#154932298Friday, January 30, 2015 4:43 AM GMT

No support. No support to any suggestion relating to name recylcing as a matter of fact. All greed. All greed. Nobody is "facing the consequences" because you can't have your precious little username --- 1) This thread title is similar to "Identity theft" You can so easily pretend to be someone you are not with this update. If someone named User joined, made a couple of friends, then decides to go to another game, someone takes the name and ruins that persons reputation "And as a last note: No, nobody can take a name such as "Erik.Cassel" or "Miked", for the simple fact that almost every famous person, or one that many people would know, and still know, has spent at least a small amount of money in which would keep their name taken." This is extremely flawed. First off, you don't adjust rules based on who you're dealing with. Nobody gets special privileges like that. Second, many people who have always been NBC are famous and well-known No, this isn't happening just because you want people who move to a new game to "face the consequences" 2) Going away to college, etc Some people have to be inactive, they go away to college and such. No, not "buy a laptop then lol" some people can't afford to buy or bring a laptop. That may be the families only laptop, etc "Then they should stop wasting their time on here. If they're old enough to go to college, and not Jimmy Neutron, they shouldn't be wasting their life on ROBLOX unless it's for DevEx, in which they won't give a crap what name they have." Nope! You don't adjust a rule based on how old the user in question is. This is double-standard logic, and some older people just enjoy the site and that's it. Also, you don't speak the opinion of all DevEx users. Your opinions are not universal. People who can't play for a couple of years due to college, etc, should not have to "face the consequences" 3) "Buy" name protection? First off, some users on this site existed before any type of payment existed on ROBLOX. Second, every user that left temporarily would have left before ever knowing of a "pay to protect ur name of pay da consequences xDDD" update Third Last time I checked, kids don't have credit cards and paypal accounts. It's not very easy to convince your parent to put actual money into a website. No, not "well you don't deserve it if you cant convince them" or any other thing you may say. Some parents just don't budge, don't understand how much the name means to the kid, don't have enough money, or don't want to spend money on a kids game. Kids who cannot afford or convince should not have to "face the consequences" --- Concluding, we're not robbing peoples names and having people "face the consequences" just because people are so greedy and cant think of their own creative name. Nobody is "facing the consequences" so you can have your precious dream username. Identity theft should not be promoted on ROBLOX. "Consequences" for going to college should not be promoted on ROBLOX. Consequences for not being rich should not be promoted on ROBLOX. If you create and account, that account and its username is entitle to the owner from when it's created until the end of ROBLOX, and that's that. You're not messing up history like this. Everything is a part of history. "Does it look like I care if my account name was stolen? Your opinion is not universal
#154941523Friday, January 30, 2015 1:26 PM GMT

OK,this is getting out of hand. This 1 forum has been going on for 10 PAGES and doesnt seem like its gonna stop. I got more hate on one of my stupid forums then this one and it stopped.Im not speaking for everyone here,but I think that this forum has been going on long enough. Sweathearts For Luvers -ItsJerryPlaysRoblox
#154942282Friday, January 30, 2015 2:06 PM GMT

This isn't a forum it's a thread
#154942405Friday, January 30, 2015 2:11 PM GMT

TL;DR also u press enter too many times, it looks horrible cuz u put 1 sentence as a paragraph
#154946920Friday, January 30, 2015 4:49 PM GMT

