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#154287910Tuesday, January 20, 2015 12:49 AM GMT

Plot Life should seem normal by now. We all got this far in life, but ever since last week has it been so unusual. That day, when they came out. We all heard the stories as kids, but didn't believe them until that day. It happened right at midday. First the ground shook, then the sky darkened, and finnaly our dark halves came out into the open. The terror raced through the bodies of everyone, not knowing what to do next. Today, humans declared war. Everything is now decisions, is it truly real. We all want to find out the truth. Is it life, or is it a dream? You decide that. You should know if it is. But if you don't, it may just be time to find out. You are a human that has a dark half, and must defend yourself from them. Rules: No swearing (sk8er may change this) No romance No godmodding "It's not in the rules!" No. Just no. No gary/mary sues. All characters must eventually either kill their dark half or die. We will select admins. "You didn't say that so I win" No. Just- no. Put "Darky larky" in Other to show you read the rules. Admins: sk8er North Dragonelz C.S. sheet Name: Age: Gender: Personality: Appearance: Bio: Other:
#154288706Tuesday, January 20, 2015 12:59 AM GMT

Name: Erik Nickelson Age: 18 Gender: Male Personality: Outgoing and empathetic. Will protect his friends with his life, and won't back down. He is loyal to friends, and won't turn on anybody. If you're his friend, he's got your back. Appearance: http://mydo.ctor.kaiserp.ermanente.org/ncal/Images/Teen%20Boy_tcm28-497974.jpg Bio: Erik was born in San Diego, and lived in a apartment building. Much like his parents, he dreamed of becoming a carpenter. He eventually made that dream true, and built many wood sculptures. His dark half wants to make Erik his servant and subject for torture. Other: Darky larky #friedbutterfingerftw© Potato©
Top 100 Poster
#154289503Tuesday, January 20, 2015 1:10 AM GMT

The idea could make a decent RP, but a lot more work needs to be put into this.
#154289874Tuesday, January 20, 2015 1:14 AM GMT

Name: Eiyo Ukazi (I - oh) (oo -kah - zee) Age:19 Gender: Male Personality: A bit arrogant, yet nice and brave. He'll be nice, but when it comes to any sort of challenge, he puts himself before anyone else and won't let others try before him. He is also a very nerdy/geeky person. Appearance: Average structure, blonde hair flipped to the side in a messy way, blue eyes Bio: Born in a small town ,kenova, WV. He had a good life until his dark half killed his family and friends. His dark half is trying to use him to slowly kill everybody, starting with local government officials and authorities. Other: Darky Larky. Even though modern times, he still carries a sword, because he knows that the dark halves are trying to rid the world of technology. He also has random moments where his dark half completely takes over and does what it wants until majorly damaged, but when majorly damaged, Eiyo doesn't feel it.
#154290887Tuesday, January 20, 2015 1:27 AM GMT

(For some reason, Roblox isn't letting me post my CS. I don't see any innappropiate words, but it's still not working. Help ;-;) PIZZA
#154291342Tuesday, January 20, 2015 1:32 AM GMT

Make sure there is not even a slightly inappropriate word
#154291394Tuesday, January 20, 2015 1:33 AM GMT

(sk8, here's the other collab: http://web.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=154291345) #friedbutterfingerftw© Potato©
#154292078Tuesday, January 20, 2015 1:41 AM GMT

Breathes hard "How?" Eiyo murmured. "How did it happen? Why, did it happen?" Eiyo's knees hit the cold, snowy ground. "Why, why them? Why my family, and friends? I will get him." His fist pounds into the ground. "I will destroy my dark half. You here me, I'm coming for you Dark Half!" His screams echoed through the empty town.
#154292791Tuesday, January 20, 2015 1:51 AM GMT

(I'm just gonna post it in sections to see what part needs to be fixed.) Name: Kendra Dragon Age: 27 Gender: Female PIZZA
#154292890Tuesday, January 20, 2015 1:52 AM GMT

