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#154091991Saturday, January 17, 2015 1:22 PM GMT

Happy 20K to me! It's been great getting 20K posts with you guys on RP the past two and a half years, and I'm likely to stick around for at least another 20K posts after this! For those of you who like cats, by the way, you're in luck, as this is an ancient Egyptian RP. Table of Contents I. Introduction II. Plot III. Magic and Religion IV. Example Character Concepts for if you're having writer's block V. Occupations and Social Classes VI. Admis and Credits VII. Rules VIII. CS I. Introduction The great Ramses II, Pharaoh of Egypt has died, leaving it with no heir or ruler. Egypt is about to descend in chaos as it fears the descent of the New Kingdom. However, two choices rise from the darkness. Amenmesse and Thutmose. Both have claims to the Royal Throne, and both have parts supporting them, perhaps Gods supporting as well. Egypt is divided. Who will win between them? And this is where the Power of the Egyptian People comes in. Whoever they support more wins the throne, and it lays in their hands. It is the choice of the soldier, the scribe or even the farmer. However, the two sides may the need the help of the Gods to reach proper victory. The kingdom is at war, and it may destroy itself in the progress of trying to keep itself alive. II. Plot You are a citizen of Egypt. It is in your hands to decide whether to side with Amenmesse or Thutmose, or to remain as a neutral party, just an ordinary person of your trade, trying to survive the war. There are good reasons for siding with either Amenmesse and Thutmose, which shall be described below: Amenmesse is a big, strong and agressive Pharaoh, believing that Egypt is the most powerful kingdom of all (and rightly so!) and that, as the gods have given Egypt the gift of all this might, the Egyptians should use it to expand their borders and bring others into their grand nation. While quick to anger, he is not to be taken as a fool, for he is one of Egypt's greatest military minds as well. Amenmesse's territory is most of the southern part of Egypt. Thutmose, while not so intimidating in stature as Amenmesse and slightly more affable, is still a force to be reckoned with. Thutmose believes that if the neighbouring kingdoms want to become part of Egypt, he should let them, but he shouldn't force it upon them - Instead, Egypt should put it's military to use guarding the kingdom and trade routes so that the people (other than the slaves) of Egypt are all wealthy. While he tends away from violence, he is not to be taken as a pacifist, as he will use his keen mind and numeruous allies to his advantage if forced into a fight. Thutmose's territory is most of the northern part of Egypt. Amenmesse, of course, goes into battle, attacking his sworn enemy Thutmose. Thutmose, while he does have a strong army, has one other liability, and that is that, in order to show the people that he is true to his beliefs, he is encouraging trade between (his part of) Egypt and other neighbouring kingdoms, and not failing to invest in his plans. There are those who may not choose to side with either Pharaoh, instead, they just remain in their city or farm or village, trying to last through the civil war without being slaughtered. These people tend to live around the border, as those loyal to one side or the other would have moved to the territory where their pharaoh lives. It is your choice which of these paths to take. III. Religion and Magic The religion of Ancient Egypt was a polytheistic one. They had many gods, around 2000, though many were just divine aspects of Gods, such as Hathor and Hesat. One was a Goddess of Joy, the other a bloodthirsty warrior. The King of the Gods is Ra, just like the Greeks had Zeus. The Egyptians believe that in the beginning, there was only chaotic water, called Nu. There was also Ra, called also Atum, Khepri, Ra-Harakhte or Aten. The moon was several Gods. though most often the silver eye of Ra, or Seth. To the Egyptians the sky was a goddess called Nut. She was often shown as a cow standing over the earth her eyes being the sun and the moon. She is kept from falling to earth by Shu, who was the god of air and wind, As this heavenly cow, she gave birth to the sun daily. The sun would ride in the 'Solar Barque' across Nut. Then as evening fell, Nut would swallow the sun creating darkness. In the center of which lay her husband Geb, the earth-god.He is often seen leaning on one elbow, with a knee bent toward the sky, this is representive of the mountains and valleys of the earth. Green vegetation would sprout from Geb's brown or red body. There were also many more Gods. They didn't necessarily worship all of them, but perhaps chose one to worship more often. As for magic... First off, they called it Heka, a force controlling the universe and Gods. Since