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#154773387Tuesday, January 27, 2015 5:43 PM GMT

A new teaser trailer for the upcoming Marvel film ''Fantastic Four'' was released today. Marvel fans were really worried about this, because this film was announced many months back and we never got a photo , a poster and a teaser. All we got was a list of the cast and the name of the director. The cast in this film looks pretty solid. You have Miles Teller from Whiplash as Mr. Fantastic , Michael B. Jordan from Fruitvale Station , Katie Mara from 127 Hours as The Invisible Woman and Jamie Bell from Snowpiercer as The Thing. The director of this movie is even good, he made 2012's Chronicle, which was one of my favorite movies from that year. The writer of this film is Simon Kinberg. Now this is where I start to become skeptical, this is a hit or miss guy. He wrote X-Men: Days of Future Past, but he also wrote X-Men: The Last Stand , he wrote Sherlock Holmes, but he also wrote Mr. and Mrs. Smith. I hope the writing is good and it's nothing like the last two Fantastic Four films we got where the movie felt like it was spoofing itself. This film also looks like it's going for more of a serious tone, which is good in my opinion. Because the last few Marvel movies we got were fun movies, they had the comedy and the over the top actions scenes and that was cool to see. But now it looks like it's time for us to get a serious , dark and epic super hero movie that take everyone by surprise. This trailer doesn't show much though, but it's a teaser so of course we are not going to see all of the action. But this trailer has me excited for this new film and I hope I'll be walking out of the theatre happy. What are your thoughts on the teaser trailer?
#154774065Tuesday, January 27, 2015 5:57 PM GMT

Link. Please?
#154774224Tuesday, January 27, 2015 6:01 PM GMT

#154799058Wednesday, January 28, 2015 12:48 AM GMT

I don't like reboot movies like these
#154800033Wednesday, January 28, 2015 1:00 AM GMT

looks too depressing of a trailer though I do like the new cast, and this reboot looks like it'll do better than the original (hopefully)
#154819255Wednesday, January 28, 2015 5:13 AM GMT

i hope the villain is doctor doom
#154829520Wednesday, January 28, 2015 1:43 PM GMT

Fantastic Four is destined to fail. The first 2 movies were just down right trash. Now they're rebooting it? Seriously, they're beating a dead horse now. They cancelled the comics several times and now the second it heals from the first 2 movies they try again? No one even cared for the Fantastic 4 anyways. Only the little kids did. They just need to quit while their ahead. The only Fantastic Four member people do like is The Thing.
#154832430Wednesday, January 28, 2015 3:31 PM GMT

@ray I enjoy the Fantastic Four, and I ain't no little kid What you're saying is entirely your own opinion
#154832606Wednesday, January 28, 2015 3:36 PM GMT

about the "no one cared" part, is what I meant by your own opinion
#154835826Wednesday, January 28, 2015 4:58 PM GMT

@ray Marvel has really stepped their game up. Before Iron Man they were making movies like Fantastic Four , Hulk , Spider-Man. But now they really know what they're doing, I'm excited for this film cause Marvel really knows what their doing. Take Guardians of the Galaxy, no one knew about them and Marvel was able to make a highly successful film and a really good film with them. It's marked as one of the best films ever made, that's saying alot.
#154870430Thursday, January 29, 2015 2:56 AM GMT

"It's marked as one of the best films ever made" umm, no it isn't and just a year before GotG was another lame thor movie, so they clearly haven't stepped up very much either way it's a fox movie
#154883395Thursday, January 29, 2015 11:19 AM GMT