"No support to any suggestion relating to name recylcing as a matter of fact. All greed. All greed." Good job, Skittle. You just stepped as low as the others to assume I did it for myself. Firstly, I don't have the cash to rename my account anyway. Secondly, I wouldn't want to rename my account. I like Coriandr, and I doubt it'll ever change. "Nobody is "facing the consequences" because you can't have your precious little username" Technically, they are. Because of name snipers, alts, and players that quit, we're facing the consequences of not being able to have our, 'precious little username'. "1) This thread title is similar to "Identity theft" You can so easily pretend to be someone you are not with this update. If someone named User joined, made a couple of friends, then decides to go to another game, someone takes the name and ruins that persons reputation" Yes, because he's going to not only keep a reputation for two years, but also have people who care, and another person who takes his name and is so going to know all about his social life. 'kay. "This is extremely flawed. First off, you don't adjust rules based on who you're dealing with. Nobody gets special privileges like that. Second, many people who have always been NBC are famous and well-known" "many" Name one. And, better yet, name one people will care about. "No, this isn't happening just because you want people who move to a new game to "face the consequences"" They're being inactive, we're not. And, they don't even need to move. Have you ever even heard of the term, 'name snipe'? "2) Going away to college, etc" Really? If you're old enough to go to college, I doubt you're going to be playing ROBLOX. Even if you do, I doubt you'd be so immature as to care if your name was taken. And it's not like it's assured their name will be taken. Only if somebody wants it, and actually does take it. "Some people have to be inactive, they go away to college and such. No, not "buy a laptop then lol" some people can't afford to buy or bring a laptop. That may be the families only laptop, etc" If their family only had a laptop, I doubt they'd be eighteen or older and playing ROBLOX. "Nope! You don't adjust a rule based on how old the user in question is. This is double-standard logic, and some older people just enjoy the site and that's it. It's still a logic, as you've just admitted. Sorry if a few immature college students rage at getting their name taken. I doubt it'd happen anyway. I'm thirteen and I wouldn't rage about Coriandr being taken. Why should they? "Also, you don't speak the opinion of all DevEx users. Your opinions are not universal." Yeah, sorry about that. I take it back. All DevEx users would have purchased OBC, therefore making them immune. How do you feel about that? "3) "Buy" name protection?" Five bucks, and you get perks too. Not that hard. And, it's more like name insurance. "First off, some users on this site existed before any type of payment existed on ROBLOX." Then they're either old enough to have found it, or quit long ago. I doubt people are coming back after ten [or more] years. "Second, every user that left temporarily would have left before ever knowing of a "pay to protect ur name of pay da consequences xDDD" update" I thought about that myself. And honestly, I don't care. Because, firstly, it will only be *if* somebody wants it. So if it was such a good name, they shouldn't have left it. Secondly, if you have ROBLOX sending you e-mails, you'd probably get the memo. If you don't have ROBLOX sending you e-mails, good for you. But this is just like every other excuse. "umg i wuldnt like it wuld u!" And, the 'consequences' is losing a useless name. Yes, I admit it's useless, but it's something we all like. You don't name yourself Skittleblend because you're a serious business man or some crap; you name it because you like it, it suits you. Same with Coriandr. Same with xXxiArchAngeliXxX. Same with j818. All a matter of opinion and likes. If you left, you didn't benefit anything. If you paid, you did benefit once, so you'll have that. If you didn't, you didn't and aren't benefiting ROBLOX, the community, nothing. Why should you—the inactive player—be put at an equal field with us—the active player—? "Third Last time I checked, kids don't have credit cards and paypal accounts." Last time I checked kids didn't play video games at age five. Last time I checked the kids that do are usually spoiled. Last time I checked they're too oblivious to cry for more than a few minutes about it. Last time I checked the younger audience either kept playing or left, period. "It's not very easy to convince your parent to put actual money into a website." Yeah it is. Well, not for some,—such as my parents—but for most it is. Especially the spoiled little kids who actually play games like this at age seven. "No, not "well you don't deserve it if you cant convince them" or any other thing you may say." Actually, I would say you don't deserve it if you can't afford it. I've always had to pay for everything in life myself, aside from birthday gifts and such. "Some