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#154941763Friday, January 30, 2015 1:42 PM GMT

This is based off the season when it was progressing and it is a bit bias Offense *=Starter QB1*: billips5 QB2: owen QB3: jed RB1*: Kevin RB2: Yankee RB3: iiJayCarter TE1*: Theb TE2: ploik WR1*: Dwarf WR2*: DSK WR3*: Noah ( if you wonder why i put noah is because he worked his ass of for this spot.) WR4: Calvin WR5: trebre C1*: Cyclone C2: swampjake Defense *=Starter DE1*: mmfootball DE2*: massivespy4 DE3: BrentGrimes CB1*: Para CB2*: Calvin CB3: TBD MLB1*:Flip MLB2: Dani MLB3: CP3 S1*: BosserMe S2*: TBD This is honestly what silly has organized when the season started and before all the new defensive players and offensive players came in, because silly built a great team. But there is alot of position battles mainly at MLB and QB and some at the WR position but I were coach, based on this then that is what i would choose.
#154942107Friday, January 30, 2015 1:59 PM GMT

This isn't a chart

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