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#154358688Wednesday, January 21, 2015 4:40 AM GMT

The Dargonain Kingdoms, year 1015 of the Third Age, after the mass settlement of Kalthor, the Northern Kingdom. A riot broke out, but the King's Knights held them back. It seems nowadays the rebellion keeps growing, each time coming back with more people to fight. Where they come and where they go is unknown, but it's not a big deal to be honest. It seems that the new land is more harsh and barbaric than the old, and the Avians and Elves have been dieng out. Those of them who remain are being hunted for their blood, said to be a cure for madness. What I think is that they're going mad because of it. They call this the Golden Age of the kingdoms, but I'd call it the other. Werewolves have yet but vanished ever since the end of the War of the North. The Dargonain Kingdoms, year 1015 of the Third Age, during the slow, tiring settling of Wenig. It seems more peaceful here than Kalthor, the lush countryside is blooming with life. The great city, the elve's safe haven, seems more bright than ever. The problem is; when something seems bright, it always falls. The small village of New Roix, yes. Peaceful it is, simple life. Everyone seems to be at peace. The Dargonain Kingdoms, year 1015 of the Third Age, Esgorth, the Northern Mountain. Here is highly unsettled and barbaric, tribes roam freely and there's not much to say. The entire thing is a mountain, save for two valleys. The Dargonain Kingdoms, year 1015 of the Third Age, Noocarya, the Broken Kingdom. It's dead here, the old Castle Lasthia, the torn landscape, the ruins of villages. A lot happened here a long time ago; the Elves, the Avians, the highly respected races. Now it seems those two are the ones being hunted. --GEOGRAPHY KALTHOR: The Northern Kingdom - although it's not the furthest north but rather in the central, it's the biggest of them all spanning mainly plains and is home to the second tallest mountain, alongside that several mountain ranges. Castles and villages scatter the highlands of this noble kingdom. WENIG: The Untamed Kingdom - to the north-west and divided into two parts, this kingdom has a lush, rugged harsh landscape. Either parts of it are riddled with mountains and home to hardly any villages. ESGORTH: the the Northern Mountain - to the far north is Esgorth, an island which is entirely a mountain, save for two valleys on the central and on the west. Scattered with barbarian tribes, this isn't where someone decent would want to live. NOOCARYA: the Broken Kingdom - once home to the finest nobles, the richest and purest parties, the most valiant knights, but is now broken. Only one village yet stands amongst the previous vast kingdom. --RACES -Human (Lasthian, Therolian, Eskargan) -Elvish -Werewolf (a human who can turn into a humanoid-like wolf. (See Skyrim werewolves or WoW worgens for the idea.)) -Avian (a human who can turn into any bird depending on their heritage) -Nogardon (a human who can turn into a full-on elemental dragon, distinct because one eye is of a different color depending on their element along with their hair) --RULES 1) No god modding 2) No powergaming 3) No metagaming 4) Respect other RPers 5) Please keep the content PG-13 or under; we don't need that much explenation on how you kill someone. 6) Abide by what I say; don't reject what I said unless it seems I misread your dialogue. 7) Don't attempt to add new places to the world. It won't turn out very well. 8) Put 'budgerigar' on your CS. 9) More rules may be added. --EXRRA NOTES This RP works in this way; you post an action, I decide the consequences. Begin with a starter post and we continue from there. --CS (All this is in-character.) Name (first and last): Race(Elf/human): Race2(Optional; Werewolf/Avian/Nogardon): Race2 Appearance(Required if Werewolf/Avian/Nogardon): Gender: Homeland: Current home kingdom: Job(optional): Weapon(s): Appearance (physical): Appearance (clothes/everyday): Appearance (armor, optional): Personality: Bio: Extra:
#154358811Wednesday, January 21, 2015 4:43 AM GMT

#154358935Wednesday, January 21, 2015 4:45 AM GMT

Mark bcause I wanna try my hand at middle ages rps
#154359585Wednesday, January 21, 2015 4:58 AM GMT