this was their belief, the Egyptians thought that controlling Heka would make them more powerful and therefore help them control Gods. They were also thought to create the first wands, though this is a side note and generally considered incorrect. Secondly, they had a major secrecy with their magic. Those who made up the priesthood were allowed unlimited access to magic, meanwhile those who did NOT have access to it, but were caught practising it were: jailed, beaten, fined, and perhaps killed for blasphemy and heresy - If caught, at least. It was a legal requirement for magicians to wear Ivory amulets to signify their purity and ability to control Gods, as one had to be "pure" to practice the magic of Heka. Egypt, though not alone in the habit, had major secrecy about their magic as it was cherished. They passed it down for many years and only from Master to Apprentice. If you were a priest and particularly good at healing, say, wounds, you'd write a book of rituals for it and pass it down. Detailed enough to understand, vague enough not to be understood by enemies. IV. Example Character Concepts Want to join but can't think of a good character? Great! Just plagiarize something from this list and you're good to go! 1) The Neutral Farmer: This one's rather obvious. The Neutral Farmer is someone who owns or works on a farm, and who has decided to remain neutral in the war. 2) The Cross-Country Merchant: A merchant and informant in the service of Thutmose, trading goods in Amenmesse's territory and gathering information, only to give the information to Thutmose when he returns to Thutmose's part of Egypt for more trade. 3) The Deserter: A former soldier that left his army out of fear for his life or to join the other army. This idea works regardless of which faction you choose. 4) The Battle-Priest: A priest who has decided to side with Amenmesse over Thutmose due to the fact that he believed his specialties and rituals to be better suited for battle than trade. 5) The Blacksmith Warrior: A blacksmith for a local village that is using this as an opportunity to fight for self-government and arms a local militia. While he couldn't stand against the full force of either army, if he remains unobstructive enough to avoid notice during the war, he should be able to survive... Or so he hopes. V. Occupations and Social Classes Ancient Egyptians had Social Class Pyramids as well as real ones. From Richest to Poorest: 1. Pharaoh A ruler in Ancient Egypt. Typically just one, though at the moment two seperate people are laying claims to this title, as you likely already know from reading the above. 2. Government Officials The government officials, like Viziers, are exactly like now. They hold an office in the government, and are most often greedy. 3. Nobles and Priests People of noble birth, or ordained to the priesthood. 4. Scribes and Soldiers People who copy out documents, especially employed to do this before Gutenburg's printing press was invented a mere three thousand five hundred years after this RP takes place, and those who serve in the army. 5. Craftsmen Workers skilled in particular crafts. 6. Farmers, Peasants or Slaves People who manage farms, a poor smallholder or agricultural labourer of low social status, or people who are legal property of someone and are forced to work for them against their own will. VI. Admins and Credits Timpookie Coming up with the concept of this RP and the basic frame of the plot of the RP, about two thirds of the Table of Contents, plus chapters II, IV, VI, VII and VIII. Bowtiesarecool001 About a third of the Table of Contents and the part of the collab to help with the historic accuracy of everything, plus chapters I, III and V, and the Pharaoh names. More admins may be chosen as the RP progresses, depending on who Bow and I find mature, active and responsible. VII. Rules 1) Respect the Admins. 2) Fill out the CS in it's entirety, if you need help with anything, don't hesitate to ask. 3) No profanities directed towards fellow RPers or the admins. 4) Break ROBLOX rules at your own risk, the management of this thread are not liable for any banned accounts, be it permanently or temporarily. 5) Please keep OOC discussion to a minimum, if you have something directed at one person only and isn't IC, use PMs or parties. 6) Use parenthesies for OOC discussion. Coriandr, this means you. 7) Try to remain within Egypt whenever possible, as that is where this takes place. 8) Feel free to have as many characters as you want! 9) Bow and I will play the two Pharaohs, so they're not NPCs. 10) Don't control another's person character... Well, ever. It's bad form. 11) These rules are subject to change at any time, don't complain about "butt it's not in da r00lz!" 12) Wait to be accepted by an admin before beginning. 