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#153048556Friday, January 02, 2015 5:32 AM GMT

Jake looked at her. "Eviette, just...make it look like whoever you want. A student or a teacher." He says as he takes out his wand and begins to make materials appear, which he then begins to manipulate with his hands.
#153049101Friday, January 02, 2015 5:39 AM GMT

Eviette blinked, watching Jake with curious eyes. She observed the male from head to toe as if she was mentally taking a picture of him. 'Student or teacher,' the girl thought to herself in the mindscape.
#153051185Friday, January 02, 2015 6:07 AM GMT

Dirck After getting my self together, I walked over to the girl from before, Eviette, and watched Jake make materials out of thin air. "What is he doing?" I whispered into her ear.
#153051327Friday, January 02, 2015 6:09 AM GMT

Jake continued to mold his materials, heating metal and mixing chemicals. He was working diligently and referencing his pocket book for designs. Mad scientist? Very much so, but it was almost complete.
#153052666Friday, January 02, 2015 6:30 AM GMT

Eviette jumped as she heard a familiar voice whisper in her ear. Dirck. She merely shrugged her shoulders and kept her eyes fixed on what Jake was doing. Her hands twitched slightly, her wand shifting to her dominant hand.
#153055935Friday, January 02, 2015 7:28 AM GMT

Kaeden knew that he still has much to discover about his magic. He went deeper into his mind and instead of having a giant avatar in front of him, he wanted his avatar to encase him. He opened his eyes and noticed that only his vortex side had encased him. His right hand was indeed a shiel but only his right hand was encased with his fiery sphere. It wasn't a sword either. It was a Bo-staff.
#153074171Friday, January 02, 2015 3:52 PM GMT

Sarah held the wand loosely in her grip. This school wasn't a safe haven like she originally thought, but it still protected her. She couldn't believe that without it, she wouldn't even live past yesterday. Now, it's their turn to protect it. In her mind, she imagined a huge block, a wall, a barrier, and quickly swung her arm. There was a new wall, made out of brick. (ughhhh idk i tried)
#153088903Friday, January 02, 2015 7:26 PM GMT

Dirck After quickly losing interest in Jake's magic, I walked over to Kaeden, who was making his barricade spell, some sort of armor spell. I drew a picture of a fiery brick wall and watched it come to life. "Your magic looks amazing! What's your creative talent?" I asked the boy, who had encased himself in the void armor.
#153102619Friday, January 02, 2015 10:31 PM GMT

Kaeden jumped when he heard a voice. He looked around him and noticed a boy (Dirck). "Thanks. My creative talent is martial arts. What's yours?" He asked while his void armor sunk back inside him.
#153112484Saturday, January 03, 2015 12:37 AM GMT

Dirck "Mine is um... Drawing." I said with a smile. "I've noticed you have the ability to suck things up and burn things with that fire of yours."
#153119055Saturday, January 03, 2015 1:58 AM GMT

"Yeah, watch this," Kaeden grinned like a maniac. He summoned his VSP and sucked up the earth beneath him. He forced the sucked up earth to go flying in the air. He shot it with his Void Fist which encased it. He threw a Fiery Fist into it which got sucked in. He summoned his VSP once more and it started to throw fireballs. "I don't know how or why I could do this but maybe it's some sort of storage where everything gets sucked in can be forced out," He explained.
#153128300Saturday, January 03, 2015 3:59 AM GMT

Dirck "Cool.." I said in awe, "Your power is very powerful and epic." I couldn't help but walk around Kaeden in a circle, examining his body, as if he wasn't human.
#153133398Saturday, January 03, 2015 5:16 AM GMT

"Thanks," Kaeden shifted nervously as Dirck circled him.
#153135543Saturday, January 03, 2015 5:48 AM GMT

Dirck "So, are you immune to fire or just your own fire?" I asked curiously.
#153143911Saturday, January 03, 2015 8:37 AM GMT

Isabelle looked at the impressive structures created by her peers. The wall she had made was barely taller than she. It was then that she realized it was probably way too small. Swirling her wand around, she created a large wall next the the first one. It was around fifteen feet tall and about a foot-and-a-half thick.
#153157021Saturday, January 03, 2015 3:11 PM GMT

Kaeden was struck with curiosity. Was he immune to fire? Probably not. "No, I think I'm just immune to my own fire," He answered.
#153158759Saturday, January 03, 2015 3:49 PM GMT

Sarah sighed, and crossed her arms. Her display wasn't nearly as impressive as all the others by the other students. Well, she did try, even though she wasn't sure if it was enough, it still worked as a barrier. She continued to stand there next to her wall, waiting for further instructions. Sarah /did/ have to do something else other than wall making to defend the school. (another bump)
#153212741Sunday, January 04, 2015 3:58 AM GMT

Dirck "I like your idea about how you make your defense spell, also an offense spell." I said, making a maniac-like smile. "Let's try this!" I jumped to Kaeden's side and pointed my wand towards the ground, and had it draw a picture using a white energy beam. After a few seconds, I drew a picture of a giant dragon with no legs; however, it had a snake tail. "Try attacking my dragon thing!" I said enthusiastically.
#153504179Thursday, January 08, 2015 6:19 AM GMT

(It's dead? :c)
#153509900Thursday, January 08, 2015 11:59 AM GMT

(GG no RE)
#153512082Thursday, January 08, 2015 1:59 PM GMT

Rest in pieces

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