Also, for everyone who was in the past RP, you can continue from where you left off when it went inactive if you want.
#154359995Wednesday, January 21, 2015 5:08 AM GMT

quick question can i get to be a serial killer
#154360035Wednesday, January 21, 2015 5:10 AM GMT

(I'm gonna go get my old CS, make tweaks REpost it. Start Anew.)
#154360043Wednesday, January 21, 2015 5:10 AM GMT

@king, yes but you'll probably be hunted down and killed in-character
#154360126Wednesday, January 21, 2015 5:12 AM GMT

can we make new characters if our 1st character dies
#154360198Wednesday, January 21, 2015 5:15 AM GMT

@king, yeah
#154360242Wednesday, January 21, 2015 5:16 AM GMT

aw yiss soon people will know the glory of the potato sack killer
#154360621Wednesday, January 21, 2015 5:28 AM GMT

Name (first and last): Tarden Vaolik Race(Elf/human): Human Race2(Optional; Werewolf/Avian/Nogardon): N/A Race2 Appearance(Required if Werewolf/Avian/Nogardon): N/A Gender: Male Homeland: Unnamed Barbarian Tribe at Esgorth Current home kingdom: Kalthor Job(optional): N/A Weapon(s): Two daggers. Appearance (physical): Tarden is 5'3 and has dark skin. He has black eyes and is bald. He has a cut on his lip and lost one of his teeth. He is also skinny. Appearance (clothes/everyday): He wears a potato sack. No more, no less. Appearance (armor, optional): N/A Personality: Tarden is a cowardly person, who would rather attack someone when they least expect it instead of fighting them upfront. He is also afraid of light. He is a typical insane person. Bio: Born to a Barbarian tribe in Esgorth, Tarden was trained to be a warrior, although he was a coward and would not fight someone face to face. For this, he was kicked out the tribe. As a way to calm his anger, he would start killing random tribesmen and villagers as well. Although he is known to some people in Esgorth, he is totally unknown in Kalthor. Extra: budgerigar
#154360893Wednesday, January 21, 2015 5:36 AM GMT

All this is in-character.) Name: Kol Fyron Race: Human Eskargan Race2: Werewolf, Race2 Appearance: Kol's werewolf form appears to have white fur, might be a sign of his background from the cold tundras of Esgorth, his werewolf seems to be slightly smaller then other forms of his kind. Although to make up for the size it seems to have strongly defined muscles in the legs for leaping, and an agile body. Gender:Male Homeland:Esgorth Current home kingdom: Kalthor Job(optional):A traveler, although this seems to have not been working out for him, as most of his items he can carry on himself and his horse. Weapon(s): He often uses a hunting bow, other then that he might carry a dagger if he needs to be careful. Appearance (physical): Kol has a pale skin tone, although it has barely any blemishes except for a mole on the right side of his nose, he has a mess of black hair that he only tries to keep tidy on very special occasions. He also sports dull, green eyes that seem only.. err.. 'compliment' the dark rings around his eyes from lack of sleep. His face is thin, almost fragile as he has high cheekbones and this part of his body seems to be the most pale. He is a bit tall, although not to the height of other people that could be considered 'tall'. Although he is also slim, but besides that he is slightly muscled from a days traveling for several months, but not to the account of a soldier or mercenary. Appearance (clothes/everyday): He has clothes from his homeland, favorably blue and brown shirts and pants respectively. Although he also uses cloaks when he is cold, these cloaks usually cover most of his body like an all around cape. In which they usually have some sort of design on them, as they were specially made from his homeland, he favors white and black. He has only 2 types of dress clothes from his homeland, both not so appealing. He has simple shoes, mostly brown or black. Appearance (armor, optional): He doesn't have much for armor.. Unless you may count hunting jerkins and such, from the tribe he was born from. Personality: Kol is a bit lazy, and boring. Although this is mostly caused by his lack of sleep and just general dissapointment when travelling around didn't turn out so good in the long run. Although, behind this he can be piqued in interest very easily, and is eager to learn most things after leaving his home. He is a bit of a go-lucky sort of person, he gets excited easily. Although once the initial surprise dies down, he sort've turns into a empty shell of what he was. Bio: Kol was born to a tribe in Esgorth, his parents were unknown of his condition, although it became apparent a few years after birth. But instead of actually hurting him, or restraining him. His warrior tribe trained him to use his abilities of the werewolf and even left him alone in the wood for weeks at a time, although this soon became boring for Kol. Same routine, same thing every day for him. So instead of staying, he left his tribe heading for the kingdom of Kaltor. Extra: uhhh.. budgiegar? or whatever.. just looked up. its budgerigar?
#154360910Wednesday, January 21, 2015 5:37 AM GMT

