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#155011690Saturday, January 31, 2015 3:46 PM GMT

Terra Industries Tech Guide: Liquid Armor: The suit bears tiny iron particles, that are suspended in silicon oil, the suit is wired with an electrical print, which is carried by an on-board computer system, and when a ballistic threat hits the suit, the computer automatically applies an electrical charge, which in milliseconds, locks the iron particles together, creating an 'Impenetrable' Shield. Once the charges are removed, the particles unlock, and the substance goes back to it's original fluid state, and this armor can be formatted with Tungsten Particles. It can only be formatted into Plate Carriers and Vests, As Well as Kneepads and Elbow Pads. The Brutemech: The first mech to be made by the IOA, it stands at 14 feet tall, and is armed with a missile launcher and a 20mm cannon. It is quite agile, and has jets to help it move a bit quicker. The chassis is primarily made of steel. Rhinomech: A mech made out of LA And Steel, with Reversible piston legs to go on all Fours to go faster, a 40mm shotgun on its right hand, a plasma-emitting fist on its left hand, and a 120mm cannon on its back, fed by a belt inside the chest, where the bullets are held as well. This thing stands at 22 feet tall. H-12: The H-12 unit carries a massive minigun that is entirely attached onto its arm, the mini-gun contains plasmatic shots(Just plasma) and have 2 cartridges within the mini-guns interior, if one of the cartridges overheats, the other one will take its place spinning rapidly. Also it has a small handle so it can grip the mini-gun well and improve on its accuracy. The H-12 is about 16 ft tall, and have bulky frontal and back armor. The H-12 can be piloted even without the actual pilot within the H-12. The H-12 also weighs about 4 tons, due to its massive armor, and such, but it has massive pistons within its limbs and some of its torso parts to help “Lift” its limbs or provide to keep it up. It also carries a jet pack that can only be used once or twice. It usually will send the H-12 as high as it can go and usually separate off the mech in which the mech will come back down landing in which the pistons help support from the massive fall damage. While the many pieces of the rocket comes back down they also explode providing sufficient damage. The mech is also meant for Anti Infantry of any sorts or even light vehicles. The cockpit is located on its back but it is sealed and probably have other armors covering it. The H-12’s armor is also curved back a bit (if its is back is curve back too) which reduces some potential damage, and even plasma damage. The H-12 also has 3 layered plasmatic shield which are put into 3 categories, the outside layer, the middle layer, and the core layer. Each layer getting stronger as it gets destroyed. You will know when one is about to be destroyed when it is completely bright green. It can also have its plasmatic layer re-charge. The H-12 Power source is actually ran by a giant battery(one for each limb), the plasmatic battery is located on its shoulders which within its arms. (I would label all of them but, it will end up more than you need to read). The H-12 also carries a very long double barreled grenade launcher which fires 2 devastating grenade shots(Can be either EMP, or standard, or acidic ones) . When its ammo is depleted it usually detach it off of its shoulder. The H-12 also have a massive hand, which is meant to treat people like ragdolls. It also has a small miniature shield that protects its wrist partial as well it can detach off. The mech's knuckles can also overheat and provide some decent amount of damage. IGL-1: This Impact grenade launcher is modeled after the Rotary Grenade launcher; ICS-190, But fires 50mm Impact grenades, The grenades being called "Impact" For a reason detonate when the nose of the Grenade Hits something, pushing back the springs inside and activating the grenade, triggering it to explode. The barrel has 5 Slot rotary cylinder. The grenade can be Either Four of these types; High Explosive, Traditional, Armor piercing, Or Bean Bag. The sights are Iron sights, Or Kobra. HK-K: This has the lower base of the Kriss Vector and the Upper Base of the HKGC, It would have a 20 round long magazine, the bullets being 7.62x39mm (AK47 Equiv.) It would have a built-in Hydraulic stock, reducing the Recoil More than slightly. M2-Death Hound: This tank runs on 10 wheels each side, The tank being larger than the M1-Abrams. This tank fires 150mm Shells. There's a Cockpit inside the tank where the crew maximum is 3 people. The Cockpit houses a Bin that holds about 12 150mm shells inside it, As-well as a Box that holds up to 1200 Rounds for the Turret, The Turret fires a .50 Bullet. The armor upon the tank would be a Composite Alloy, Being Tungsten, And Tier 3 Titanium. the Armor is Arched, making it slightly more bulletproof, and it is in layers, overlapping each other. 25mm HA-S: The 25mm HA-S is a Highly Advanced sniper, It is a Rifle that fires 25mm Shorts, And has a Very powerful Hydraulic system in the Stock, And the barrel, So when the Bullets are fired the barrels are forced back so the recoil is less. A Muzzle stock is Also implemented into the HA-S, Directing the Fire power to the side, slightly. The Hydraulic system in the HA-S is like the XM-25. The bullets are also Subsonic to subtract from the recoil as well. The magazine that it Uses only holds 3 Bullets, since the 25mm Shorts are pretty large Electrical Pulse Grenade/High Frequency Grenade: Vibrations known as 'frequency' are inside the body. this gun sends pulses of electricity through a organism, the electricity would go straight to the brain, swinging the frequency out of place, basically disrupting any action taking place and shaking up your mind, the result of these frequency waves being disrupted is, blurry vision, seeing random things, nausea, and sometimes tensing of the muscles. it can also be fit into a grenade having a small blast radius, the gun has a slight charge needed. (Electricity, anything revolving around Electricity and can be conducted.) The electricity feeds on mostly the brains high content of electricity (Nervous system and such) Due to the fact that it sends currents of electricity it has to be able to SHOOT Those currents, the gun features small Tesla coils inside the barrel (Being Rail-gun shaped) the Tesla charge, building enough volts, then after an immediate discharge of the Tesla the electricity basically flings out of the gun sending a small 'bolt' of electricity the bolt enters the body, and finds the strongest source of electricity to maintain the electricity. Kanone: This "Cannon" Fires a "Bolt" of Ionized plasma, being the PHYSICS type. It has a strong magnet to Produce this plasma, Plasma itself being a highly ionized matter will fit the name of "Ionized Plasma". a Large Magazine/Cartridge is inserted inside the side of the Gun, holding the Ionized matter to be infused with the plasma. This cannon must be Hunkered down on the ground to be fired, Because when the Matter is fired out of the gun, it has a Rail-gun Like affect, making the recoil unbearable for a human. CSG: This Shoulder fired "Shotgun" fires shock waves that are used to rupture enemies organs, and or make enemies have concussions, It works by making high pressures build up inside the tungsten carbide barrel, and releasing it, the gun is inhabitable by jeebus aliens. The gun is larger in size than most Shotguns, and is modeled after a UTS-15, the gun before the barrel itself is made of an alloy; A Mixture of carbon plating and iron, It always has a foregrip on it and a Hydraulic stock, because the shock waves cause it massive recoil. It has small power cells that are placed in the side of the shotgun to be able to fire, because most of the stuff to fire the shock waves are built inside the shotgun, it just needs power to fuel it. The cells fire the shotgun up to 4 times before the power inside it depletes, and are usually discarded.

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