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#153555030Friday, January 09, 2015 3:11 AM GMT

Why? Because you want to say that you're going to "[blank]" your girlfriend tonight? I don't think so, buddy. [Error 361: siggy does not exist]
#153560218Friday, January 09, 2015 4:37 AM GMT

#153562906Friday, January 09, 2015 5:33 AM GMT

"It should be if you have your age under 13, the sections are blured out and you can't go to them" What's so bad about the clubhouse section that you don't want to expose to younger kids? "If the club house section was 13+ then moderation on it could relax, and more mature topics can be talked about as well as more.. words." Are you kidding me? Moderators would do anything but relax. I can't even comprehend why you think ROBLOX would ever implement this into their website. ROBLOX is kid's game, they're not going to block out an entire forum section just so you can swear and talk "maturely". You're only giving moderators a harder time. "I say only clubhouse so that anyone with age set under 13+ can still post in the other sections, and not be kept from the forum entirely, and still ask for help, post idea, do stuff on ATR, talk about events, talk about game development." The clubhouse section isn't age-restricted. If you're posting something that a 12 year old shouldn't see, then it probably shouldn't be on ROBLOX in the first place. "They can even have their fun on the entertainment section and do stuff there." The clubhouse section is huge for a majority of young users, believe it or not. You can't limit someone else's freedom just so you can have more of it yourself. "This will stop them from randomly asking for help with stuff like ### in club house as well as other stuff" What's wrong with asking for help? Everyone was young and confused once, too. I'm sorry, but your outlook on all of this is very uptight. Maybe you can offer them help and be mature instead of shooing them away.You're not the only one who wants to have fun. "Now I know what your going to say "But people can lie about their age" well, heres what I think, who cares, if they are ready to handle the more mature content that would be on the club houses forums, then more power to them, and they can't talk about issues with 12- accounts, because they don't have them" You lost me at "who cares". You're shrugging off a flaw in your idea because you can't seem to offer a solution to it. "If a little kid lies about his age and sees somthing he should not, his parents can whine all they want, but they can't do anything, it's the kids fault for lieing about his age, the parents can't complain that their kid got exposed to mature content because the kid LIED about his age." What's your point? You're only stating the obvious. Whether you lie about your age or not, you're still getting exposed to the same stuff on the forums. And it's so far, so good, if you ask me. I haven't seen a kid scarred for life just for venturing onto the clubhouse section. "I know the 13+ thing is WNTS but next to it, it talks about them being aware of the interest" "Aware of the interest" is just a euphemism for "we've heard it a million times, shut up about it already." "I am mearly giving an idea of how they can use some 13+ stuff when a time comes when they want to add 13+ stuff, I'm not saying they need to add it right now." The forum is apart of ROBLOX, and ROBLOX is a kid's game. You cannot take away someone's 'right' to forum for the sole purpose of wanting to use vulgar language and ceasing your annoyance of children. "Then again, some arranging of forums will need to be made, as i'm sure no one in c&g is over 10" Many users under 12 regularly forum just like older kids. You cannot even tell they're under 13 sometimes. Taking a forum section away from them is cruel and unnecessary. Oh, and no support by the way. :3
#153569660Friday, January 09, 2015 12:16 PM GMT

They still get to forum. Of they are smart and mature they can lie about there age

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