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#154055255Friday, January 16, 2015 11:25 PM GMT

AN. yeah ugh i haven't written in so long. i'm so rusty. it's so bad. other than spellcheck, i didn't really edit it all that much, since i don't really like it anyways. i wasn't sure what to even do for the prompt. my inspiration was a bad joke, a bad experience, and a weird dream. but, it's a start for the year. i'll get better, i hope. Knock knock. The person behind the door knocks twice, which was just enough to get me going. I was just getting to the door, which was difficult for me. I was upstairs, in my bedroom, on my computer, typing up nonsense. That's what all this was, nonsense. It was 9 am already. Why would anyone be visiting me at those hours? I come up from my chair, which was difficult because my legs felt so weird. My legs were asleep, and felt numb. After a whole night of having my right leg slumped over my left, both of them suffered from lack of blood flow, and I have to suffer walking downstairs. I start walking out towards the door, but with my numb legs, I could barely notice my feet touching the blanket. Actually, I don't think I've even noticed the blanket, falling off my legs as I stood up, and getting caught by my chair wheels. I didn't have any warning until it was too late. My entire vision changed, from the wall with the door, to on my side under the bed. Now, my entire body was touching the floor. First, my head smashed against the chair back, leaving a bruise and killing a little bit of my mind, and my shoulder was smashed on the floor with gravity pulling me down. I was nearly crying. Why the hell would I be crying? Why not? It hurt. My fragile body couldn't stand much physical activity, and it definitely couldn't stand much physical injury. My legs were still numb as they always were, my headache was even worse. Not only was I already having a migraine from not daring to sleep, and other things I'd rather not mention, the impact to my head made me swear that I lost even more of my brain than I already have. Since similar things already happened to me before, I think this might be the reason why I am the way I am. Stuck in my self-loathing, I keep on sobbing violently on the floor. Very slowly, however, the sobbing slowed down, though my nostrils was still stuffed with snot, my tears stopped flowing. Why was I crying here? There really was no reason to cry on the floor like this. It hurt my red eyes, and while they were dry before, they were now even dryer. But, I don't really want to get up either. This was nice, laying down. I've only just noticed how soft the carpet was on my roughed, dirty skin. The sensation on my body was nothing short of comforting. It was better than any bed, at least in the state I was in. I groaned loudly, twisting my body from it's side or stomach, to my back. My arms lay slumped on my stomach, unsure of what to do in a situation like this. I didn't usually lay in a position where I can't see the ceiling and the room around me easily at night. Perhaps it's a good time as any to get some sleep... Knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock... It's repetition entered the room. It was light and quick, but I could still hear it. The door kept on going for a few minutes, actually a little less, but it felt like a while until it stopped. The person kept on knocking, over and over. Didn't they had enough things to do than wake up an already woken, dying person? What did they want with me? Why didn't I go bed earlier?."I..." my word was stuck between the walls of my dry throat, "I..." whimpered. What did I wanted to say, I wonder, as my words were jammed up, wanting to come out from the sprout that was my mouth, but was clogged with confusion. What did I wanted to tell the person, wanting to wake me up? My head tilted, my back of the brain to the floor, and my chin went up, my eyes looking on the ceiling. As I was deciding what to answer, I coughed, failing to hide my mouth in my shoulder in time. I coughed some more, and some more, and very soon I was probably sitting up and covering my mouth with both my palms. There was probably seven, or more coughs, until my throat was tired. While it was still itchy, it was finally clear enough so I could breath. What was I even doing? Why was I just sitting here? Knock knock knock knock knock, the knocking kept on rocking. The noise was louder this time, and more emphasized. I think my whimper was the one that caused it. I froze, almost. I breath deeply in. The sound. They sounded almost frustrated at my choice of actions, or rather, my lack of them. I stay still, waiting for the person to stop, There was someone that needs me! I shouldn't be sitting here, waiting for something that wouldn't happen