#15304433Sunday, October 11, 2009 11:25 PM GMT

(brb for a bit)
#15304471Sunday, October 11, 2009 11:26 PM GMT

Realizing that sleep wouldn't come, I jumped down. WAlking towards the clearing I had spotted while in the tree, I push through, and find myself near the base of a hill, scattered with trees, and piles of course melancholic red rock. Trying to stretch my legs, but finding it too difficult, I continue climbing the hill. Looming shapes are ahead, and when I start to panic, I realize it is just another dense forest. Leaning against a rock, I looked towards the trees. The green canopy of this forest was marked with dots of orange. Obviously these trees were withering. But in the center of the forest, I could make out grey trees, and even greyer, lapping swamp water.
#15304479Sunday, October 11, 2009 11:26 PM GMT

(Short Animal Guide To the Dimension of Rage!) Raenth : A large, stout creature. Spikes sprout out of its mouth, lined with razor sharp teeth. Back lined with armored plates, atop which spikes shoot out haphazardly. Eats smaller creatures. Roams in herds. Grauk : Medium sized Creature, two legs, two arms. (Think T-rex style legs ) Blades stick out at the wrist, facing forwards (towards the hand) providing an excellent means of getting its lunch. Bony, small head, nimble teeth. Usually hunts in packs, males wander on their own. Hunts creatures of all sizes. Vaar'd : Swamp dwelling tentacle beasts. Not much is known of these. Eats anything.
#15304572Sunday, October 11, 2009 11:27 PM GMT

#15304642Sunday, October 11, 2009 11:29 PM GMT

(brb again)
#15304784Sunday, October 11, 2009 11:32 PM GMT

I step up the hill, and look over the forest. Now, it didn't look like a forest...more of a swamp. Walking towards it, I feel my sneakers squishing into the murky water and mud. Suddenly, a animalistic screech catches me off guard, and I tumble into the water. I slide forward and stand up. Both of my feet were now under the murk, and the mud was up to my knees. I took another step, and another, wading deeper and deeper into the murk, trying to get as far away as possible from the screeching.
#15304879Sunday, October 11, 2009 11:34 PM GMT

Jayda shuddered at the sudden temperature change. He looked around at the various doors.
#15304958Sunday, October 11, 2009 11:36 PM GMT

Being a nomadic band, most members of the groups had only tents to set up, so the "camp" was set up quickly. However, Since Vincent and Kaln had chose the dock, there was a semi-permanent structure still there, which they used to their advantage. "More space for us, which means more space for your inventions, Vincent." Kaln said, staring proudly at their new home. "Yeah yeah, whatever, i just want to continue work on my radios." Vincent said as he rushed inside with his bags, setting up equipment against the wall of the small hut next to the dock. As soon as he did, he took out the radio he was working on, and started fiddling with it. Using a piece of metal, with a pointed tip at the end, he started drawing out equations on the dirt, working out the flaws in his theories, and working around the trans dimensional blanket. Meanwhile, Kaln fiddled with some wood, crafting a fine handle for a knife. Outside, however, screams were heard. The Vaar'd feasted tonight.
#15304966Sunday, October 11, 2009 11:36 PM GMT

Suddenly, out of the murk, a creature arose. It was bird shaped, with a beak and talon-studded wings. But it had the body of a lion or large cat, and fur covered its body. I screamed...and started to run. Suddenly, the creature convulsed, and I could feel a pulse beat into my direction, coming from the creature. I froze, paralyzed.
#15304991Sunday, October 11, 2009 11:37 PM GMT

(Switching to 1st person. "I" and "me" are getting annoying.)
#15305028Sunday, October 11, 2009 11:38 PM GMT

((3rd person? I and me ARE 1st person))
#15305192Sunday, October 11, 2009 11:42 PM GMT

-Isabell stops her small squeaking noise and walks up to the boy, and clears her throat, she looks up- "H..Hello?"
#15305231Sunday, October 11, 2009 11:43 PM GMT

Eva shivered, realizing there was nothing she could do. She craned her neck from its stiff position, and swung her eyes to see teh creature. She wished she hadn't. Now, shaken of the muck and water...the best looked completely different. It was rather fat, with a bulbous stomach. It had a large, gaping mouth, with teeth sticking out, pointed and diagonally angled, to get a better hold on....meat. She was meat. A thing bubbled near her side...and a large, yellow shaded eye popped out of the muck. She screamed again.
#15305326Sunday, October 11, 2009 11:46 PM GMT

