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#154910674Thursday, January 29, 2015 11:39 PM GMT

I am not sure if this was attempted on the forum before, but I'll try it. FYI: This idea (lore thingy) is not final, it is subject to change. FYI: The actual RP will heavily rely on how many people joining, so if there is not enough people to join the actual RP, it may be put 'on hold' until enough players has joined. My idea is two forums, same time and era, but different locations. Perhaps different characters as well. Two countries are at war that has been going on for five straight years, all males aging from seventeen to forty-eight are conscripted into the army. Leaving there families behind. The conscripted soldiers will be forced to fight at the front, fighting there own battles at the front and at home. Soldiers fighting at the front would be forum one, doing there daily struggles. But sending letters home, and this is where forum two comes in. The players family (consisting of other players) receive the letter, while trying to survive the daily bombings, famine, etc. Here's the twist, (no idea if this is going to work, but I'll put it here) soldiers on forum 1 can die. So there bodies will be sent home for a funeral service attended by there family and friends. (Consisting of players as-well) While the families on forum two can die also (By starving to death, bombing, etc). I may be considering that the player families know each other, or not. There might be drawbacks if each player families do not know each other, it may take the RP longer to get to 'interesting' parts. So I am on the verge on yes or no. I am still in the idea of having "Stats", an example would be morale, sanity, hunger, etc. But I am not sure on how this "stat" system would work, it may be added in or left out. This idea may be confusing and hard to manage, I would greatly appreciate any people who would like to become admins who would manage the forums as-well. This is my idea as an RP, thank you for your time.
#154918371Friday, January 30, 2015 1:22 AM GMT

#154919060Friday, January 30, 2015 1:31 AM GMT

Interesting, if you end up making it if it's well written I'd join.
#154919632Friday, January 30, 2015 1:39 AM GMT

Thanks, if I actually get to work on it. I may do a collab, or get someone to proof-read it before I launch it on the forum.
#154920645Friday, January 30, 2015 1:52 AM GMT

If it's Russia Vs. Afghanistan, yes.
#154920820Friday, January 30, 2015 1:54 AM GMT

"an example would be morale, sanity" will you be using pots and pans as body armor if your sanity goes too low
#154921002Friday, January 30, 2015 1:56 AM GMT

Perhaps, it could be something interesting, but no idea. I still am considering if the stat system would be in the actual RP itself.
#154921511Friday, January 30, 2015 2:02 AM GMT

Mario's the village idiot. Don't listen to him.
#154921603Friday, January 30, 2015 2:03 AM GMT

no Mario is the elder
#154923628Friday, January 30, 2015 2:27 AM GMT

Your parents are the elder What? It's true!

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