#155248378Tuesday, February 03, 2015 1:56 PM GMT

No plis, I don't taste very good roasted.
#155248703Tuesday, February 03, 2015 2:12 PM GMT

Were thinking of steaming you
#155249555Tuesday, February 03, 2015 2:49 PM GMT

Nothing's good without salt.
#155249692Tuesday, February 03, 2015 2:56 PM GMT

I combined most of the ideas on this thread, so how do you think of my idea combination?
#155253133Tuesday, February 03, 2015 4:53 PM GMT

Nothing's good without salt.[2] 'Specially marshmallows. dat salt doh. Oh, and salt. Salt needs lots of salt. ~Snowman Wannabe
#155269538Tuesday, February 03, 2015 10:48 PM GMT

Damn Americans and their salty food Enjoy your Nutella, weirdos.
#155269839Tuesday, February 03, 2015 10:53 PM GMT

But weefee, you're an american too.
#155270001Tuesday, February 03, 2015 10:56 PM GMT

I love putting ranch dressing on everything. It's a midwest thing, y'know?
#155270083Tuesday, February 03, 2015 10:57 PM GMT

ranch dressing ppffttt ~Snowman Wannabe
#155271479Tuesday, February 03, 2015 11:15 PM GMT

I'm Asian American. My tastebuds are still more picky than SALT SALT SALT
#155271752Tuesday, February 03, 2015 11:18 PM GMT

I have more developed tastebuds tha-- OH HEY IS THAT SALT?!! ~Snowman Wannabe
#155279391Wednesday, February 04, 2015 1:01 AM GMT

I'm Asian american as in Filipino parents, and born here so get dem livers and fried intestines
#155283735Wednesday, February 04, 2015 1:58 AM GMT

torte dont even no ew just no ~Snowman Wannabe
#155283932Wednesday, February 04, 2015 2:01 AM GMT

@torte Same here! Funny. Lots of Filipino people on the internet.
#155284307Wednesday, February 04, 2015 2:06 AM GMT

im german American ... ... what do germans eat again
#155284953Wednesday, February 04, 2015 2:14 AM GMT

German Canadian. *feels lonely and doesn't miss*
#155285203Wednesday, February 04, 2015 2:17 AM GMT

salt doesn't taste good on EVERYTHING, 'specially if you don't know how to season. Salt, pepper, oregano, bit of dill, a spoonful of mayor, a teaspoon of mustard, and a dab of ranch. This is the recipe for a tasty egg-salad I made once. oh and uh, don't substitute the dill for parsley flakes. Trust me, I tried once... eck.
#155286178Wednesday, February 04, 2015 2:28 AM GMT

I have an idea. A roleplay where everyone is locked inside an enormous research lab and has to team up to find where the person controlling everything is, while having to survive getting killed by homicidal androids sent from the future to disguise as humans, finding a gun to shoot Birm and then escaping, only to end up in a concert with an anonymous band in which nobody ever eard of. Everyone is trapped inside, and every time a new song starts, someone dies. Everyone has to get pass the security guards, so they can kill the band members. Eventually, they escape the concert, and once the band members are dead, only to end up in a challenge made by the omnipotent god, (LNG,) in a competition with a gimmick, like if the 3 day cycle passes and the moon isn't blocked, and then when the cycle restarts on the 2nd day, the moon is blocked, so it activates robots who are sent into space for the first time to operate a space station in space. However, it fails because hackers found their way into the system and uploaded a virus into the intercom, and they are immediately shut down. Years after, one of the robots are recharged by the backup generator, (everything there is kind of a robot,) so the robot has to destroy the virus, one robot at a time. He must reboot a hacked space station with robots, while challenges keep coming until they kill a god. They form an army of the ones inside the rock concert to fight during the period of time that they are not facing challenges. The days are growing shorter and the nights are becoming longer, and it feels like you are running out of time. Every day it seems much harder telling right from wrong, and you've got to read between the lines. Don't get discouraged, and dont be afraid, you can make it through another day. Make it worth the price we pay. Suddenly, a giant group of grown men bust through the space station wall, doing the peanut butter jelly dance as they slowly advance towards the concert which is conveniently placed on the moon. "Lets kill some band members," Pawz says before interrupted by a large, masculine woman with a joker-like mask known around as Wifi says, "Lets kill Pawz." Another woman joins the conversation known as Tort. She says in a loud voice, "Caret, I agree." Pawz insisted that she doesn't taste good roasted. However, Wifi laughs out loud as she exclaims, "We were thinking of steaming you, bwahahaha," Pawz stops laughing, as she slowly takes out a canister of salt out of her back pocket. "nothing's good without salt," Suddenly, some random person out in the crowd yells out, "'specially marshmellows. dat salt doh." That person's name is Coriandr. "Oh, and salt. Salt needs lots of salt." Tort suddenly blurts, "Damn Americans and their salty food." before she quickly covers her mouth. Enjoy your nutella, nerds she says before taking out a hook and rope and throwing it onto the outer walls of the concert stadium. She climbs it, before yelling "I love putting ranch dressing on everything as well," Tort says. "It's a midwest thing, y'know?" I'm Asian American." Wifi says. "My tastebuds are still more picky than SALT SALT SALT." She takes out a section of liver and fried intestine. Coriandr speaks out, saying "Eww. Just no." She then takes out a pistol and shoots herself. The stadium is filled with silence, until Birm, a man in a purple Barney suit, says: "I'm German American. What do they eat again?" Swed stands up with a bowl of egg-salad, and says with a full mouth, "salt doesn't taste good on EVERYTHING, 'specially if you don't know how to season." Swed continues to rant, continuing to spoon massive amounts of salad into his mouth. "Salt, pepper, oregano, bit of dill, a spoonful of mayor, a teaspoon of mustard, and a dab of ranch. This is the recipe for a tasty egg-salad I made once. Like right now. Oh, and don't substitute the dill for parsley flakes. I tried that once. It killed my dog and a couple of children." It's complete silence for about seven seconds, until someone enters the stadium through the door. He's wearing a fabulous fedora with a swaggerish black coat and tie. "What's happening here?" the man says. His name is MrVincent. (hint hint, he's the main character of the story.)
#155286607Wednesday, February 04, 2015 2:32 AM GMT

^ oh yeah and i actually handtyped this entire wall of text
#155287059Wednesday, February 04, 2015 2:38 AM GMT

"salt doesn't taste good on EVERYTHING" BLASPHEMY! ~Snowman Wannabe
#155290760Wednesday, February 04, 2015 3:25 AM GMT

German people eat meat And meat And meat And meat Did I say meat?
#155293728Wednesday, February 04, 2015 4:11 AM GMT

the spaces my eyes AHHHH ~Snowman Wannabe
#155295607Wednesday, February 04, 2015 4:47 AM GMT

salt ranch and meat bits made into a salad dressing
#155297665Wednesday, February 04, 2015 5:28 AM GMT

oh yeah and i actually handtyped this entire wall of text ------------------------------------------------------------------ That's the normal thing to do, isn't it? If you had typed all that with your elbows, that'd be truly surprising.
#155310373Wednesday, February 04, 2015 3:43 PM GMT

i8 ty6pe3de tghniuas qwiktgthg m gy elkbvoiws translation = I typed this with my elbows lol I suck at that ~Snowman Wannabe