13) Notify us of if you'll be inactive so that we can put the subplots you're in on hold while you're gone! 14) Only Priests (And the Pharaohs, but they're hosts for gods) are allowed access to Heka, and even then, in limited amounts. 15) Just don't be OP in general. 16) Choose a name and appearance remniscient of the New Kingdom of Egypt, the historical era that this RP is based off of. If you need any help with this, contact Bow, he's far more knowlegeable in the matter than Tim. 17) Got a problem with someone's behavior on the thread? Contact an admin! Got a problem with an assigned admin's behavior on the thread? Contact Tim or Bow! Got a problem with Tim or Bow? Leave. VIII. CS Name: Age: Pharaoh: (Amenmesse, Thutmose or Neutral) Appearance: Clothing: Occupation: Bio: Personality: Other: Bow's CS: Name: Userkhaure Amenmesse Age: 40 Pharaoh: (Amenmesse, Thutmose or Neutral) Amenmesse Appearance: Tanned skin, bald head, furrowy eyebrows, grey eyes, a broad nose with large nostrils, and normal lips. He is of muscular build, and is about 1.83 m tall. Clothing: Chest Protection made of thick linseed strips, fiber waist shield, silver Khopesh, wooden shield reinforced with silver and leather, and a short spear, decorated with Godly runes. He wears a golden bracelet on his left wrist. On it is a Lapis Lazuli engraved into the form of the Ankh. He wears leather sandals. Occupation: Pharaoh, Nomarch, Military General, Host of a God. Bio: Born in Saqqara, Amenmesse is a severe man. He dislikes people who prefer knowledge over force, and so he joined the Egyptian Military, and rised in the ranks, until finally, he became a general. Amenmesse is a big, strong and agressive Pharaoh, believing that Egypt is the most powerful kingdom of all (and rightly so!) and that, as the gods have given Egypt the gift of all this might, the Egyptians should use it to expand their borders and bring others into their grand nation. While quick to anger, he is not to be taken as a fool, for he is one of Egypt's greatest military minds as well. Amenmesse's territory is most of the southern part of Egypt. iPersonality: He is violent and quick to anger, however, he is not to be mistaken for the bad guy, as he simply wants to expand Egypt to accept more citizens, to keep Egypt eternal. (Poor Bloke) He is protective over soldiers which has made him a father figure for most. Amenmesse is intelligent as well, approving war plans and such before actually going into battle, which has resulted into multiple victories, little losses. Other: Tim's CS Name: Horemheb Thutmose Age: 34 Pharaoh: Thutmose Appearance: About 1.75 metres tall, with short, black hair and tanned skin. He has brown eyes, and a slightly shorter than average nose. He's of a rather stout build, as evidenced by his height, and, while he appears not to be in the best physical condition, looks can be decieving. His appearance, however, has an aura about it that gives strong first impressions that he is a kind, fair and just ruler. Clothing: A linen skirt that goes from his waist down to his knees, embroidered with gold silk around the knee in a zig-zag pattern. He wears several necklaces of alternating Turquoise and gold beads, and a circular silver bracelet about two centimetres along his wrist on each arm. Engraved in the bracelets is a turquoise carved into the shape of the Eye of Ra with an outline comprised of gold. On his feet, he wears sandals at most times. Occupation: Pharaoh, Nomarch, Military General, Merchant, Host of a God Bio: Thutmose was born in Giza to his mother a priestess and his father a merchant-turned politician, and grew up as an upper-class citizen rather than one of the peasantry. As the years went on, he became interested in politics, particularly the politics of foreign trade, and managed to gain the title of Nomarch after just a few years in the business, one of the youngest Nomarchs in history - Which people generally took as a sign that the gods look favorably upon him. Amenmesse was a sometimes-friend sometimes-foe in the politics of Egypt during the reign of Ramses, though the two often had different opinions on how to solve any particular issue. After Ramses died, he didn't even have to use any propaganda to become Pharaoh - The people loved him so much that they just gave him the title. Personality: An industrious and enterprising man, Thutmose tends to attempt to solve problems without violence before getting into fights himself, though depending on the situation, he may resort to violence first (Such as if attacked or if administering lawful punishment for a crime). He always sees ways in which Egypt can expand it's influence without needless war, and is thus quick to befriend likeminded people, though quick to anger those who see violence as the only remotely possible way to expand Egypt. Other: He's as historically accurate as a fictional character could possibly be.
#154093624Saturday, January 17, 2015 2:04 PM GMT