parents just don't budge," Trust me, I know all too well. "don't understand how much the name means to the kid," They mean about five minutes of crying. That's what happened when I lost accounts of mine as a kid. I cried for about five minutes, complained to my sister a few times throughout the day, and let it go. Forever. "don't have enough money," Neither do my parents. Doesn't mean I couldn't afford a Club Penguin membership—which was seven dollars, need I add—when I was seven. "or don't want to spend money on a kids game." Again, neither did mine. Throughout the ages of five and seven, I still got a few bucks. If a kid really wants it that bad, they can do like me—look under the tables, video game stations at an arcade, and save up their birthday and holiday money. If they don't get birthday or holiday money, I doubt they'd have a computer or laptop to play period. "Kids who cannot afford or convince should not have to "face the consequences"" Why not? Five minutes of crying because they actually came back to a game they'd been inactive for, for two whole years. I'd be surprised if any came back, let alone remembered their account and complained about it for more than an hour. If they are, then they must be spoiled. "Concluding, we're not robbing peoples names and having people "face the consequences" just because people are so greedy and cant think of their own creative name." Who says they can't think of their own creative name? Who says nobody else has thought of Skittleblend, or Coriandr, or even j818 since we made the accounts? Just because somebody else had the same idea for a name, doesn't mean we aren't being creative. And it's not just having a creative name; it's about having a name that suits us. Fits our personality. Is likable, pleasing to us. "Nobody is "facing the consequences" so you can have your precious dream username." Pretty sure you're again implying that I want a new username. Anyway, as I said before, people are facing the consequences—no matter how little they may be. Because of name-snipers, inactive accounts, and alts, there are more unused names than there are players. Probably over three times the amount—and all because a few kids wanted to cry to their mommies about how they actually came back and lost a name. "Identity theft should not be promoted on ROBLOX." Identity theft is when you steal a driver's license, an ID, something like that. Not a freaking name. Just because there are people with my name that came before me, does that mean I stole an identity? I have a cousin that has the exact same name as me—minus my middle name. Does that mean I stole his identity? He's over ten years older than me, that means he came first. I must be a thief! Seriously, there's a difference. -_- ""Consequences" for going to college should not be promoted on ROBLOX." You're making it sound like every inactive account is somebody that went to college. Those are probably a minority, in fact—a *very* small minority. And the ones that will care enough to cry about it, or care enough that they'd be so old and not have the money to spend five bucks would astound me. I would laugh at them. If they're such nerds and crybabies as to care if their name was taken after two whole years of inactivity—or more—then they need to straighten out their life. "Consequences for not being rich should not be promoted on ROBLOX." Five dollars is not 'rich'. I could have afforded five dollars when I was eight. The only reason I probably couldn't have before that is because I'd always spend my money on candy or toys, which only further shows a young child's priorities. "If you create and account, that account and its username is entitle to the owner from when it's created until the end of ROBLOX, and that's that." 'Kay. I'm going to go make a hundred name snipes and never use them. Ooh, maybe alts too! Then, I'm going to go inactive, make sure my name is stolen, and cry about it to my mommy! I'M SO EVIL!!! RITE?!! "You're not messing up history like this." I don't have to. And actually, yeah, we are. Literally, a part of ROBLOX's history when told by players usually includes the fact of all the name-snipes, alts, and inactive players. "Everything is a part of history." That just further proves my point. Who wants a bunch of name-snipes, alts, and inactive accounts to ruin ROBLOX history? Seriously? "Your opinion is not universal" Doesn't need to be. Logic fills in the rest. If you're under the age of, say, ten, I doubt you'll have the attention span to care if you left for two years to come back, or the memory to get back on your old account. If you're over the age of thirteen, you should be mature enough to realize it's a video game. In-between, most kids tend to want to spend money on BC or R$ to make themselves look 'cool'. That covers it all. Sorry about the few kids that actually come back and are so grieved that they have to cry to their mommy about how they lost a little name. "I just wanted to let you know, the back of yo head is ridiculous." -Daryl, pronounced De-rail
#154947868Friday, January 30, 2015 5:20 PM GMT

