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#154677956Monday, January 26, 2015 3:04 AM GMT

Programs like Skype and Teamspeak, and then this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0r7pnMVNvPE
#154679993Monday, January 26, 2015 3:28 AM GMT

died xd
#154680177Monday, January 26, 2015 3:30 AM GMT

@OP. Make your statement clear I really didn't understand the whole point of this sorry CX. [ | - The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting. - | ]
#154720950Monday, January 26, 2015 10:15 PM GMT

@BushDM It's alright man, I'm just making this so that people would understand why voice chat would be so horrible in ROBLOX.
#154721094Monday, January 26, 2015 10:17 PM GMT

#154721398Monday, January 26, 2015 10:21 PM GMT

We shouldn't have voice chat. The general population of Roblox is filled with kids who even when shown how to use it, probably still won't know how to use it completely or just won't use it. There are some people out there who, like me, don't want to talk to other people. So that would already be two parts of the population not using voice chat. The rest would be kids or some teens. I have to admit, when a kid talks on [insert popular shooter game here], they are called squeakers, and I do agree with this term since they tend to go off topic in their conversations and talk about irrelevant stuff. We don't need a bunch of these people, in addition in the same place, to be able to talk, audibly, and be heard by the entire server. If you add voice chat, at least add the option to set voice chat off / mute people. It would get annoying pretty quickly.
#154721601Monday, January 26, 2015 10:23 PM GMT

Agreed. Squeakers would attack and deafen at LEAST 1/10 of the people currently playing ROBLOX right now. Or people would abuse it and purposely do said thing. -April showers bring May flowers. Mayflowers bring pilgrims.-
#155048718Saturday, January 31, 2015 11:29 PM GMT

#155060375Sunday, February 01, 2015 1:36 AM GMT

i have ideas why we should not have voice chat to trolls blasting music into their mics all the 7 year olds screaming
#155060696Sunday, February 01, 2015 1:40 AM GMT

6 year olds screaming. 7 year olds trying not to scream. 8 year olds crying because someone killed them in mad paintball. 9 year olds listening to Justin Bieber. 10 year olds spitting into the mic. 11 year olds trying not to squeak. 12 year olds cursing. 13 year olds telling their mom that's they're CLEARLY playing on an educational site, and they should shut up about them using the computer too much. 14 year olds on drugs. 15 year olds yelling about screaming 6 year olds. 16 year olds yelling about yelling 15 year olds. 170000000 users quit
#155079379Sunday, February 01, 2015 5:34 AM GMT

Correction. 6 year olds screaming. 7 year olds screaming. 8 year olds screaming. 9 year olds screaming. 10 year olds talking about things irrelevant to the game. 11 year olds complaining about OP gear. 12 year olds complaining about kids ages 6-11, failing to realize this is a kid's game. 13 year olds complaining the game is boring yet still play. 14 year olds claiming they are here "to play with friends". 15 year olds attempting to troll the previous ages, which is just sad. 16 year olds who say they are recording Roblox, but, who honestly gets more than 100 subscribers on a channel based on Roblox besides those people who make Lua tutorials? 17 year olds still playing Roblox, trying to pubstomp or something. 18 year olds either staffing, or just not having a life. 19 year olds not having a life unless staffing. 20 year olds definitely not having a life unless staffing. If you were offended by this, you are oversensitive and honestly need to seek help.

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