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#155328968Wednesday, February 04, 2015 10:29 PM GMT

I'm making this because I've had enough of you guys. You all just list and list, you don't explain why. And I'm gonna explain MY list, and why YOURS are all wrong. Kay? Idc if you called it biased, it isn't. I'm not using my emotions or likes/dislikes to decide these, I'm going off of what I've seen. If you think that these facts aren't accurate, shove it. Because I've watched nearly all these guys I'm rating play. IF THEY ARE IN THE SAME RANK. WITH THE SAME OVERALL RATING, THEN ONE IS NOT BETTER THAN THE OTHER. THE NUMBERS ARE JUST ME LISTING THEM OFF NUMERICALLY. I.E. Fred isn't COMPLETELY #1, he's tied with three others. {Ratings} The Elites The Game Changers The Game Managers The Potentially Greats The Place Holders [{THE ELITES}] They carry the defense. They are monuments that WRs rarely can check up against, only the top WRs could consider matching them, and only with the top QBs. AS it is, not many WRs have that sort of a match up. But I'm going off of all of the CBs compared to the top WRs with Bung or MrMack. 1. Fred Man: Rockford Raptors: Deep Zone: 99 Overall I've heard enough of it. But when you're on the field against him it's true. He rarely blows coverage, and he is a threat at any spot in the defense. Sure you may get open on him, but he will be right next to you within SECONDS. He isn't dumb, either. Yes there are ways to get off of him, as all CBs, but his, you MUST be more accurate and powerful with what you do. The moment you let him into your head it's as good as him winning. He doesn't put up stats, as much as he'd claim, but he is a lock down. And that's good enough. 2. TarheelsQuacktus: Highland Huskies: Deep Zone: 99 Overall "Biased" you say. "Truth" I say. The elite CBs are CBs I've seen WRs with my skill set, or like Galaxy, Raider, and Larry, have problems with. Tar is one of those CBs. He is not so much of a lockdown corner as a stat corner. His zone is a no fly region, only 3 passes being completed this season in it. He makes the tackles right away, too, to keep scores from eternally screwing him or his team over. He seems to be everywhere, able to catch up to WRs on a catch, or jam them away when needed. A master of a team, and on the field, he and fred are the most dangerous pair I could think of. 3. Setsuna96: Rockford Raptors: Deep Zone: 99 Overall I could break Sets sometimes, but it was never easy, nor was it just for fun. I had to plan out how, and even then it was rough. He baits like no other, and is nearly impossible to keep away from. He is a mix of the two above, a stat, and lock down, CB. Able to get the ints when needed. Like in VB IV, the interception that likely saved the Bruisers. But that was also one of the only passes in his zone. Sets with Fred makes a deadly airspace for offenses that takes time and planning. 4. Bunglest: Pemberly Punishers: Deep Zone: 99 Overall Likely the lesser of the 4, but Bung isn't one to test often. Sure, passes are completed around him, but he makes the big plays when his team needs. He can cover middle and his zone if there are three rushers, and can predict QB motions, but I mean, couldn't you if you were one of the leading QBs in the league? There isn't much more to say. These four are my pick for elites. But you may say one is missing? Oh no? REALLY? Gee I WONDER WHO. {The Game Changers} Large managers of the defense. Their stats keep games flowing in the direction of their team. They usually aren't feared by WRs even though they could likely lock many WRs, or regions down, yet if tested too often or too quickly, they are easy to find flaws. 5. YOU GUESSED IT. Nighttrainn: RedCliff Raiders: Safety: 98 Overall "He leads in ints!" "He's such a good Safety!" "Biased!" "You only put me there cause you hate me." I don't care. No he isn't. Yes I am. Yes I did. Just kidding. I put him here cause I have played against him for WEEKS with the bruisers. He would play deep zone, different from what he has now, but I would also go on to times like now where I scrimmage his team often. And what I have to say? Meh. He gets 4 ints, 2 on PATs, on Purevirtue. GREAT JOB SON. Meanwhile you have people like fr00b, and other tier 2 WRs like eppy, larry, and more from the OWC breaking his zone easily. Yes he has moments where it is impossible to get off of him, or away, he is smart, and can get the stats. But he is not unstoppable. From the perspective of someone who has played him MANY TIMES in my career, I know that he's not #1. He doesn't frighten