I think this is an excellent idea. Rob lox should take it into consideration.
#154947889Friday, January 30, 2015 5:21 PM GMT

#154948242Friday, January 30, 2015 5:33 PM GMT

#154955408Friday, January 30, 2015 8:36 PM GMT

authenticity it's (what I feel) represents those with name snipes. ''5 dollars for account protection'' hell, I want my siggy to be my username-- minus the . but then a bunch of other good names would, no doubt, be controlled by a bunch of people who will probably, as skittle said, trash any reputation that person had. if that were the case, then i'll leave the username "CHECKMATE" be. ''Name one. And, better yet, name one people will care about.'' I guess Person299 doesn't ring a bell? He had probably the most used admin script for years straight before Kohl's and LuaModelMaker's admin scripts, being more updated, came around and knocked his script off of his spot at the top. He hasn't been around since July of last year, and if he were to stay inactive, there is no doubt that people would want his name. I know it isn't only you who thought of this idea; lots of people want it. your reasons sound like you put time into them too but, IMO the reasons that counter your suggestions, so on and so forth, will always make sure that this whole idea in general isn't used. Checkmate.
#154957207Friday, January 30, 2015 9:04 PM GMT

Person299 has the Winged Blindfold of Honor. He's been here later than that. Just recently. Anyway, aside from that, yes, people would want his name. So, one person would get it, *if* he hasn't paid for BC before. I don't think he has, but I honestly doubt many would care if somebody did. Either waysomebody could check their inventory and know it wasn't them. Or they could check Person299's Admin Commands and know. And, no, it wouldn't ruin a reputation. Unless it was a 'famous' player that had never once bought anything—which I doubt there are many of—would be the only people that *might* have a ruined reputation. They would still show up in the search, due to their old name, and all their items would still have their account. As for the counters, there have been a few valid ones, such as your example of Person299, but most of them are just, "I don't want my name taken." "I just wanted to let you know, the back of yo head is ridiculous." -Daryl, pronounced De-rail
#154957606Friday, January 30, 2015 9:10 PM GMT

I've been trying to post something here for 5 minutes and it keeps getting filtered
#154957867Friday, January 30, 2015 9:15 PM GMT

''Person299 has the Winged Blindfold of Honor. He's been here later than that. Just recently.'' He does, but as long as you qualify for the gift, you don't have to be online to receive the gift box/gift inside it. Builderman, for example. That account hasn't been on for a longer time, and he has some 2014 gifts as well. Just to clear it up. ''And, no, it wouldn't ruin a reputation. Unless it was a 'famous' player that had never once bought anything—which I doubt there are many of—would be the only people that *might* have a ruined reputation. They would still show up in the search, due to their old name, and all their items would still have their account.'' Co-creator of Apocalypse Rising Gusmanak didn't buy his OBC; it was a gift from the mods as a ''good job''. That would mean because he's the co-creator and he were to, say, be done with ROBLOX, and move on in his career: it would means his name would be up for grabs. Gusmanak has a good reputation and is, at this, well known throughout. There are lots out there who would love to tear apart a reputation that took a while to be built. Checkmate.
#154959415Friday, January 30, 2015 9:38 PM GMT

how about 2 years AND an invalid email? i would probably come back in 2 years you know
#154959625Friday, January 30, 2015 9:42 PM GMT

"He does, but as long as you qualify for the gift, you don't have to be online to receive the gift box/gift inside it. Builderman, for example. That account hasn't been on for a longer time, and he has some 2014 gifts as well. Just to clear it up." Duh. Silly me. o3o Either way, my point still stands. "Co-creator of Apocalypse Rising Gusmanak didn't buy his OBC; it was a gift from the mods as a ''good job''. That would mean because he's the co-creator and he were to, say, be done with ROBLOX, and move on in his career: it would means his name would be up for grabs." No, what I mean for 'pay for anything you'll be immune,' I mean if you've ever had BC, or gotten R$. I mean, you could get a gift card from your friend that automatically gets sent to your account. You *can* do that, right? Fairly sure, last time I checked.... "I just wanted to let you know, the back of yo head is ridiculous." -Daryl, pronounced De-rail
#154959639Friday, January 30, 2015 9:42 PM GMT

Ok I simply cannot post my counter arguments, I'm getting filtered and the post is so long I can't find what is bad about to post. Here's the ending If we were to ever have a name recycling system, it would be to get rid of "snipe and never use" accounts. A heavy filter would have to exist Accounts that can be recycled would have to include users that... -Never posted on forum -Never posted anywhere -Never played any game -Never talked to anyone in any way at all whatsoever Then I would support, this would remove the reputation issue Otherwise... Heck no!
#154959809Friday, January 30, 2015 9:44 PM GMT

"how about 2 years AND an invalid email?" Maybe. That might work, honestly- but it still wouldn't take away the inactive account names. Though, I guess most my point during this were all the name snipes and inactive alts. What about... valid e-mail, plus five years? Seems a bit long, but if somebody has been inactive for five years, I highly doubt they're comin' back, y'know. And there are still name snipes and alts that were set to your e-mail. I have like, twenty from my newbie days. "I just wanted to let you know, the back of yo head is ridiculous." -Daryl, pronounced De-rail
#154967417Friday, January 30, 2015 11:29 PM GMT

''No, what I mean for 'pay for anything you'll be immune,' I mean if you've ever had BC, or gotten R$. I mean, you could get a gift card from your friend that automatically gets sent to your account. You *can* do that, right? Fairly sure, last time I checked....'' Outside of ROBLOX, sure but my point also still stands. The mods put it into his account. It didn't cost Gusmanak or the mod who put the OBC into his account a cent. Your argument would make sense if Zolar or anyone else bought it for him, but mods putting BC into an account for a job well done doesn't cost anything to either side. So yeah. His account would be up for grabs if this idea were to be implemented. Checkmate.
#154968579Friday, January 30, 2015 11:45 PM GMT

