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#155206364Monday, February 02, 2015 9:55 PM GMT

These are the rules of the Falconclan roleplay, if you are in our group please follow all rules for a fun ongoing roleplay experience. Basic Rules -Respect your fellow roleplayers as they should in turn respect you. -No godmodding -No killing the characters of other people (unless you have permission) -Do not roleplay any other character unless you have permission. -If your character gets wounded, you can't just have them walk into the medicine cat den and get herbs. The medicine cat or medicine cat apprentice has to apply them to you, I don't care if your cat had some form of training. -No advertising, period. -No spamming -Don't make posts with only one sentence, and then keep posting and spamming up the entire wall and claiming that you were bored and didn't know what to post. -When you're not talking in roleplay use things such as: (I love reading!) [I love reading!] {I love reading!} Character Rules -No unrealistic colors -Cats don't have purple and green and blood red pelts. Stick to something normal. -Purple eyes ARE allowed, cat eyes that are purple look really awesome, but if you are to use them, they must be really rare and you need to mention that sometime or other. -No magic stuff like wings and two tails etc. "My cat is deformed" I DONT GIVE A-*and so on.* -No making up prophecies for your cat on spot. (Contact me if you really want to.) -Cat ONLY. I don't care about Midnight the Badger, it was a stupid idea. Not-Allowed Character Names -Directive names (North, East, South, West) -Ocean (They don't know what the ocean is) -No animals not native to territory -No names that the clan cats do not know, I don't care if your cat was once a kittypet, or you know that word cause you heard a twoleg say, it, THE CLAN CATS WOULD HAVE CHANGED IT. -There are no twolegs or kittypets in territory (There is a twolegplace, but it is far away, and only visible from the backs of Pineclan and Echoclan territory, and from Falconclan's camp at the top of the high-rise.) -NOBODY HAS BLOOD THAT'S A DIFFERENT COLOR THAN RED (I don't care if your character is dead. I don't care if your character is bleeding their face off. I don't care if your character was a "testing animal". RED BLOOD ONLY) -Don't give a character which you just made a reputation instantly example: strongest warrior ever, most beautiful cat ever, best hunter, best tree climber -Stuff like "Icy", "Storming" and "Blazer" can be used as a ending or beginning of a name, it sounds cool and unique. -Don't bother making characters if you keep killing them off the next day because you get bored of them. -Male tortoiseshells are genetic defects and are sterile, they cannot have kits -Fur dying is NOT possible (It doesn't matter if your character's previous owner was abusive, NO COLORS OTHER THAN NORMAL) Roleplaying Rules -Whoever the leader is, they must have a detailed official ceremony, every roleplayer deserves to have the perfect warrior or apprentice ceremony for their character that they'd always wanted, and it will be given to them. -Don't just simply make a post that Whoeverpaw is now known as WhoeverWhatever. AND MENTORS, ELDERS, MEDICINE CATS', AND DEPUTIES CANNOT GIVE CEREMONIES, ONLY LEADERS. -If there is a time-jump and during this time your character needed a ceremony, DONT YOU DARE SAY YOUR CHARACTER WAS NEGLECTED OR WHAEVER, YOUR CAT GOT A CEREOMNY DURING THAT TIME. -If don't roleplay often, please don't get mad at people for forgetting that your character needed a ceremony, there's a lot of things going on and you can't blame people for forgetting, it's kind of apart of being a human. -If you're a kit and need a mother JUST MAKE ONE (DONT START SPAMMING THE WALL ABOUT IT) -If you're an apprentice, no roleplaying that you were not assigned a mentor. Just make a mentor, or ask around the wall. -If you make a character who is blind/gets crippled in order to be medicine cat apprentice they will not become medicine cat apprentice and will be forced to train as a warrior anyway. -Don't go throwing all your kits out of camp and then they get wounded by a snake of other animal. -If you're a loner, don't have them just wonder into Falconclan territory accidentally. -Don't make a character who has a pack of like 50 cats and comes attacking camp no making there be like wolf attacks or dog attacks or fox attacks Wolves don't even live in our territory, but, your your fortune, bears do! BUT DON'T YOU GO ON AND LURE ON TO CAMP OR I SWEAR I'M GONNA HUNT YOU DOWN AND-(Give you a bunny :3) -No roleplaying cats from the books in StarClan -Don't change the weather. (Don't randomly make it rain or thunderstorm. You need permission for that, and you need to tell me what weather change, this rule was name cause people will ask for a t-storm, and then make it strike a tree and burn down the forest. THIS IS WHY) -No time-jumps unless you get permission from me only. -No saying you got permission for something and you really didn't. -No communicating with other animals (YOU CANT SPEAK WITH FOXES, OR BADGERS, JUST END THE MADENSS) -Kits haven't had training. Kits cannot hunt. Kits have very bad fighting skills. They would only know basic moves. They can't "teach themselves" -When kits/apprentices leave the Clan to become outsiders they don't automatically grow to full size, and they don't automatically learn all hunting skills and fighting skills. -Don't make kits say "mew" all the time -Everyone in this roleplay is a cat, so EVERYONE SPEAKS CAT -Kits can't commit suicide (Seriously, kits are bundles or joy and fuzziness and love, NOT OF DEATH.) -You can't make time skips that only center around your character (Like you can't be a kit playing with someone else's kit and you do a time skip and you're an apprentice and they're not.) -Make sure you include the name of your character in your posts. -Cats can't catch 10 pieces of prey in 10 minutes. No catching 25 sparrows (Hunting is work, and work is time.) -No insta-dead-parents -Don't have your kit rping and then they think about a dead parent you never talk about. If you've been focusing so much on the fact that one of the parents/both of them are dead YOU CANT LIE AND SAY THEY WERE ALIVE THE ENTIRE TIME. -No making your own little Clan/Tribe of cats, there are only six clans: Falconclan, Pineclan, Mistclan, Tallclan, Foxclan, and Sunclan, PERIOD. -Gangs of rogues ARE allowed but they cant really have an official name, and they don't wander into territory and be like: HEY CLAN CATS, I HAZ SPARKLES!!!!! -No making StarClan cats waltz down and be like: hi. -Rogues, loners, other clan cats, and other predators will not be able to just walk into camp undetected -A PREDATOR WILL NOT BE ABLE TO JUST SWIPE A KIT FROM CAMP AND LEAVE -No creating dangers to the clan without my consent ONLY. This includes: Foxes & Badgers (Even if you say it's just one only, I don't care, it's still a danger.), Border Skirmishes, rouges (Loners are okay as long as their nice, hence the non-dangerous sense.) and greencough (Why Greencough? Cause people like to roleplay their cat having it, then hanging around with healthy cats and get them sick, so yeah.) Please know that we have a lot of rules, but they ARE necessary. Thank you.
#155206457Monday, February 02, 2015 9:57 PM GMT

"They are here even now? Fools" Huge muttered, getting her broom. "Better sweep up the damn idgets"
#155209038Monday, February 02, 2015 10:28 PM GMT

Stop yelling you nob.
#155210262Monday, February 02, 2015 10:46 PM GMT

Says the guy who didn't even have to reply to it, but did just to be annoying :/
#155210333Monday, February 02, 2015 10:47 PM GMT

#155210525Monday, February 02, 2015 10:49 PM GMT

shoo, shoo leave this place you degenerate
#155210657Monday, February 02, 2015 10:51 PM GMT

...Who are you taking to?
#155210748Monday, February 02, 2015 10:53 PM GMT

oh i get it cats ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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