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#155345454Thursday, February 05, 2015 1:40 AM GMT

Hello Roblox! What are we? A public gaming community in which players can enjoy, interact, create, and do virtual business with each other. HOWEVER!!! WE ARE NOT SOCIAL MEDIA!! We aren't Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and all the other sites that I won't list. Why do we need following and followers? Here are a couple reasons why we don't: 1. Real Conversation I had here. "Hello, that was a great round we played. Mind if I send a friend request" "Thanks you can follow me" "..." Are we here at roblox trying to become friends with each other, or just followers and the followed? With the friend system, people actually got to be, friends. 2. Followers and following are just going to be numbers. People are going to try to only a follow a small percentage of people while receiving high numbers of followers. Why do we want an environment like that? 3. (Deja Vu from above) We aren't social media. There is no "I" in team. There is no Twitter in Roblox... 4. What's the point? 5. Simply why? 6. A couple of people I knew back from when I joined in 2011 I was really good friends with. Sadly, some of them have quit, but I like the memories. How am I supposed to be friends with them now? I don't want to follow them, I don't want them to follow me, I want to be friends with them. 7. *Sigh* 8. e_e That's it, my rant. Thank you for reading (Not talking to you tl;dr's)
#155345739Thursday, February 05, 2015 1:43 AM GMT

"public gaming community" >impies that devs are gamers >lolno //:cpmoderator12345:\\ ||:developer:||

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