#166224157Wednesday, July 01, 2015 11:53 PM GMT

(I technically have shapeshifting, but okay..)
#166232669Thursday, July 02, 2015 1:19 AM GMT

(Sorry Brick, you know what? You can keep shapeshifting and I'll have Vampire Physiology.)
#166232890Thursday, July 02, 2015 1:22 AM GMT

I walk into a nearby restaurant and see two men fighting inside. I break up the fight by pulling over a frying pan and hitting them on the head. The customers are speechless. And it just so happens that an officer is one of the customers. He pulls out a gun and tries to shoot me, but I run out before the bullet hits me. Now the cops are after me. I throw the officer's car behind me. The car explodes upon impact. But the car is way too heavy and it makes me feel really tired. I pass out. SPLATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATOON! HOKUTO HUNDRED SPLAT FIST
#166239636Thursday, July 02, 2015 2:33 AM GMT

(FINALLY back after the tiring day of celebration. . .)
#166240705Thursday, July 02, 2015 2:45 AM GMT

I wake up in what appears to be a cell. ' I've been caught, ' I thought. ' Should've kept the frying pan. ' Two guards stand outside of the cell. They both have guns at the ready if I even start to fidget. A voice calls out to the guards as they leave my cell. Now's my chance to escape. I try to get up, but I find out that chains bind down my limbs. So, I try with all my might to break the chains. After some hard pulling, I finally break them off. But right as I do that, the guards come back and see that the chains broke. They're about to shoot, but I pull the guns away. The guns go through the cell, and I shoot at the guards, killing them with a headshot. The alarms begin to sound as I try to break the cell bars. I pull one out and try to squeeze through the cell. It takes a few seconds before I pull through. All the policemen rush over my cell and begin shooting at me. Everyone's crowding into my cell as it becomes a riot. I crawl through the horde as I run out the prison door, but not before pulling it open. I quickly run out and run into a nearby backalley. What a ride that was. SPLATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATOON! HOKUTO HUNDRED SPLAT FIST
#166241089Thursday, July 02, 2015 2:49 AM GMT

(Um.. no... Repost your cs with you current powers.)
#166250405Thursday, July 02, 2015 4:26 AM GMT

Seems cool. Here goes it then. Name: Ludwig Age: 21 Gender: Male Appearance: My current character or in his Battle suit Personality(Optional): He does not interfere with strangers but will openly talk to people who he knows Abilities: Really good with computers Power(s): None. Good Marksmanship, if that is considered a power. Bio/History(At least 2 sentences needed): Ludwig was 17 when everything went to hell. He lived a normal life up until that point, with friends, school, his first crush...Everything. He was in his Dad's car driving to the nearest coffee shop when he heard the Radio broadcast. IT didn't seem real. Ludwig thought it was simply another prank by the Station. But then he started seeing the Mutated. These people were incredible...Lifting cars, Controlling water, even holding fire with their bare hands! Some of his friends were mutated but he...He wasn't. He didn't feel jealous or anything he just felt...Different. But then DAGA formed. Rumors of the mutants were turned to dark tales of Destruction and Murder. Then they started arresting his friends. One by one they vanished and Ludwig was unable to make contact with them. He himself was interviewed several times by the DAGA, questioning him if he had been harboring a Mutant. Ludwig longed for his friends. He applied for the DAGA and was accepted almost immediately. It wasnt until a few weeks into his career that he noticed the true inside of DAGA. Ludwig didn't know what to do. If he left, he would be investigated. But then he met the Rebels. Agents within DAGA created to destroy it. He enlisted in the secret group, and has been serving secretly ever since. Other: Sorry for such a long background...Wanted to be thorough. He is also really skilled with computing so he can Hack and such.
#166257450Thursday, July 02, 2015 5:37 AM GMT

(I'll accept you, your appearance should be similar to this viantart.n et/cd0c/th/pre/f/ 2014/145/d/ 2/_gmo d__csgo_gign _by_rjqnra os19-d7jo37r. png )
#166258646Thursday, July 02, 2015 5:53 AM GMT

*Quiet Celebration* Have a wonderful day.
#166258709Thursday, July 02, 2015 5:54 AM GMT

(I'd guess with over 100+ pages that the RP already started o-o Where are we at in terms of events?) Have a wonderful day.
#166259373Thursday, July 02, 2015 6:04 AM GMT

(DAGA is performing an all out attack against mutants in NY, your character is located in the main DAGA detainment complex though.)
#166260868Thursday, July 02, 2015 6:24 AM GMT

