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#152800470Tuesday, December 30, 2014 1:29 PM GMT

[INTRODUCTION] I'm not sure how much time we have until the violent pounding stops and we die. That door can't tolerate much more. I think my stares can create a positive outcome and maybe they'll go away. I am quite pleased with this concept. Just relax. Soon those hellions will realize no one's on the other side. Maybe it's just the lack of oxygen getting to me, I laugh it off. "Hey-why don't you kiss my a-s!" Hysterical. Positive. Dark. Thinking. "There's no sunlight in here! We need sunlight!" It's so hot in here. My throat is real dry. Wonder when something will happen. My eyes widen up. Damn, it's so hot that I almost forgot the thrashing and the kicking coming from behind the door! The only thing separating me from death! And It's going to be soon. "God, remember me? It's Calvin. I really need your help on this one." My smile fades. The knocking gets louder. My forehead feels like its gonna burst. "Aarggh, PLEASE HELP ME! PLEASE! I KNOW I'VE DONE BAD THINGS IN MY LIFE! BUT I'M SORRY FOR ALL THAT! I'M SORRY FOR EVERYTHING! Please, PLEASE! YOU GOTTA SAVE ME!" I pound my fist on the ground. Adrenaline shoots up my arm. My eyes weld up. I shut them. Forcing my thoughts into one word. Relax. Just Relax. The world feels as if its tilting to the side. Wonder what that means. I hear a crack. For a sec I thought I heard footsteps. I fall to the ground. Mute, and accepting my fate. [PLOT] 15,000 - 20,000 years into the future After a failed prediction of dooms-day, an underestimated 33% gradual decrease of distance between the sun and earth boils the surface. However, with the post-apocalyptic technology used to survive. Humans have managed to establish life inside the Earth's mantle. The only thing separating them from total sublimation is the thin crust, fever coursing throughout the rifts. Along with just enough supplies. The data economy days are over. What is now is undecided. It was going along steadily for the last 17 years or so? Just when everything was riding smoothly. Things decided to take a turn. No one knows what caused the recession. Markets were crashing. The state was never as it used to be. A depression swifted across society. Things could've gotten worse, So when you know that something bad is going to happen? It falls down worse then imagined. That would explain the reason why.. It happened. Ever since the collision everyone started acting weird. Out of the midst. Again no one knows why. More cases of schizophrenia documented, Children out on the pavement drawing strange signs, This whole mess. It's gotten out of control. NR co. Nether Research. Might've found out a way to help our problem. It sounds crazy. But, it just might work. ɹǝɟɟo oʇ sɐɥ ɥʇɹɐƎ sǝɔɹnosǝɹ ǝɥʇ ɟo uoᴉʇɐʌɹǝsuoɔ ǝɥʇ puɐ 'ɹǝʎɐl ǝuozo ǝɥʇ ɟo uoᴉʇɔǝʇoɹd ǝɥʇ 'sǝᴉɔǝds lɐɯᴉuɐ pǝɹǝƃuɐpuǝ ɟo uoᴉʇɐʌɹǝsǝɹd ǝɥʇ ǝpnlɔuᴉ sʇɔǝɟɟǝ ǝʌᴉʇᴉsod ǝɥʇ ɟo ǝɯoS ˙ɔʇǝ 'ǝsᴉou 'uoᴉʇnllod 'sǝᴉɔǝds lɐɯᴉuɐ ɟo uoᴉʇɔuᴉʇxǝ 'uoᴉʇɐʇsǝɹoɟǝp 'ǝƃuɐɥɔ ǝʇɐɯᴉlɔ ǝpnlɔuᴉ sʇɔǝɟɟǝ ǝʌᴉʇɐƃǝu ǝɥʇ ɟo ǝɯoS ˙ǝʌᴉʇɐƃǝu ɹo ǝʌᴉʇᴉsod ǝq uɐɔ ʇuǝɯuoɹᴉʌuǝ ǝɥʇ uo ɹoᴉʌɐɥǝq uɐɯnɥ ɟo sʇɔǝɟɟǝ ǝɥ┴ ˙lǝʌǝl lɐɔol ɐ uᴉ puɐ ʎllɐqolƃ ɥʇoq 'ɹoᴉʌɐɥǝq uɐɯnɥ ʎq pǝʇɔǝɟɟɐ ʎlʇuɐʇsuoɔ sᴉ ʇuǝɯuoɹᴉʌuǝ ǝɥ┴ We'll have to relocate to a lower region of earth. We sent geothermal scientists to inspect both the outer and inner core to see which is more stable. Now, again, it might seem crazy. But, it just might work. NR scientists have been carefully acquiring samplings of liquid from the outer core. They plan on going to the inner core soon. They're seeing how hot and how dense the liquid is. Seeing if the pressure changes the state. A small team undertakes a position completely opposite of their usual boundary. Since the outer core is made up entirely of pure liquid iron and nickel. The gianormous area begins producing mitochondria. Stable enough to handle high amounts of heat. The bacteria develops into moros. Which develop into Antedae, All evolving into reweras. The Rewera are large dog like worm creatures that form in deep magma. They sometimes come and explore the hollowed area of the mantle. They can explode up with all the sudden atmosphere. They are blind. But can smell. Not through their face. But everywhere. They are evolved to attack everything they sense. First, they trample on you. Next, they shreek a static like scream that's like fingernails on chalk. They try to get inside everything. Your mouth, etc. Then finally explode. It seems that they're trying to protect themselves. So there's a problem. My CS. Gender-M Name- Lux Acker Age- 30 Appearance- Short dark brown hair, Greyish-Blue eyes, Fair skin, stands 5'10 (1.78), 172 lb (78) Position- Analyst (Industrialist or Analyst) Biography- Born in May 5, Forced to move underground when he was 13. His mother and father died because the mantle was already overpopulated. His parents perished along with billions of people. Ethnicity- German [copy and paste this sheet] Rules. 1- First of all, this is an RP. Let your imagination run wild. 2- Don't take advantage of the first rule. 3- DO NOT god mod. 4- Don't do it.
#152800761Tuesday, December 30, 2014 1:38 PM GMT

This is the third time that this has been reposted.
#152800930Tuesday, December 30, 2014 1:42 PM GMT

@Alpha i thought i blocked you. just stop ruining threads with your obvious news. I know i reposted this. thanks for pointing that out ;_;

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