#15267667Sunday, October 11, 2009 4:34 AM GMT

papi: ahhh
#15267671Sunday, October 11, 2009 4:34 AM GMT

"Oi, tell the other to learn how to drive." -watches him from my window-
#15267703Sunday, October 11, 2009 4:35 AM GMT

papi:*rams into isabels office* ow *i look thorugh the window at isabel* hi
#15267740Sunday, October 11, 2009 4:36 AM GMT

(Isabel isn't on the first floor...) "I could drive better than that when I was six."
#15267778Sunday, October 11, 2009 4:38 AM GMT

(nvm i said that) papi: *accidently hits a ramp into isabels office* ow *look out the window at isabel* hi
#15268913Sunday, October 11, 2009 5:18 AM GMT

I climb out of the wreckage,"Whats wrong with you!?Can't you drive?!".
#15282141Sunday, October 11, 2009 3:55 PM GMT

[was i accepted O_o?]
#15282825Sunday, October 11, 2009 4:11 PM GMT

Xavier: 'climbs out of the wreckage too' sup izzy. ???: 'walks around the corner' Xavier? Xavier: 'turns head towards ???' Luthia? Both of them: u work for the C.I.A!?!?!??
#15283138Sunday, October 11, 2009 4:17 PM GMT

-face palm-
#15283656Sunday, October 11, 2009 4:30 PM GMT

Name: Luthia Xemnat Nickname: doesnt have one Codename: RedSnake Gender: female Age: 19 Appearance: looks exactly like Xavier...but shes a girl Primary Weapons (3 only): M16 Secondary Weapons (E.g Pistol): Mini UZI, a small metal thread attached to two handles Agent no.(E.g 123):154
#15283754Sunday, October 11, 2009 4:32 PM GMT

"Anyhow, you boys didn't manage to bring the man back into custody. It's just a little weather problem, no biggy." -picks up a few files and papers up off of the floor-
#15283772Sunday, October 11, 2009 4:33 PM GMT

(omg redsnake is taken. lol sorry i really just guessed the name.) (a little ajustment......... Name: Luthia Xemnat Nickname: doesnt have one Codename: Silver Gender: Female Age: 19 Appearance: looks exactly like Xavier...but shes a Female Primary Weapons (3 only): M16 Secondary Weapons (E.g Pistol): Mini UZI, a small metal thread attached to two handles Agent no.(E.g 123):154
#15283788Sunday, October 11, 2009 4:33 PM GMT

Xavier: idk
#15283813Sunday, October 11, 2009 4:34 PM GMT

[oh noez! i forgotz meh Codenamez! Codename: Coffee Break [lol] it matches my character]
#15283953Sunday, October 11, 2009 4:38 PM GMT

Xavier: im pretty sure other agents are- 'man climbs through wreckage' Drug dealer: yes i found a place to hide! Xavier and Luthia: 'facepalm'
#15284132Sunday, October 11, 2009 4:42 PM GMT

#15284452Sunday, October 11, 2009 4:49 PM GMT

[i'm just gonna appear somewhere, like the coffee machine] i'm getting my eighth cup of coffee.
#15284514Sunday, October 11, 2009 4:50 PM GMT

Drug dealer: 'kicks Luthia's shin and tries to run'
#15284549Sunday, October 11, 2009 4:50 PM GMT

-tackles the drug dealer and breaks his nose- "Well..." -stands up and throws the drug dealer into the wall-
#15284621Sunday, October 11, 2009 4:52 PM GMT

Drug Dealer: uhhhh Luthia: take this ******* 'kicks the drug dealer in the stomach' Xavier: 'whistles at Izzy' that was so awesome!
#15284669Sunday, October 11, 2009 4:53 PM GMT

"No need for me to brag but I have been practicing." -moves a piece of hair out of my face and straightens my glasses-
#15284711Sunday, October 11, 2009 4:54 PM GMT

Xavier: nice. Luthia: i better go 'walks away'
#15284758Sunday, October 11, 2009 4:55 PM GMT

-sees my file on the floor and I quickly pick it up-
#15284781Sunday, October 11, 2009 4:56 PM GMT

Xavier: need some help?
#15284857Sunday, October 11, 2009 4:58 PM GMT

-looks at the van in the wall- "I might need help with that." -points at it-