(@king, this is bound to be interesting. Accepted xD)
#154361046Wednesday, January 21, 2015 5:41 AM GMT

(by the way indy for my demise i request that my killer be a player character)
#154361157Wednesday, January 21, 2015 5:44 AM GMT

(@k3rl, Accepted. @king, would that include one of my own characters that you might encounter? lol)
#154361220Wednesday, January 21, 2015 5:46 AM GMT

(yes, but it must be a mortal wound so i can have some final words)
#154361338Wednesday, January 21, 2015 5:49 AM GMT

(@king, challenge accepted :P)
#154361839Wednesday, January 21, 2015 6:04 AM GMT

Name (first and last): Yan Hofmann Race(Elf/human): Human Gender: Male Homeland: Esgorth Current home kingdom: Kalthor Job(optional): Trapper and craftsman. Runs a crafted goods shop. Weapon(s): An invention of his own; which he named pellet bombs, which are small golfball-sized bombs that pack small, compressed explosives that vary from flames, pepper, shrapnel and anything that can be remotely used to fuel bombs. He uses a sling to help throw his bombs on the occasion, but most of the time he uses his hands as they are more accurate and precise. His bombs also have fuse methods if need be, working as traps or distractions when he goes trapping. He also has a disposal of many trapping mechanisms. Appearance (physical): Yan's appearance may remind most people of an Eastern European, or one of Turkish descent, if put into our perspective. He fashions a well trimmed anchor beard that retains the same color of his head hair; dark brown. Yan has blue-gray eyes, and stands around 5'8", weighing around 134 lbs. His rather lean build helps in its own ways, but it also makes him more vulnerable to crippling. Appearance (clothes/everyday): Yan essentially spends most his time in the woods, which is why he wears a green, forest fashion. He wears a long sleeve dark green shirt and a dirty white vest over it tied with a jade green cloth belt to keep his dark green pants up, which cuts down to mid-shin before securing tightly onto his leg. Yan also has a thing for scarves, and exclusively uses the one made from his father's old blue coat back in Esgroth. Appearance (armor, optional): Yan has no need to fight and doesn't see armor as anything but paperweight, but he wears essential equipment including his supply satchel, bomb bag, and a grey hood. He rolls his sling into a coil, which he holsters on his left hip. He also uses the scarf as a face mask in the case he sees guards on the look for him. Personality: Yan is rather quiet in person, but in mind, a very active thinker. He's an observant one, and has to be, especially when dealing with animals. He is also good with people, but just not too great talking to them. Because of his observant nature, his ability to predict what a person will do next is some form of gift. He's also resourceful, and somewhat cunning in ways, which he learned to pick up when he needs to improvise with lost or left-behind equipment when he goes trapping. Not only does this apply to his ability to improvise tools, but also to his creative thinking. This makes him rather flexible with tough situations compared most people who have trouble finding solutions to. Bio: Yan was born into the life of a barbaric tribe, who was sufficient in a hunter-gatherer like state. Yan, however, was noticeably smarter than the other men, but also noticeably weaker. Yan relied on traps and animal behavior via studying and observing, which was rather revolutionary for a man raised in Esgorth, and he noticed that human jealousy might get him killed. Yan took the fight against the water than against hooligans, and built a crude boat that will last him enough to reach the mainland. There, he managed to find the big city Kalthor and begin a new life their, living life young as an urchin, then eventually growing a business as a craftsman. Although he has left his barbaric past, his skills that he has learned with them are not something he is willing to forget too soon. Extra:http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/073/4/1/thief___concept_art_by_n_pigeon-d4sqapk.png
#154361893Wednesday, January 21, 2015 6:05 AM GMT

oh and that word thingy. budgiesomething. It's late man, I gotta go.
#154362687Wednesday, January 21, 2015 6:34 AM GMT