Personality: Kendra is an extremely acerbic person. She will almost always drop a caustic comment on something whenever given the chance, even in threatening situations. Despite her sarcasm, Kendra is usually pretty friendly whenever she isn't being a smart-alleck. Kendra's sarcasm tends to give off an arrogant first impression, but once you get to know her, you'll quickly discover her sympathetic side. She doesn't mind being teased and usually laughs with her tormentors before shooting a scathing comment right back at them. She has a callous attitude towards being insulted, notwithstanding the fact that she insults people fairly often. Kendra is audacious as well as rebellious, defying any orders she does not agree with even if her life is on the line. Because of this, she is steadfast and loyal, never swaying from the side of someone whom she places her faith in. Kendra does have her flaws, but she is a fantastic and devoted friend. PIZZA
#154292957Tuesday, January 20, 2015 1:53 AM GMT

Appearance: Kendra prefers wearing jeans and her black jacket no matter how warm it gets. This is mostly because she enjoys the heat, preferring it over the cold quite a bit. Kendra has emerald green eyes with a couple of darker green flecks scattered about here and there. She has long, straight, caramel brown hair that nearly reaches her waist. Sometimes she wears it in a braid if she ever feels the need, although this isn't too common. As for her complexion, Kendra towers over most other people at an alarming height of 6'2. She's considerably thin, yet broad-shouldered as well. Her legs are much more muscular, however. Kendra's skin is remotely tan with the occasional freckle dotted here and there along her limbs and torso. She has pale lips that are usually extremely chapped, since Kendra loathes chapstick. PIZZA
#154293538Tuesday, January 20, 2015 2:01 AM GMT

(Okay, so apparently the word pregna nt was the issue. I have no idea why that's censored, but anyway, here's the rest of the CS.) Bio: Practically the moment Kendra was born, she was despised. Her father had only recently discovered that his wife was pregna n t and had completely disapproved. But for some reason, he stuck around, although he treated Kendra's mother poorly. When Kendra was finally born, her mother was overjoyed. Her father was still upset, but he managed to hide his anger until they left the hospital. Once they got home, however... It was a different story. He threatened his wife with a gun that the couple kept for emergencies, telling the poor woman that he'd kill her if she didn't hand Kendra over. She managed to get away and call 911, and hung around in a hiding spot she had found while the cops were heading over. Unfortunately, her husband found and killed her before the police arrived. On the bright side, she had hidden Kendra somewhere else, and the cops got there before he could find and kill the child. Kendra's father was arrested and Kendra was sent to an orphanage. She stayed at the aforementioned orphanage for the next 18 years of her life, avoiding bullies and obnoxious inhabitants of the orphanage. Life was surprisingly decent there, though; the manager of the building was friendly and great with kids. Most of the other children were cheerful and treated Kendra well. Due to this, Kendra was actually pretty upset about leaving when she reached 18 years of age. But alas, she found a job and rented an apartment. After a few months, she got a new, better-paying job as a nightguard at a kid's pizzeria. (I'm sorry, I had to) After this, nothing really happened in Kendra's life... Until now, that is. (Well, this is definitely the worst bio I've ever written. Oh well.) Other: Darky larky (What does that even mean?) PIZZA
#154294289Tuesday, January 20, 2015 2:12 AM GMT

(Darky Larky is something north came up with) Anyways Eiyo stood up, grasping his sword, staring at a figure in a distance. He couldn't see it well, because of the fog and snow falling. He stood in the middle of the road between Save a-lot, and Griffith and Feil.(save a-lot is a grocery store and Griffith and Feil is a soda fountain and medicine store owned by the mayor)The figure got closer. Eiyo grasped his sword harder. He didn't know rather to be happy that he finally sees someone, or to be worried that it is a dark half
#154295673Tuesday, January 20, 2015 2:30 AM GMT

As it approached, thoughts raced through his head. He almost wanted to cry. Then, he saw what it was. A human, who was scared. Running without reason it seemed. He let go of his sword and just stood there.
#154296236Tuesday, January 20, 2015 2:37 AM GMT