me, with the tests I've had in the OEC, and I'd go up against him any day. Stop. Dek. Riding. His. Stats. Sure attack me for my flaws, put me on low rankings. The difference is I don't care. I do what I can. I'm not even saying he's bad, all of the four above are #1, and he'd be considered #2 in the league. And our of HOW many CBs? That's still impressive. I couldn't do the shiznit he does. (Descriptions will get shorter now since I needed to rant) 6. Mackulous: FFC: Deep I assume: 97 Overall A very hush hush CB. Usually doesn't seem to produce much from a full season at CB, but he is a powerhouse when it comes time to prove himself. He can stop the deep pass, or deep gains, and is often regarded as in the elite, which he may be. But from what I've seen, he's a weapon, but not a nuclear one! 7. Monkemonke: Ducks: Deep: 96 Overall A powerful compromise to invictus. Whom I don't much see as on the level I saw in S3. Yet both are very good, comprising of a powerful deep zone. I just find monke more powerful on defense than Invictus. Very good deep or short, from what I've seen of the 3 seasons. 8. Ikingjames: Bruisers: Something I'm sure: 95 Overall 16th lord? Are you kidding me? This is the Bruisers best CB, and the OWC's, removing night and monke. And you put him at 16th? 9. Invictisherman: Ducks: Deep: 95 Overall Another powerful duck. A compliment to monkemonke and the rest of the Duck's defense. Yes you heard right "ducks defense" I never thought such a thing was possible. We learn something new every day. 10. Accardi: Ducks: Short: 94 Overall A stoppable force, but hard to come by. Most shorts are easy to block, stop, or beat, but he has proven himself to be very good at locking down short regions. No big gains on his short zone, that's for sure. If you want it, you better test invictus and monkemonke. {The Game Managers} People who do their job, and well. Able to start on most teams, but maybe not PB worthy. Good guys. 11. Eggbertz: Punishers: Deep/Mid: 91 Overall While regarded as one of the best WRs to ever play the game, at CB this just isn't the case. He does his job, and well, but sometimes can come up short if the team needs a stop or interception BAD. While still, not one to test, he is also one that can be broken rather easily. 12. Vrillion: Wherever he is now: Deep/Mid: 89 Overall Most people regard him as some sort of unstoppable god-head in the defensive scheme. Me, who has had to play the Warriors 3 times, then the Snowhawks when he was there, well... not that impressed. Yes he is hard to predict, and can get the craziest interceptions, but he doesn't frighten me. And I like playing him. 13. Nuzo: Rams: Who Cares at this point: 89 Overall A monster at man, whom the Ducks sorta had fun with S3, he is another hallow shell of what he used to be. But he is by no means bad. One of the strongest defensive players out there, still, he just doesn't quite live up to certain... expectations. 14. Lebron6Dunk: Spartans: Deep: 88 Overall One of their best defensive players. Is flexible on what he needs to do, and sometimes can come up with the ball. Easy to beat, though. A good QB, WR, duo could send him reeling. 15. Bootyshotz: Ducks: Short or Deep: 87 Overall Admirable at his skill, but easily imitated. His defense isn't quite known for the powerhouses, though, but they do all fit, and work well, together. Against certain offenses he could struggle, however. 16. Beljing: Panthers: Deep: 85 Overall Considered a great in S3-S4, I never found much trouble with his coverage. What I did find trouble with was how well he could tackle after a catch. This man is a trap door spider, taking people down if they're close, and able to swat the ball like a fly. {The Potentially Greats} 17. airnfrz or whatever: Rams: 80 Overall 18. zignatious: Raiders: 80 Overall 19. Polamalu: huskies: 81 Overall 20. healable: Ducks: 79 Overall 21. jwojwo12: Punishers: 79 Overall 22. Deman: Huskies: 78 Overall 23. Yodog: Huskies: 75 Overall 24. Blackops: huskies: 70 Overall 25. Bellarive: Rams: 70 Overall 26. Insanetrollerboy: Spartans: 69 Overall 27. TheSliceofLife: FFC: 68 Overall 28. FractaPretium: Huskies: Bad... Like really bad. In fact change 29 to 1029291289291 1029291289292. Trash 1029291289293. Me again. People who I couldn't decide on, like Damion, CPT, Bubbalubba, or so on, could fit in the other ranks. But I just pinpoint large scales. You people need to realize this is me analyzing a FEW of the CBs, not all of them. The Big names on teams or ones people put on other lists.
#155329306Wednesday, February 04, 2015 10:33 PM GMT

