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#151910340Thursday, December 18, 2014 6:19 AM GMT

You get gifts if you have done evrything for it, but what with all people that dont get Presents? Thats why im posting this- Add new gifts and give them to all that didnt got any other type of Gift. Like ME, i would be having a gift if theres a "Gift Of Daily Fans" because i was online for more than a month online, each day in a row! Or if theres a "Gift Of Lonely Users" thats going o obes with less than 10-20 friends! I mean, its Christmas-EVRYONE deserves a gift, So why dont you make all of the ROBLOXIANS happy? Thank you...
#151910395Thursday, December 18, 2014 6:21 AM GMT

ROBLOX isn't going to give you a gift for no good reason. The gifts are for people who accomplished something, or are very rich. "A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on"- John F. Kennedy
#151915738Thursday, December 18, 2014 12:55 PM GMT

I agree, but i mean, ITS CHRISTMAS, evryone deserves a gift, and what? i cant afford one thing and im gonna be cut-off from all other things? Heh...and Hey, we all like presents and gifts right? Im just trying to make few-more people happier, by my opinion there should be gifts for all i want people to say what they think and do they agree...; "We are what our thoughts have made to us; so take care about what you think. Words are secondary.Thoughts live; they travel far."-Swami Vivekananda
#151915923Thursday, December 18, 2014 1:06 PM GMT

Just as I thought that roblox couldn't get any worse with events, they make all of the gifts at least 500 robux. ~ Fake guest

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