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#153159134Saturday, January 03, 2015 3:57 PM GMT

[sorry for late character sheet, idk if I'm going to be accepted.] ⦅What is your name?: "Marina. Marina Francino." ⦅Gender?: "Do I look like I'm dumb? I'm a female.' ⦅Age? (14-18): "I'm turning seventeen in June." ⦅Appearance?: "Well.. I have dark brown hair, with a blue streak in it running across." I also have light brown eyes, more like a beige. I also have a birthmark along my hairline. I just noticed, I forgot to add that I have medium-long hair. I have only a couple scars, like my skin is flawless. I also bite on my nails sometimes, so I have short nails sometimes. You can probably see me with different nail designs every week or month. I don't know what my height is, even though I look like I'm 5'10". I don't know what my weight is, though." ⦅Personality? (Optional): "Well, I can be described as quiet.. I feel like a person deserved in this world, and I don't get bullied, which is why. I also.. umm.. I am often nice to people, and if people try to bully me, I just don't show any emotions. I can be depressed at times, but that doesn't happen usually unless I got put into prison or one of my fellow relatives died." ⦅Biography? (Optional): "Err.. I don't want to say it.. it's a lot." ⦅Power?: "I don't really know, I think I have Precognition. I also think I have Adaptive Memory Muscles." ⦅Additional Information?: "Well, not really." AS WELL AS BELOW QUESTIONS ⦅When did you notice that you had a power?: "I noticed I had a power when I was 16, when I tried thinking to see what would happen." ⦅What is your opinion on the history of Evergreen High?: "I just thought it was.. majestic. I like historical stuff, and I often check other places out. Out of all the places, this was the most beautiful. That's all I have to say." ⦅Signature please: "I have a signature, it's in cursive and neat, but it can have flaws sometimes."
#153159209Saturday, January 03, 2015 3:59 PM GMT

"I just said...Ash...Anyway, nice to meet you!" He'd stick out his hand for a shake.
#153159400Saturday, January 03, 2015 4:02 PM GMT

Stella "Oh! You did? I'm sorry, I must of not been listening," I say politely, while taking his hand and shaking it. "Nice to meet you, Ash."
#153160809Saturday, January 03, 2015 4:28 PM GMT

(OMFG how did I not see this!? Posting CS later. That is, if she's accepting CSes...)
#153177117Saturday, January 03, 2015 8:32 PM GMT

(No she isn't. Because for some reason more CSes will make her even more inactive. That's what she said, at least. Doesn't make any sense.)
#155213394Monday, February 02, 2015 11:28 PM GMT

OOC: Cornelius: "Thank the stars I'm not late..." What's been going down lately? Who's my dorm partner? Is Khiione still active? Sorry I've been inactive. I forgot about this form. Maybe it was because I couldn't keep up. Who knows? Someone pls answer me. *Cornelius desperate face*
#155217434Tuesday, February 03, 2015 12:15 AM GMT

Why did you necrobump this from the abyss?
#167915153Friday, July 17, 2015 11:50 PM GMT

porp is anoob [Chloë Moretz = Life] [R$421] [Rap:200,580]

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