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#152523333Saturday, December 27, 2014 4:31 AM GMT

(I thought I'd try my hand at writing a story, even though it will probably fail.) SUMMARY: This is pretty much just me taking a character I've created in my mind, and writing a part of his life onto the forums, along with some history of the artifact he is uncovering. His name is The Collector, obviously, but most people just call him 'Storm'. He is a bit whimsical and a tad insane, but all the best people are indeed crazy. He does as his name states. He collects. This diary will be a series of 100 parts, 1 for each artifact he uncovers. Well, if it turns out well. Also 100 parts for the last 100 days of his life. He spent the last 100 days of his life writing this diary. RULES: 1. If you don't like it, don't read it. You can post why you don't like it in the comments, just don't go around cussing me out because I'm stupid, or something like that. 2. You may contribute to the story, if you like it. Although, I do not know how this will turn out. I may never even publish this. 3. Don't just read part of the story and then post mean comments. Read the whole thing, and if you're too lazy, you don't belong on the RP Forums. IF YOU LIKE THE STORY, TRACK IT AND I WILL TELL YOU ON THIS THREAD IF I HAVE DECIDED TO MAKE A SECOND ADDITION TO THE COLLECTOR'S DIARY. I WILL ALSO POST A LINK TO THE THREAD OF THE NEXT ADDITION WHEN I AM OR IF I WILL BE FINISHED WITH IT. Plus, it's a sort of Doctor Who fanfiction, not the creepy kind. Let's do this. Chapter 001. The Urns of Krop Tor. Date of Creation: Before Time "Before light and time and space and matter, before the cataclysmic explosion in which this universe was created, life as we understand it could not have existed. Yet, there was a miniscule planet in the drifts of universe that was evidence there was conflict that had been lost and won before the Dawn of Time. The Disciples of the Light rose up against the Beast, a creature of ultimate evil. After a long battle, they imprisoned it in a pit in the middle of a tiny planet impossibly orbiting a black hole. The scriptures of the Veltino soon after named this world Krop Tor; the black hole itself was actually a demon that had been tricked into devouring Krop Tor, only to regurgitate it because it was poison. Two expeditions mounted by my 'friends', the Torchwood Archive in the 42nd century established that the planet was kept in perpetual geostationary orbit around the black hole K 37 Gem 5 by a power source with an inverted self-extrapolating reflex of six to the six power every six seconds - enough power to fuel an empire. Krop Tor generated a gravity field which held the planet in constant balance with K 37 Gem 5 and projected a gravity funnel out into clear space. The power source was apparently located ten miles below the surface of the planet. The Torchwood Archive's second expedition constructed Sanctuary Base 6 on the surface of Krop Tor and drilled down to 'Point Zero', discovering a seemingly endless chasm beneath a metal seal covered with unintelligible symbols. This Pit held the Beast - it was here that the Disciples of Light had chained the creature. They had filled the Pit with air, allowing anyone venturing down there to survive, and they covered the walls with rock art depicting their battle against the Beast. It was a warning - and a trap. Knowing that the Beast was as devious as it was powerful and might one day make contact with a frailer mind and escape the Pit, the Disciples of Light devised the perfect prison. In front of the Beast, and just beyond its reach, were two Urns; these were the source of the gravity field holding Krop Tor in orbit. Smashing the Urns would liberate the Beast, but would also cause the gravity field to collapse instantly. If the Beast escaped its chains, Krop Tor would fall into the black hole, taking the Beast with it." This entry is from one of my favorite history archives of all time. In my long years of life, I have never seen the remains of the Urns of Krop Tor. After all, who has? But many years ago I encountered a chance. An employee of mine, one of my clones who works at my company, told me about some new technology being developed in the labs. They had created an invention enabling us to switch a black hole into a white hole. When I asked how it worked, they refused to respond. The challenge called for time travel, an easy thing to deal with. I had been time travelling for thousands of years. The machine that did the flip on the black hole was very small and portable thankfully, and I could take it on my time machine. In fact, the shape of the object reminded me of an ancient toy known as a Bop-it, which I happen to have in my archives. So we got suited up in the correct white/grey jumpsuits necessary for floating out to the black hole. We were going to take some ropes and tie them to the console of my time machine, and tie the other ends to our jumpsuits. I was to hold the machine and activate it, doing a flip on the black hole just moments after it sucked in Krop Tor. The others were there to make sure I wasn't sucked in with stabilizers of my own design. The plan was executed perfectly. The black hole was turned into a white hole, causing pieces of the planet to spill out. But now, I had to venture into the rubble of the planet to find the shards of the Urns. This sounds more difficult than it was. The planet was tiny, as big as 3 Alaskas. And we had a tracker device set to detect the Urns. Now that might sound silly, a tracker that can just track anything you punch in. Well, it took years of tests and development just to make a machine possible to track such an ancient artifact. Then we had to send a drone out into the planet a few years before it crashed into the black hole to stick a tracking device on each part of the urn that we detected would shatter, from ancient archive photos. We found the Urn shards in surprisingly good condition. Now we had to revert the white hole back to a black hole. We pulled ourselves back up to the time machine and flew far away. We then activated the device again and it reverted back to a black hole. It was an easy enough mission, but took years of planning. I am extremely glad I got the opportunity to collect such a piece of history. Signed, The Collector. (Leave what you think in the comments and tell me if I should another. Go easy on me, guys.)
#152523866Saturday, December 27, 2014 4:38 AM GMT