until I do something. I think about standing up, but my legs still felt numb and dull. Honestly, I'm not sure if they would like that idea. I turn my head towards the noise. "I... Who's there?" I asked quietly, my voice quivering between syllables and notes. "Who?" The voice, it sounded beautiful. High pitched and not completely human, like some sort of... Lizard? No, that can't be right, lizards can't talk. "It's... It's..." Apparently the person wants to know who I am first. Wasn't it already obvious? I always stayed here, who else could it be? "It's me," I reply, "But... who are you?" Now that I think about it, I haven't heard the voice before. The person wouldn't need to ask if they knew me closely, or wanted something with me, because where else would I be? Why wasn't the person answering. I waited. No response. "Hello?" I call, louder this time, "Are you there?" Normally, I'd open the door right after the person behind it would tell me a name, a voice that I might recognize. This was someone I didn't know, my legs were stuck to the ground. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't get up. Shame, not even my bottom half would let me do what I didn't want to do. I've waited, again. The silence was irritating, grating on my soul. Didn't you want me? Didn't you call for me? Why aren't you answering me? Talk to me! "Answer me!" I demanded, my voice more forced than it needed to be. I coughed quietly and quickly apologized for my sudden outburst. There was no need for me to be so rude, right now. The voice didn't reply, until only a few moments later. "Who... Who?" I bite down onto my lip, keeping my loud screams inside where nobody can hear it. My face, though I couldn't see it, felt like it was flushed with warm blood with the possibility that he might not be completely serious about this. Was this just to make fun of me? Was the person mocking me? "Why don't you tell me, first?" I ask, more gentle than I wanted, "You're the one knocking on my door, aren't you?" I didn't think I had a right to be so mad, but I also didn't think this... this being, had any right to come to my door to play a few jokes on me. Oddly enough, the bird's response was very quick this time. He answered without a pause, repeating the word, "Who," three times now. "Who, who who?" The string of words was somewhat melodic, I might have thought it was some sort of 3 note song. A rest, and then 3 beats, harsh taps on the stiff wooden rectangle. The person was surely mocking me, without the doubts I had before. Who dares just go up to a room, knock on the door several times, say "Who, who, who," and nothing else? I wouldn't! I swore I wasn't livid, though from how I acted, my friends would have said otherwise. If I had friends, of course, but whatever. It doesn't how pathetic my life is. Just leave me alone, alright? Can't you at least do that for me? I couldn't say anything. My lips were closed and shut tightly, refusing to let any of my screams of anger. ... Why was I so angry? I sigh loudly. I really should stop procrastinating, on unlocking the door, on getting up to live life, to work on my two page essay. My body was too fragile and weak for any of this, and while I'd like to blame everything else, it is only on me. I slowly got up, my legs were as grossly stiff as they always were. How long has it since I ate anything? I was slow, I limped to the door with my bottom half in shambles. I stopped in front of the door. I think I forgot if it opened into the inside, or the outside. Well, let's get this over with. I breathed in. "What are you?" I ask to the door, with a sharp voice, "An owl?" Another voice. "Yes, he is."
#154055310Friday, January 16, 2015 11:26 PM GMT

I like it. I skimmed through it though, I'm still reading it fully though. Nicely done :)
#154056033Friday, January 16, 2015 11:37 PM GMT

Cool Pick. 1526 words. The description was nice, but the overall story was bland. and is this going to be continued?
#154056107Friday, January 16, 2015 11:38 PM GMT

well no
#154071156Saturday, January 17, 2015 3:32 AM GMT

honestly if i could have stopped writing earlier i would have i was just not feeling this story. it's bland, like you said, and i didn't have an actual direction or an idea that i wanted. so.
#154075855Saturday, January 17, 2015 4:35 AM GMT

wait, are you saying "this" to refer to the story itself, because it seems incomplete, or the challenge im working on the 2nd one right now. 1/3 done
#154076261Saturday, January 17, 2015 4:42 AM GMT

What prompt was this? What for?
#154076477Saturday, January 17, 2015 4:46 AM GMT

#154079127Saturday, January 17, 2015 5:36 AM GMT

Oh yeah. That thing. I believe I said I was already in. I guess I'll try it out.

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