"Ok I simply cannot post my counter arguments, I'm getting filtered and the post is so long I can't find what is bad about to post. Here's the ending" Mmm. Skittle, if you have the counter saved, post it on somewhere else. Pirate Pad, a screenshot, some other type of thing... yeah. "If we were to ever have a name recycling system, it would be to get rid of "snipe and never use" accounts." That would be fine with me. There are so many more name snipes and alts that honestly, I doubt actual accounts would ever matter. "A heavy filter would have to exist Accounts that can be recycled would have to include users that..." "-Never posted on forum" Maybe not that. There are plenty of troll alts. I know one called HelixCore, and there are plenty of people who would love that name. "-Never posted anywhere" There are comment spammers. The ones that start those whole, "POST ON 5 GAMES FOR 99999RS!!!!" are usually alts. "-Never played any game" I have like, fifteen alts from my newbie days that have played games. Plus, plenty of people make completely new accounts just to play their game and get a ticket. "-Never talked to anyone in any way at all whatsoever" Message spammers. "Free ROBUX at [InsertLinkHere]!" I get tons of those, and never see the same one twice. "Then I would support, this would remove the reputation issue" No it wouldn't. It would just mean the deletion of maybe a few hundred thousand name snipes and alts. What about another proposal: -Doesn't have over 100 forum posts -Hasn't spent over 50 tix on items -Hasn't had over 50 game visits -Hasn't had any items purchased Maybe a few more. But your ideas would barely touch the surface of how many alts and name-snipes there are. "I just wanted to let you know, the back of yo head is ridiculous." -Daryl, pronounced De-rail
#154968707Friday, January 30, 2015 11:47 PM GMT

"The mods put it into his account. It didn't cost Gusmanak or the mod who put the OBC into his account a cent. Your argument would make sense if Zolar or anyone else bought it for him, but mods putting BC into an account for a job well done doesn't cost anything to either side. So yeah. His account would be up for grabs if this idea were to be implemented." Again, I re-verify that I simply meant any type of Builder's Club, or R$ that was given into his/her account. Through anything, anything at all. Besides Trade Currency of course. "I just wanted to let you know, the back of yo head is ridiculous." -Daryl, pronounced De-rail
#154969781Saturday, January 31, 2015 12:01 AM GMT

I'm reading through this, and the amount of times you've posted 'I don't care' in your counters, should be enough to show this is a terrible idea. Secondly, you do realize, that other people are just gonna get the namesnipes to have them, right? I can tell you right now your average ROBLOX busybody, whom this update is supposedly aimed to benefit isn't gonna get any of them. The moment this update is released, LMaD, a sub forum that frequently pays hundreds of dollars for those types of accounts (PGed) is either gonna make bots, to get their request to HQ first (because the competition will be quite stiff) or just outbid everyone else. Third, people do come back after many years. Last year, I remembered my CP account, and went to log on, as I played frequently in '09, so the items I had would surely be rare by then! The login info wasn't working, so I emailed them, and sure enough, the account had been deleted years ago. That's a year of my childhood, gone. I was not pleased, as even though it was five years ago since I had last been on, and I did want to keep my account even after I quit, they only started deleting inactive accounts after I left, which was unfair for me. #TEAMVIRIDIAN
#154971539Saturday, January 31, 2015 12:24 AM GMT

Wow club penguin is such a scrub Anyway my perfect filter that's pretty much impossible to do is to recycle account names who -Only exist to spam OGM BUILDERGRANDMA TOERD ME HOW TO GET 9999 ROBUX in messages, comments, forum posts, and what not -Never had any contributions such as legit forum posts or never talked to people and had a reputation. Wasn't known by anyone But its pretty hard to tell those types of things so the one that would work is no forum posts, never playing with people in the same game, never talking to anything, and such
#154979436Saturday, January 31, 2015 2:18 AM GMT

