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#153349279Monday, January 05, 2015 11:16 PM GMT

Guys, guys. We are loosing too many members and guess what? It is our fault. Every time I get into the game, there is always people abusing admin, ignoring customers when they are trying to ask a question, complaining, and I see that NOBODY is behind the counters doing work. Guys seriously? You have a job for a reason, and you took an interview for it. What I see now is people leaving the group. We hit 5k members a few weeks ago and now we are loosing TOO many members by them leaving the group leaving a little complaint behind. Now we seriously need your help to get more people into this group, and keep it active. Be kind to eachother. I hear fights everyday that I cannot stand. People admin abusing and then they get demoted and start raging. For heaven's sake. This is not a Kohl's admin house. People are promoting other people so fast. Many people keep asking for a promotion. Do you know how long it took me to break out of the CEO rank. I did not beg for a promotion. I just waited and eventually I got to a higher rank. I see so many people admin abuse like and very bad. I see rocketing and a few people are giving ta to Customers.. Did you not read the admin rules? Admin is for only teleporting, godding, naming, flying, respawning (ONLY YOURSELF), using hint command, and if you are Vice President+ you may use m but only for important reasons. If you can't handle this then I apologize. Now it would be sweet if we can hit another few hundred people by this month. So please be active, kind, and listen to what I'm saying. I want to hear positive comments not negative. If you have any other questions you may PM me *Also sorry if I made a few grammar mistakes I typed this on my phone soo.

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