i helped with this.//
#154093787Saturday, January 17, 2015 2:07 PM GMT

(Indeed. We can join either whenever we get two good CSes or when my roll20 D&D game ends for today.)
#154093821Saturday, January 17, 2015 2:08 PM GMT

so much to read... marked.
#154094435Saturday, January 17, 2015 2:21 PM GMT

fkn worldwall clearly i am not worth of rping such a rp
#154094459Saturday, January 17, 2015 2:21 PM GMT

Name: Akusaa Chenzira Age: 27 Pharaoh: Neutral Appearance: She has black hair stretching down to her lower waist, wearing red paint [lipstick] and wears a nice mini flower necklace. She has light beige/brown eyes. She's around 5'10" and weighs at 140 lbs. Clothing: A nice satin grey linen skirt. [satin grey is the color btw] Occupation: She's a scribe w/ a nice house Bio: Akusaa grew up in the city of Memphis, and as a kid he always wanted to be a scribe. Her mom was an artisan and her dad was a merchant. She lived in Memphis until she was about 10 years old, moving to the city of Cairo. When she was 10, she started scribe school just outside of Egypt, and was in scribe school until she was 14. When her parents got a wealth of money because Akusaa was a scribe, they bought a nice riverside house with a servant. Her parents moved away to Thebes for work business one day, and they never came back. Right now, Akusaa owns the house, and still has the butler. Personality: Akusaa is a heartwarming woman, and she can be serious sometimes, but most of the time she is playful. She befriends people who her parents know, and befriend some other people who aren't criminals. Akusaa is also against violence, so she never uses violence. Other: I don't know.
#154094619Saturday, January 17, 2015 2:25 PM GMT

(Accepted, unless Bow sees anything wrong with that CS, iStar.)
#154094630Saturday, January 17, 2015 2:25 PM GMT

((Cairo was established thousands of years after this.))
#154094674Saturday, January 17, 2015 2:26 PM GMT

(Crap, I didn't see that...)
#154094689Saturday, January 17, 2015 2:26 PM GMT

[oh, ok, but is Heliopolis an option? or Giza?]
#154094764Saturday, January 17, 2015 2:27 PM GMT

((Both are ok.))
#154094800Saturday, January 17, 2015 2:28 PM GMT

(Both Heliopolis and Giza are viable options.)
#154094804Saturday, January 17, 2015 2:28 PM GMT

[Heliopolis then.]
#154094924Saturday, January 17, 2015 2:31 PM GMT

((Accepted. *Thumbs up*))
#154095141Saturday, January 17, 2015 2:35 PM GMT

Tracking - I have to go in a bit, nut I'll be back later.
#154095170Saturday, January 17, 2015 2:36 PM GMT

#154095914Saturday, January 17, 2015 2:52 PM GMT

I read it, though. I like it. :p
#154096398Saturday, January 17, 2015 3:02 PM GMT

#154096455Saturday, January 17, 2015 3:03 PM GMT

I'm on my phone; I won't be on till around 11AM-12PM. If it is a lot of errands I'll be back by 1PM.
#154099749Saturday, January 17, 2015 4:06 PM GMT

#154100343Saturday, January 17, 2015 4:15 PM GMT

i want to join but im such a failure when it comes to Egypt why couldn't it be something i somewhat understand, like rome, or Greece.... hlegh marked
#154100629Saturday, January 17, 2015 4:19 PM GMT

you dont have to understand that much google it we dont shame that))
#154102562Saturday, January 17, 2015 4:50 PM GMT

I have never rped in such a big rp before and I am likely to mess things up bad, but can I join anyway?
#154103417Saturday, January 17, 2015 5:04 PM GMT

((Well, i'm fine with you joining, but idk what you and tims relationship is so))
#154103655Saturday, January 17, 2015 5:07 PM GMT

((Its cool, bruh. Make a damn CS.))

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