#155374642Thursday, February 05, 2015 6:31 PM GMT

>calling me a nolife for not supporting *mega facepalm*
#155377985Thursday, February 05, 2015 8:04 PM GMT

Idk why people hate on me when I state the truth :/ ~Chandelure is the best Pokémon~
#155378720Thursday, February 05, 2015 8:21 PM GMT

Wait, you're calling TixPile a no lifer for telling you that you should deal with a game? Talk about a back-firing comeback. Siggy for Ms. Piggy
#155410100Friday, February 06, 2015 3:58 AM GMT

"@Hard I think you need to not cry over ROBLOX" I think you need to get a life and not defend roblox "1) Just a game" Really? It seems as if roblox is making it far more than that, which is what this thread is all about. "2) Just be happy it is free and gets updated!" I can't tell if you're trolling or you're really that stupid "Wait, you're calling TixPile a no lifer for telling you that you should deal with a game?" No spit sherlock, and I think you need to get a life too if you can't comprehend how idiotic his comment was
#155410798Friday, February 06, 2015 4:09 AM GMT

I support this severely, they were just bringing facts out of blue and claiming that everyone was talking about " oh wow i wish the friends list was better " This update has no meaning or use, sure try to give me some hand-me-down excuse about how this will get you " real friends " but this isn't real life, it's not like i have easy access to over 1k+ people in real life. No, this is a global site with over 100k's of people on it. 1k isn't anything, yet you feel the need that all of my friends list was just random people i don't know or care for. smfh, like why you gotta mess with every possible thing there is to mess with? Why is this game still in beta i swear the site has been done since 2012 yet you guys still want to " improve "
#155442857Friday, February 06, 2015 9:37 PM GMT

""1) Just a game" Really? It seems as if roblox is making it far more than that, which is what this thread is all about. "2) Just be happy it is free and gets updated!" I can't tell if you're trolling or you're really that stupid" @1) Lol, Yea, didn't think you were that dumb, but yes this is still a game. CoD has voice chat but it is still a game, Right? -_- @2) What do you mean I am trolling, ROBLOX is free and gets updated. Are you really that dumb? -_- ~Chandelure is the best Pokémon~
#155443083Friday, February 06, 2015 9:40 PM GMT

"CoD has voice chat but it is still a game, Right? -_-" lol we got a CoD player here "ROBLOX is free and gets updated. Are you really that dumb? -_-" so what was your point? roblox is free if you want 0 benefits which is greed in it's purest form on roblox's part. and it does get updated - with worser updates every week
#155443205Friday, February 06, 2015 9:42 PM GMT

I have only played CoD a couple times and honestly dislike it xD I like SSBU Lol Anyway, Yea, the updates can be bad, but they are all for the better, People just don't like change, but after a while they get used to it. People hated the website change and now NOBODY complains about it ~Chandelure is the best Pokémon~
#155443297Friday, February 06, 2015 9:43 PM GMT

Also, NBC players should not get benefits, They help ROBLOX in no ways. They do not give money to ROBLOX, so the more money you give, the more benefits you earn ~Chandelure is the best Pokémon~
#155443649Friday, February 06, 2015 9:48 PM GMT

"NBC players should not get benefits, They help ROBLOX in no ways." That is absolutely wrong. They help roblox in more ways than BC'ers. They deserve so much more than what they've gotten taken away from them by ROBLOX. In 2008, BC and NBC were 100% Equal. They're below 10% equal these days. "They do not give money to ROBLOX, so the more money you give, the more benefits you earn" They technically do give money, and it doesn't matter if you give them money or not, They deserve more.
#155443940Friday, February 06, 2015 9:51 PM GMT

I understand, a NBC that gives nothing but spam, exploits and trolls deserve more benefits they a person that pays ROBLOX 20$ *Sarcasm* So a person who pays nothing should get more benefits then a person who pays 20? Mhm, Mkay Listen kid, NBCs do not give that much, People who pay even 5 dollars deserve more then the people who pay nothing ~Chandelure is the best Pokémon~
#155444323Friday, February 06, 2015 9:57 PM GMT

"I understand, a NBC that gives nothing but spam, exploits and trolls deserve more benefits they a person that pays ROBLOX 20$ *Sarcasm*" So youre stereotyping that all NBC'ers scam exploit and troll? I can name more BC'ers who do that than NBC'ers. "So a person who pays nothing should get more benefits then a person who pays 20? Mhm, ok" Where did 20$ come from? On a smaller scale (5.99$), they do deserve benefits, and I never said "more" benefits than BC. "Listen kid, NBCs do not give that much, People who pay even 5 dollars deserve more then the people who pay nothing" NBC are like ants, in large quantities they can help more than any BC'er could. also, did your parents abandon you as a baby cause you didnt offer them any money? No, I didn't think so.
#155444742Friday, February 06, 2015 10:02 PM GMT