(@wifi, accepted. The appearance reminds me a lot of Ergaron, one of my 2 primary characters :P)
#154362833Wednesday, January 21, 2015 6:39 AM GMT

--CS (All this is in-character.) Name (first and last): Drake Fendrel Race(Elf/human): Human Race2(Optional; Werewolf/Avian/Nogardon): Nogardon Race2 Appearance(Required if Werewolf/Avian/Nogardon): Drake's dragon-form is one that shows his element clearly being ice. Though most of his body is covered in ice blue scales, his large wings remain an exception to this, being composed of feathers rather than scales (although they do have the same colour as his scales). Several spikes that have a close resemblance to icicles extend from his head and along his spine. Within his mouth is a blue, snake-like tongue, along with a strong set of carnivorous teeth. His four legs tend to be bent when in this form, and he remains low to the ground, rising only to take flight or leap away from potential danger. His eyes glow white and never stray from his target. Gender: Male Homeland: Kalthor Current home kingdom: None (currently en route to Esgorth) Job(optional): None (vagabond, occasionally takes short jobs as a blacksmith's assistant) Weapon(s): None Appearance (physical): Drake is a man of average stature and build, looking to be about 30 or so. His skin is a palish colour and shows several scrapes, cuts, and bruises. His left eye is a dark brown colour, while his right eye is a very light blue. Drake's short, pure white hair is unkempt, and a rough beard the same colour as his hair clings onto his face. His facial expression is usually a rather neutral one that rarely reveals his innermost thoughts and emotions. Appearance (clothes/everyday): Drake wears a dark brown, cotton tunic and a matching set of pants. A pair of fingerless, brown leather gloves are on his hands, and his feet are kept from being bare by a pair of black boots. Over all of this is a sleeveless and hooded black cloak that goes down to his feet. The hood is typically pulled up over Drake's head, concealing much of his face. Appearance (armor, optional): None Personality: Drake is a calm and reserved man at most times. He has a very light temper and is able to tolerate even the most tiresome of people. He has little inclination to violence, preferring to come to a peaceful agreement even while a sword is being swung in his general direction. This temperament is what led him to foregoing a weapon of any sort for his travels, and what led him to walk away from his home. However, Drake is no fool and has a sense of self-preservation. When left with no peaceful options to resolve a situation, his form shifts into one of an ice-dragon and his calm nature is replaced with one of cold rage that has no end until he is killed, or his enemy is sent to an early grave. Bio: Drake was born to a family living in a decent-enough village in Kalthor. His father was a blacksmith, and Drake apprenticed under him for quite some time. Drake was never able to find satisfaction or peace at the forge. Therefore, at the age of 28, he decided to abandon his aging family and their forge. He walked away from his home village in search of purpose in the world. Often times, he would stop in villages to assist the local blacksmith and make a bit of coin to pay for food, though he did this out of necessity, rather than a love of smithing. Currently, he's making his way to Esgorth, with neither weapon nor friend. The majority of people would call him foolish to do this, but Drake's wanderlust prevents him from turning away. Extra: Budgerigar.
#154390412Wednesday, January 21, 2015 10:53 PM GMT

(Whoops, forgot to add age to the CS. Post your characters age if you want @z0rr, accepted. Finally a Nogardon :P)
#154391760Wednesday, January 21, 2015 11:13 PM GMT

(So do we make our own starter post, or do you do that for us?)
#154392142Wednesday, January 21, 2015 11:19 PM GMT

(You make your own starter post)
#154392173Wednesday, January 21, 2015 11:19 PM GMT

(I have the urge to join but people might be rude if I show my face on this forum again)

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