[ would it be alright if my character's dark side already won..? or can i not do that? ]
#154296378Tuesday, January 20, 2015 2:39 AM GMT

Well, if you're still alive yeah
#154297713Tuesday, January 20, 2015 3:00 AM GMT

Eiyo closed his eyes. "I can finally communicate with a human again." he whispered. "He he. Maybe a challenge."
#154299178Tuesday, January 20, 2015 3:25 AM GMT

Eiyo looked past the figure, seeing a larger figure chasing it. "Yes, a challenge!" He pulled out his sword putting a glaring smile upon his face.
#154300652Tuesday, January 20, 2015 3:48 AM GMT

[ so, would i make the sheet for the dark side instead..? ]
#154303971Tuesday, January 20, 2015 4:50 AM GMT

Name:Avian "The Cheeser" Pegason Age:14 Gender:Male Personality:He's a jokester and still a kid at heart. The only time he's serious is when against his dark half. Appearance: He's about 5'6. He's more or less fit. He's no physical wonder, but he's not super fat either. He has fair skin, and a solid dark green shirt. He wears black jeans, and his hair is black as well. His eyes are green and almond shaped. Bio: Always when playing an MMO with his friends, or when playing a sport, he charges right in while yelling "IT'S CHEESING TIMEEE" as a battle cry, leading to his nickname. He lives a fairly normal life, no real quirks except the DARK HALVES OF PEOPLE ROAMING AROUND. He also loves to read and play video games. He's not very smart, however, and only barely passes classes. He also has a crippling fear of heights. Other:Darky Larky Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. Margaret Mead
#154305480Tuesday, January 20, 2015 5:29 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#154305656Tuesday, January 20, 2015 5:34 AM GMT

Name: Jack Smithston Age: 17 Gender: Male Personality: Secretive, shy. Keeps to himself. Doesnt like to socialize. Appearance: Basically my Robloxian, spiked up brunette with a vest and dress pants. Bio: I'll post it later. Other: Mixed eyes that are Hazel AND Green. " Pop! Goes the Weasel. "
#154310446Tuesday, January 20, 2015 9:37 AM GMT

I give you permission doodle
#154342412Wednesday, January 21, 2015 12:44 AM GMT

Eiyo stood there, waiting. Finally, The two figures had reached a distance close enough for Eiyo to see. "I've got it!" Eiyo shouted, lunging to the direction of the larger figure. It wasn't anything like he'd ever seen. A beast-like dark half. Without a sign of fear, he jumped holding his sword out in the direction of the dark half. He missed. Right then, it smacked him, sending him flying into the ground. He got up to his knees. "I missed? How?" he thought.
#154347619Wednesday, January 21, 2015 1:48 AM GMT

C.S Sheet- Name: Nikola Vivace Age: She's currently 18 years old. Gender: Female Personality: Nikola is known for having an eccentric personality, being usually sweet and sparing. However, instead of an aura of joy, she emits a dark and black aura. When Nikola gets to know someone better, she becomes rather clingy and stalker-like towards that person. Furthermore with this dark side, she's an actual Yandere: she appears to be genuinely romantic, sparing, sweet and gentle, but is at the same time brutal and psychotic in behavior. She is mentally unstable, and sometimes is incredibly deranged. She isn't mentally sane as the psychotic tendency can be both sudden and ever-present, causing her to be a sociopath. Along with this, Nikola takes pleasure to 'butchering' her enemies and adores the sight of blood- either fresh or old. Appearance: http://kaede-chii.deviantart.com/art/Wish-307121806 Bio: Nikola's mother died while giving birth to Nikola, because of that her father always blamed her. She always thought that it would have been better if she never existed. As a child, she was often sick and had to stay home. One day, she got sick, having a high fever which resulted in the doctor coming in to take a look. The doctor told Nikola's father that the fever was a serious one, and could bring fatality to her. After a month of staying home, her fever settled, though when she opened her eyes- she noticed that she couldn't see with her left eye. The doctor examined her and came into the conclusion that her 'blindness' occurred from the illness. It is unknown when Nikola's dark side manifested. Other: Darky Larky

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