end, peep got excited until his 3rd line, watch here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QdvGD2fQy8 Character: Crash Bandicoot How Got Ruined: Got left and forgotten and the newest game was bad and i mean bad Cheers love, the cavalry's here!

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