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#15160532Thursday, October 08, 2009 10:18 PM GMT

(Er no I'd think the creator of this infernal hotel would save the most terrible horrors for the last night, they'd most likely think that we'd be easy pickings and therefore not send much after us on the first one...besides the hotel is still transforming into its true form, turning black is just the tip of the iceberg...just like what's going on now is also the tip of it) Nyra (Duro's girlfriend): The horror usually quiets down at daytime in order to lure more people in...although there may still be a few monsters lurking around.
#15160615Thursday, October 08, 2009 10:19 PM GMT

Char, Nyra, and Duro disappear, teleported back to their hotel, where there were locked in chains. (made of undead plazma, whish can clasp all substances.)
#15160678Thursday, October 08, 2009 10:20 PM GMT

OOC: Is it daytime now?
#15160782Thursday, October 08, 2009 10:22 PM GMT

Axel: *still riding werewolf* Oh, pleeease... *sees sun* YES! Its morning!!! Everything vanishes, and people return to their normal form. Axel: Phew...
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#15160936Thursday, October 08, 2009 10:24 PM GMT

(They weren't locked in chains on the first day...) (Axel do you think I'm controlling the thread too much? I'm not trying to, I'm only controlling it a little)
#15161006Thursday, October 08, 2009 10:25 PM GMT

Darkness: Finally daytime!
#15161019Thursday, October 08, 2009 10:25 PM GMT

[ ...I havent even noticed. I dont care, though... ]
#15161037Thursday, October 08, 2009 10:26 PM GMT

But......they got caught by the other ghosts when they went back to the hotel, so they were punished, you know?
#15161356Thursday, October 08, 2009 10:30 PM GMT

Well, yeah.
Top 100 Poster
#15161938Thursday, October 08, 2009 10:40 PM GMT

(Yeah, maybe) Ohforf: Hey there's a note on the ground... To Everyone Who Is Trapped In This Cursed Hotel... One thing I forgot to tell you. Not all ghosts are friendly. Don't get me wrong, there are good ghosts, take us for example, who try to warn others of the hotels' true colors, and try to help them in the event they stay in the hotel anyway. However, some ghosts have been driven mad by the horrors in the hotel while they were still alive before their gradual deaths...or are being controlled by the creator of this hotel. Speaking of the creator, the only way to escape the hotel and free our souls from it is to defeat him (or her, I'm not sure). He is very powerful, and very rarely comes out to kill the visitors of the hotel himself. (This is mainly because he can create minions to do what he wants for him) My guess is that he will only come out in the event his minions are unable to defeat you. As I said earlier...if you think things are bad now...wait until later on. The hotel will transform and transform, until it becomes its true form, and boy it is ghastly. Things will become more and more horrifying as well, so don't be surprised if you see any more monsters or traps. Good luck, you will need it if you want to end this nightmare once and for all. Please try not to die, as if you do you will only another one of the victims of the hotel, and you will be forced to stay in the hotel along with us instead of moving on to the afterlife. We cannot say much more, as the creator is monitoring everything that happens in the hotel and will capture us if we are caught giving you too much information. Sincerely, Nyra, Char, and Duro Ohforf: Wow, that explains a lot about this hotel...
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#15162080Thursday, October 08, 2009 10:42 PM GMT

*be another one of the victims of the hotel (So do you think that was a good message from the ghosts Axel? It explains a lot about the hotel doesn't it?)
#15162117Thursday, October 08, 2009 10:43 PM GMT

Uh, yeah.
#15162323Thursday, October 08, 2009 10:46 PM GMT

Sorry, im really tired...
Top 100 Poster
#15162364Thursday, October 08, 2009 10:47 PM GMT

In the prison... Nyra: I can't believe we got captured... (Sorry Axel, I'm controlling your character simply for storyline purposes! D:) Duro: Yeah, it smells like rotten eggs in here... Creator of the Hotel: So...you decided to spill a little too many beans of the hotel didn't you? (Sorry again!) Char: You'll never get away with what you are doing you sick son of a...oh I better watch my language... Creator: Oh yes I will...more and more souls will be mine...including those of the fools who are in this hotel...Well I've had enough talking with you. I've got some more monsters to create...*disappears* Nyra: I hope Ohforf and the others will be alright... Duro: Me too... Char: I just hope we can get free...
#15162429Thursday, October 08, 2009 10:49 PM GMT

Darkness: *In cell with Axel* It sucks that we got captured.
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#15162595Thursday, October 08, 2009 10:52 PM GMT

(The creator only wants to capture the ghosts (and possibly others) who defy him...he wants to kill the humans so he can collect more souls...although to be honest I think he has enough already :P)
#15162611Thursday, October 08, 2009 10:52 PM GMT

Axel: Yep. *sigh* How will we get out? Vozzar: Whats UP? Axel: Who the...? Vozzar: Im one of the more friendly ghosts! Axel: Well, can you help us? Vozzar: Cant, bud. I work for the creator of this hotel, but only in disguise! You better find your own way out, buddy.
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#15162747Thursday, October 08, 2009 10:54 PM GMT

(Aren't you guys human? I said before that the creator doesn't want to capture humans...he just wants to kill them, whether by hanging them, drowning them, shooting them, etc.) (I'm not trying to control the thread, I'm just thinking that's what the creator would do. I mean, that's probably what I would do if I were him (or her lol, if the creator's a girl)...)
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#15162924Thursday, October 08, 2009 10:57 PM GMT

(Unless of course he has some execution planned for you guys...but then again he (OR SHE!) will think you're completely helpless against his monsters and therefore not a threat to him)
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#15163040Thursday, October 08, 2009 11:00 PM GMT

(Probably anyway)
#15166757Friday, October 09, 2009 12:05 AM GMT

Darkness: Another ghost? -_-
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#15166869Friday, October 09, 2009 12:07 AM GMT

(Yeah the author said that a lot of people have died here...so therefore there a lot of ghosts)
#15167767Friday, October 09, 2009 12:21 AM GMT

O_O Sorry I have been gone for a while. You seem to be doing really well without me though. IC: The three captured knew it was useless to struggle. Neither fire nor mist could escape the cursed chains. A car pulled up to the Hotel. A girl got out of it. Name: Ashley Gear: A whip Age: 18 Scaredycat level: Rather nervous. She thanked the chauffer before setting foot in the hotel bounds. Which was her greatest mistake.
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#15167865Friday, October 09, 2009 12:23 AM GMT

Creator of the Haunted Hotel: So...it appears I have another victim...*laughs* Ohforf: *runs up to Ashley* Don't enter the- *the gates close behind Ashley and are sealed shut* Ohforf: -hotel...
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#15168041Friday, October 09, 2009 12:25 AM GMT

(I think whether or not your character survives is up to. I'm going to make my character survive, because I serve the Noob Police force as a very high-ranking member (I believe the second-in-command in fact), and if I got killed it would be rather unfortunate for my fellow members.)