(I hope I am not arrested, because here is my post.) Ludwig sat in his old office chair, examining the console in front of him. It was a relatively clean computer featured with the new operating systems in place. Ludwig had been stationed in the DAGA Detainment complex which of course, was on purpose. He himself had hacked into the DAGA Placement System and made sure he would be put here. He had found some of his friends within this very facility. Do to the amount of guards in the vicinity, it was almost impossible to do anything about it. He played cool however and went back to work cross-checking the files of Mutants in the complex. Almost all were identified. Some of those infected had no record in the system, so it was his job to add the files. It was tedious work but that's what he got payed for. It also helped when he quickly uploaded a number of currently imprisoned Mutants of interest files into a Flash Drive which he quickly deposited into his pocket and resumed working. The Rebels would be busy for quite awhile with this info. (I need to add a section to my CS. Under where it says abilities, can I add skilled melee fighter?)
#166261566Thursday, July 02, 2015 6:34 AM GMT

(You may) Denton stepped outside his cubicle and headed towards the break room, as he was about to turn the corner he decided to check on Ludwig. He walked into Ludwig's office and said "How do you like the new Argus UI?" as he took a sip of coffee.
#166263551Thursday, July 02, 2015 7:02 AM GMT

I got into a fight in the alley. I ran out of it and into a bar for no reason and got drunk. Now, I mindlessly walk over to the detainment center. I walk inside and into the main office. Right as I step in, I snap out of my drunken state. I feel sick. I look around for a trash can, find one, and throw up in it. After throwing up several times, I look around. " How the hell did I get here? " I whisper to myself.
#166263748Thursday, July 02, 2015 7:05 AM GMT

(Awesome, Thanks) Ludwig stopped typing and looked up at Denton. "It's alright. It has some security flaws but other then that it operates pretty smoothly." He quickly turned back to his Terminal, tapping the keys briskly as if rushed by something.
#166265795Thursday, July 02, 2015 7:38 AM GMT

Denton nods. "Oh, one more thing, we're now monitoring all file transfer logs. Some IT members were slacking off by sneaking their given files into other employee's terminals." He continues to drink his coffee
#166266972Thursday, July 02, 2015 7:57 AM GMT

Ludwig freezes at the mention of the monitoring and slowly turns to Denton. "Really? That's quite a shame..." He returns back to typing but in a slower, more controlled fashion. "Shouldn't they add more security measures? You know, to make sure it doesn't happen again?" He continues to type.
#166267450Thursday, July 02, 2015 8:04 AM GMT

"Funny you mention that," he says, "We're actually implementing that today.". He signals toward the maintenance crew that's in the process of installing cameras, sensors, and other things. "We're going release the patch to Argus tomorrow, that way it'll be near impossible to invade our data." Denton takes another sip of coffee.
#166268723Thursday, July 02, 2015 8:28 AM GMT

He quietly curses to himself in the back of his head, while focusing on his duties. "That sounds great, actually." He smiles to Denton and once again resumes working. He has been typing for quite awhile... Have a wonderful day.
#166269421Thursday, July 02, 2015 8:40 AM GMT

Denton's watch begins to emit a small beeping noise. He lowers his coffee and looks at the screen on the watch, his smile slowly fading. "I-I have to go..". Denton heads towards the DAGA guards posted at the IT Dep's door, he speaks to them and signals toward Ledwig's cubicle. As that happens, a window pops up on your monitor with a blinking exclamation mark, suddenly you're locked out of the terminal and your monitor shuts off.
#166269921Thursday, July 02, 2015 8:50 AM GMT

(What can Lana do? I'm stuck for what she can do atm.)
#166270169Thursday, July 02, 2015 8:54 AM GMT

(We'd have to wait for artyumm to get on)
#166270690Thursday, July 02, 2015 9:06 AM GMT

Ludwig stares in awe at the black screen. "What the literal hell." He whispers. He hears the footsteps of the guards, but does nothing. He just patiently sits there, waiting for the Guards to make their move first. He plans his moves carefully. If the guards decide to get hostile, he can probably disable them and gain a few seconds to escape. If they just decide to detain him, he can keep his mouth shut and maybe he can make it out of this. The USB in his pocket isnt a very GREAT indicator he's innocent. But the Data inside was encrypted automatically for just this situation. Ludwig still sits in his chair as the guards approach.
#166271126Thursday, July 02, 2015 9:15 AM GMT

"We're going to need to search your person, and your cubicle." Says one of the guards. He then motions his baton in a "Get up" fashion.
#166271235Thursday, July 02, 2015 9:18 AM GMT

Ludwig nods and slowly gets up from his seat, arms raised in the air in a "Surrender" pose.