Jayda spun around, staring at the creature who had made the noise. He got into a fighting stance, holding up his nails in a threatening fashion.
#15305392Sunday, October 11, 2009 11:47 PM GMT

-She screams and digs her cat-like nails into his leg-
#15305466Sunday, October 11, 2009 11:49 PM GMT

More screams were heard. A scout burst into the tent. "Vincent, we were following the creature, and.. well it's in the thick of things. Its being attacked by the Vaar'd! Oh, and, by the way, it looks a bit like you." Vincent looked alarmed. Another human?! Here?! He dropped his things, and rushed to the weapons chest. (everyone has one :D). Inside, he took out a few items. An energy blade, a few explosives, and an energy rifle. He also took out an axe for Kaln. "For after we rescue our soon-to-be new friend. The Vaar'ds skin is as tough as steel i have heard." Kaln nodded, and ran out to start the truck. Vincent took out a few more clips out of the chest, and donned a helmet. Safety first, after all. then he ran out to join Kaln, and they drove to the swamps, to the lair of the beast.
#15305478Sunday, October 11, 2009 11:50 PM GMT

She ran to the edge of the muck, where she remembered dry ground would be. Just in time too, as a circle of teeth rose out of the muck, dripping with algae and reeds. The monster in the middle let out a cry, and Eva turned her attention to it. A tentacle was wrapped around its neck. Eva felt her throat close in terror, and her feet and knees lock in place, drawn to what was happening. The mouth snapped up, and the skin of it was thick and green. Its eye stalks darted around, not noticing her. The mouth snapped shut, and the entire head of the underground beast sank into the muck. She fell to the ground, startled, and frightened beyond words.
#15305482Sunday, October 11, 2009 11:50 PM GMT

Jayda felt a pinch in his leg, as the creature attacked him. He got ready to strike, but then reviewed the size of his assailant.He could easily crush it. Lowering his claw-like nails. He stared at the being.
#15305551Sunday, October 11, 2009 11:51 PM GMT

"AHHHH!" -She runs off into a small hiding place making small hiss-like sounds-
#15305615Sunday, October 11, 2009 11:53 PM GMT

"AHHH?" Jayda said mimicking its strange language.
#15305772Sunday, October 11, 2009 11:56 PM GMT

Eva turned to run, and fell against a branch. She felt a vine from it tangle around her leg, and slowly pull her into the center of the swamp. "No!" she screamed. She kicked at the vine, and realized it wasn't a vine after all, it was the tentacle of this new, humongous beast. Panicing, she reached for her pack, and pulled out the orange-looking object. She smashed it over and over onto the tentacle around her leg, and the jucies flew out and hit the tentacle. The ground shook as the huge monster growled in agony, and its hold tightened around her leg, until she though it might pop off. Crying and sobbing, she was screaming at it, begging and hopping it would let go before she was pulled into the depths of the swamp. "Let go!" "You %#&^ monster! Get off!" In fury, she dug her nails into the creatures tentacle, but bruised her fingers a the hard-as-steel scales.
#15305859Sunday, October 11, 2009 11:58 PM GMT

-She stares at the creature, as he mimicked her but with a strange tone- "U..Um...H..Haven't you heard a person s..scream?"
#15305975Monday, October 12, 2009 12:01 AM GMT

(btw that was not a curse...just meant to seem like one. hopefully not an infraction of the rules ._.)
#15305979Monday, October 12, 2009 12:01 AM GMT

Jayda blinked. He had no idea what the creature had just said.
#15305998Monday, October 12, 2009 12:01 AM GMT

They raced on, the duo, in the truck, brushing past trees, on the worn path. The screams got nearer and nearer, until they were surely upon its source! Suddenly, the trees parted, and the swamp loomed ahead. As did the Vaar'd and its prey. A human girl, no less than 15 or 14 at that. Knowing the key here was stealth, Vincent motioned for Kaln for duck behind the truck, and wait for the signal. Then, taking careful aim, Vincent shot at one of the creatures eyes. It screamed in agony, and with the other orbs of pure hatred, it searched for its attacker. When it spotted him, it let out a guttural scream and flung three of its tentacles at him.