paragraphs are a thing heck the enter key is a thing
#152523880Saturday, December 27, 2014 4:38 AM GMT

Did anyone actually read this all the way through yet? This comment is just a sort of bump.
#152523935Saturday, December 27, 2014 4:39 AM GMT

I tried paragraphs, they apparently didn't show up.
#152524714Saturday, December 27, 2014 4:49 AM GMT

Bump if you guys dont read it I'll just drop it
#152556033Saturday, December 27, 2014 5:43 PM GMT

Bump for the heck of it
#152575480Saturday, December 27, 2014 10:20 PM GMT

I kinda wanna make another, just please say if you want me to or not.
#152580557Saturday, December 27, 2014 11:28 PM GMT

*cusses you out and doesn't miss* 2 things: 1.enter key pls 2.if you want to write a story, don't stop it if other people don't like it. just write for the heck of it.
#152581328Saturday, December 27, 2014 11:38 PM GMT

Again, the enter key was not with me at that moment, I'm sorry. I'll check that out later. And I don't want to waste my time writing an 100 part saga if people don't like it.
#152582020Saturday, December 27, 2014 11:48 PM GMT

Clever. Take a character from a popular film, and change a few elements and BOOM!OC. -A smile will get you far, but a smile and a gun will get you further.-
#152585814Sunday, December 28, 2014 12:36 AM GMT

Film? Doctor Who is a TV Show. The character is not The Doctor. He is another timelord from another dimension. Yes, I guess you could call him my OC?
#152586249Sunday, December 28, 2014 12:41 AM GMT

Not from DW, The Collector from Guardians of the Galaxy. -A smile will get you far, but a smile and a gun will get you further.-
#152590445Sunday, December 28, 2014 1:37 AM GMT

This Collector has no relation to the one from GotG
#152595016Sunday, December 28, 2014 2:38 AM GMT

I hope you guys do realize that the Enter Key for paragraphs do not work? Jesus, have you guys even TRIED using paragraphs? If you have, you should know.
#152601886Sunday, December 28, 2014 4:09 AM GMT

Thank you, Vincent.
#152614429Sunday, December 28, 2014 7:19 AM GMT

I think I'll make another one because it is fun to do it.
#158199754Thursday, March 19, 2015 6:03 PM GMT

ayy lmao this is so old
#192237301Tuesday, June 28, 2016 3:40 AM GMT

IM TESTING A SIGGY ON AN OLD THREAD!!!111 The FitnessGram Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start.

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