#154884952Thursday, January 29, 2015 12:50 PM GMT

Okay Buff, let me fill you in on a giant hole in your statement. Firstly, GOTG was a goo film. Is it one of the best films ever made? No. Was it the best movie that came out in 2014? Yes. Sites like Rotten Tomatoes are called "critics". Critics share THEIR OPINION on a film and try to get other people to follow it. So to be honest, you're using someone elses opinion to make your opinion look good. Fantastic 4 isn't really the best super group. Besides Thing, the team is quite bland. The past 2 FF films lacked proper development and made it seem like a smash fest with cheap humor. They didn't even develop Doctor Doom who plays a key role in Marvel as it is. The trailer looked similar to Ant-Mans by emphasizing on science and dramatization. I'm hoping Marvel will make this film good, but there really isn't much to FF.
#154887883Thursday, January 29, 2015 2:59 PM GMT

The Fantastic Four was the start of supergroups
#154900517Thursday, January 29, 2015 9:00 PM GMT

FF was the start of supergroups, but I guess from my viewpoint, I don't see much to them. Reed Richards does nothing Ant-Man can do. They can both shrink and grow. Hell, they're both scientists. It seems the only difference between them is a name and origon. Thing stands out because he has a catchphrase and does the same thing Hulk can do. Now that you think of it, Hulk is only famous because of his catchphrase too. So you basically have another Hulk. Then you got Human Torch who does the same thing Ghost Rider can do minus the death and biker assets. Then we got Invisible Woman who does...nothing. The key word there is "invisible" which means she isn't even supposed to be seen. Her only qualities are being Reed Richards wife and being blonde. I think if Marvel should make a movie about anyone, Nova would be your go to guy.
#154903780Thursday, January 29, 2015 9:59 PM GMT

"No one even cared for the Fantastic 4 anyways. Only the little kids did." False.
#154909913Thursday, January 29, 2015 11:29 PM GMT

Fantastic Four is better than the Avengers imo They're cooler
#154913870Friday, January 30, 2015 12:21 AM GMT

thanks raymond for yet again, not knowing what you're talking about also why is the human torch black
#154913954Friday, January 30, 2015 12:22 AM GMT

"Then you got Human Torch who does the same thing Ghost Rider can do minus the death and biker assets." human torch and ghost rider are literally nothing alike. ghost rider doesn't even use fire or heat, he uses hellfire "Then we got Invisible Woman who does...nothing." morals-off invisible woman is easily the strongest member by far
#154914131Friday, January 30, 2015 12:24 AM GMT

also idk why this raymond kid thinks marvel is making the movie
#154914232Friday, January 30, 2015 12:25 AM GMT

@eg Raymond doesn't know what he's talking about, just ignore him and his made up "facts"
#154914273Friday, January 30, 2015 12:25 AM GMT

welcome to this subforum equanazor, remember, raymond knows nothing and he is a robot sent by watchmojo
#154915011Friday, January 30, 2015 12:35 AM GMT

>Reed Richards does nothing Ant-Man can do. wrong, mr fantastic can stretch his body into any form, ant man (and his multiple other identities) shrinks and grows >Thing stands out because he has a catchphrase and does the same thing Hulk can do. Now that you think of it, Hulk is only famous because of his catchphrase too. wrong, while Thing has similar powers to the Hulk, he is intelligent, as the Hulk does not have the intelligence while not Bruce Banner, the Thing's development makes him a very unique character, also, saying Hulk is only famous because of his catchphrase is really stupid. >Then you got Human Torch who does the same thing Ghost Rider can do minus the death and biker assets. this is to stupid to even believe someone said it >Then we got Invisible Woman who does...nothing. The key word there is "invisible" which means she isn't even supposed to be seen. Her only qualities are being Reed Richards wife and being blonde. she's the character who holds the group together and the most levelheaded of all of them, also ignoring her abilities with psionic energy.
#154939342Friday, January 30, 2015 11:46 AM GMT

Everyone knows Fox likes to screw stuff up. Also, I agree, Raymond knows nothing.
#154963237Friday, January 30, 2015 10:32 PM GMT

"Everyone knows Fox likes to screw stuff up" yeah not like days of future past was one of, if not the most critically successful marvel comics movie

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