I believe I am a potentially great. >:D
#155329381Wednesday, February 04, 2015 10:34 PM GMT

#155329451Wednesday, February 04, 2015 10:34 PM GMT

A lot of people say your rankings are biased. I do too.
#155329501Wednesday, February 04, 2015 10:35 PM GMT

And btw, No im not a cb so im not trying to get my name on this list.
#155329571Wednesday, February 04, 2015 10:36 PM GMT

#155329918Wednesday, February 04, 2015 10:40 PM GMT

are these suppose to be all cbs overall or jsut deep cbs
#155330088Wednesday, February 04, 2015 10:42 PM GMT

talk about "big names" In the OFL. Not much better than cosmics. Maybe a little.
#155330504Wednesday, February 04, 2015 10:46 PM GMT

They are not all the CBs. Like I said, some could fit in those ranks. But I put up the ones I hear a lot about. This isn't even a rank of 1-30. They are listed 1-30, but ranked with their overall rating. So stfu, and figure out what I said. Because if I put them all, THEN I'd rank them 1-however many.
#155331069Wednesday, February 04, 2015 10:51 PM GMT

Too many huskies.
#155331156Wednesday, February 04, 2015 10:52 PM GMT

all the rankings are fine get over it
#155331524Wednesday, February 04, 2015 10:55 PM GMT

dang im under 68 ovr apparently
#155332169Wednesday, February 04, 2015 11:02 PM GMT

s4 doesn't equal s5.
#155332372Wednesday, February 04, 2015 11:04 PM GMT

When I say worst rankings you say ever. WORST! EVER! 1. Bung has moments but he cant CB 2. Where is USA 3. Nighttrainn is better than u will ever be 4. Someone obviously payed you to write that.
#155333495Wednesday, February 04, 2015 11:15 PM GMT

1 thing. Although I'm completely fine with what you ranked me, the description is incorrect. If you really need a game saving interception, I'm probably the guy you would want on the field. Although other times i get burned, clutch time is my time.
#155334217Wednesday, February 04, 2015 11:23 PM GMT

I'm so serious, where the hell am I?
#155334280Wednesday, February 04, 2015 11:24 PM GMT

I'm so serious, where am I? .......................Dotdotdotdotdot.... -KakashiMontage
#155334522Wednesday, February 04, 2015 11:26 PM GMT

I didn't put everyone in there. I put the few I wanted to mention. You'd be in game changers, kakashi.
#155334569Wednesday, February 04, 2015 11:27 PM GMT

Im a future top great C: 1 Int on the season
#155334664Wednesday, February 04, 2015 11:28 PM GMT

wat me wat me im in your basement
#155344757Thursday, February 05, 2015 1:31 AM GMT

wart bout me m8. I'm still a person y'know. Don't gotta ignore me. If anything I'm like a 89 overall. c:
#155344904Thursday, February 05, 2015 1:33 AM GMT

im in ur basement
#157613386Wednesday, March 11, 2015 3:53 AM GMT

i dont know if my rank should be offensive or a good thing e.e ~Redshaman/Blizzaria/NeoBlizzaria/NeoBlizz

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