Hello Coriandr and Good Evening!- I've been reading the full 10 pages (Yes I Know)and found some flaws along the way. First, about the "2 second log-in before 2 years..." What if those users use bots to log themselves into ROBLOX? (It may seem very unlikely that sophisticated automation might do this in a kid's game :/) Second, does contributing to the community also include live-streams/YouTube channels? Are those famous by external means also excluded by 2-5 years 9depending on the situation)? Minor nitpick, but if this goes through, are names that have spaces between them(George W Bush, for example) included in the range of names to choose from? kthxbai ~TickTockClock (P.S.,I'm fine losing my name; it's just a name, even if I look hypocritical :P)
#154979682Saturday, January 31, 2015 2:21 AM GMT

George W Bush: kthxbai ~TickTockClock
#154980808Saturday, January 31, 2015 2:36 AM GMT

"I'm reading through this, and the amount of times you've posted 'I don't care' in your counters, should be enough to show this is a terrible idea." Not really. It just means I don't care if you value your little name so much that you can go inactive, and expect someone not to want it. "Secondly, you do realize, that other people are just gonna get the namesnipes to have them, right?" At least we'd have some. ;-; "I can tell you right now your average ROBLOX busybody, whom this update is supposedly aimed to benefit isn't gonna get any of them." Not like the names benefit the people that got them either. I mean, they've been inactive for two years, nor would it benefit them anymore than it would us. "The moment this update is released, LMaD, a sub forum that frequently pays hundreds of dollars for those types of accounts (PGed) is either gonna make bots, to get their request to HQ first (because the competition will be quite stiff) or just outbid everyone else." You wouldn't be able to 'outbid' anyone. The name opens up, you want it, you take it, that's that. Nobody can pay any more or less for it. "Third, people do come back after many years. Last year, I remembered my CP account, and went to log on, as I played frequently in '09, so the items I had would surely be rare by then! The login info wasn't working, so I emailed them, and sure enough, the account had been deleted years ago. That's a year of my childhood, gone. I was not pleased, as even though it was five years ago since I had last been on, and I did want to keep my account even after I quit, they only started deleting inactive accounts after I left, which was unfair for me." Well, I'm sorry for your loss. The same thing happened to me on an account, even before that. But I didn't go cry about it, or make a big deal, because it was a freaking game. Instead, I got over it, and made a new account. Not that hard. "Wow club penguin is such a scrub" Eh, true. If you count scrub as cash-cow for little kiddies to beg their parents for a membership. "Anyway my perfect filter that's pretty much impossible to do is to recycle account names who" -Only exist to spam OGM BUILDERGRANDMA TOERD ME HOW TO GET 9999 ROBUX in messages, comments, forum posts, and what not -Never had any contributions such as legit forum posts or never talked to people and had a reputation. Wasn't known by anyone" The thing is, they wouldn't. If they can't get deleted after posting anything, anywhere, then they wouldn't be able to actually be deleted. "But its pretty hard to tell those types of things so the one that would work is no forum posts, never playing with people in the same game, never talking to anything, and such" Not really. I mean, they could be scammers on other accounts that party somebody, trolls on the forums, or people that post spam in comments and such. My system suggestion would do much better, if even then. "I just wanted to let you know, the back of yo head is ridiculous." -Daryl, pronounced De-rail
#154981159Saturday, January 31, 2015 2:40 AM GMT

"Hello Coriandr and Good Evening!-" To you! What if I'm Japanese? Huh? EVER THINK ABOUT THAT?! HUUHUHH?!!?!?/!/1 RACIST! "First, about the "2 second log-in before 2 years..." What if those users use bots to log themselves into ROBLOX? (It may seem very unlikely that sophisticated automation might do this in a kid's game :/)" Then that's all the better for them. If they want a bot to log them in every once in awhile to ROBLOX, then they can do that. But, I doubt every name snipe account is going to be automatically logged into ROBLOX—really, any for that matter. "Second, does contributing to the community also include live-streams/YouTube channels? Are those famous by external means also excluded by 2-5 years 9depending on the situation)?" Technically, yes, but of course if you're inactive you can't be contributing. Plus, I doubt any live-streamer or YouTuber that actually videos ROBLOX has never spent or had given BC or R$. Any that haven't I doubt are worth noting or famous enough to care about. "Minor nitpick, but if this goes through, are names that have spaces between them(George W Bush, for example) included in the range of names to choose from?" No, I doubt it, simply for the fact that you can't use spaces in your names anymore. "George W Bush:" gg gwb gg "I just wanted to let you know, the back of yo head is ridiculous." -Daryl, pronounced De-rail