"So youre stereotyping that all NBC'ers scam exploit and troll? I can name more BC'ers who do that than NBC'ers." Most of the time, NBCers are scammers and trolls, People who pay even the smallest of money wont do anything to ban themselves, Not usually "Where did 20$ come from? On a smaller scale (5.99$), they do deserve benefits, and I never said "more" benefits than BC." Obviously you were to dumb to notice, But 20$ comes from 1 month of OBC. But NBCers still should not get any benefits, because they do not give anything to ROBLOX, They do not give money, or any of that, And if EVERY NBC got like 1 robux a day, then they would beg for more. NBCers will never be happy "NBC are like ants, in large quantities they can help more than any BC'er could." NBCs are in large quantities already and still do nothing that amazing :/ "also, did your parents abandon you as a baby cause you didnt offer them any money? No, I didn't think so." Lol, This right here makes NO sense. Since when were we talking about family? Incase you did not notice, Kid, We are talking about ROBLOX, not our family. ~Chandelure is the best Pokémon~
#155445753Friday, February 06, 2015 10:16 PM GMT

"Most of the time, NBCers are scammers and trolls, People who pay even the smallest of money wont do anything to ban themselves, Not usually" well just because one kid breaks the rules every kid gets punished? makes sense to me. -sarcasm- "Obviously you were to dumb to notice," too* "But 20$ comes from 1 month of OBC." ok and im talking about BC, not OBC, (which is pure ripoff xD) "But NBCers still should not get any benefits, because they do not give anything to ROBLOX, They do not give money, or any of that," I already established that they do. and it doesn't matter if they pay or not. They JOINED, and just like I said before, just because you have nothing to offer your parents does that mean they should desert you? They visit places and make them famous. Without these places or any places in general, roblox would be unappealing and theyd get no money. They also contribute towards $50,000 of ad revenue. "And if EVERY NBC got like 1 robux a day, then they would beg for more. NBCers will never be happy" 1. That's a lie 2. How do you know the would beg for more? Just for a fact, they Wouldn't and they Won't. 3. Who cares, it doesn't mean they shouldn't have it. The admins can ignore the ones who beg for more. "NBCs are in large quantities already and still do nothing that amazing :/" "that amazing" at least theyre trying. it's kinda hard when roblox prevents from even trying. "Lol, This right here makes NO sense. Since when were we talking about family? Incase you did not notice, Kid, We are talking about ROBLOX, not our family." I swear to god you live in a cave.
#155446010Friday, February 06, 2015 10:20 PM GMT

Everything you just said made no sense xD You try to correct my simple spelling/grammar mistakes, But you have made more mistakes then me. I am mature enough to not correct people on silly mistakes But I guess it is true what they say, You can never win an argument against a crazy person. ~If you have any ROBLOX difficulties, just PM me! I can help fix any ROBLOX issue~
#155446196Friday, February 06, 2015 10:23 PM GMT

k well theres no sense in me trying to argue with a 10 year old, who lives in a cave, so im just gonna go; I've made my points and youve failed to counter them.
#155446501Friday, February 06, 2015 10:28 PM GMT

"10 year old living in a cave" Lol that is the worst comeback I have ever heard xD Yep, I live in a cave that has internet. I am soooo poor that all I can afford is 2 1,000 dollar gaming computers Btw I am not 10, I'm 15. I know you don't really think I am 10, because calling someone 10 on ROBLOX is one of the comebacks everybody uses when they don't know what to say :P But see ya around, Kid. ~If you have any ROBLOX difficulties, just PM me! I can help fix any ROBLOX issue~
#155446777Friday, February 06, 2015 10:32 PM GMT

Exactly! They need to take the update off, and that 1% that I have never heard of needs to go get a twitter account OR SOMETHING! They need to stop ignoring the hate upon this update and do something about it! We are the ones that made Roblox popular, Why can't they do one simple thing and listen to US? The bigger region of that 1%, I mean they listened to THEM..
#155447932Friday, February 06, 2015 10:47 PM GMT

"Either that was said by 1% of robloxians or none at all, and it was disappointing to know they did it regardless of the 99%." 1% is a lot of players. I mean, we're talking in the hundreds of thousands (200,000-500,000)) of players. But yeah I see where you're going.
#155448009Friday, February 06, 2015 10:48 PM GMT

I give you my full support.
#155449734Friday, February 06, 2015 11:09 PM GMT

< EGGrees with op taht was a niec pun eh?
#155450072Friday, February 06, 2015 11:14 PM GMT

TheImpracticalJoker is a Twitter kid. Ew.
#155451527Friday, February 06, 2015 11:34 PM GMT

If you want it to be a building game, build something. No support. R U Trolling
#155451561Friday, February 06, 2015 11:34 PM GMT

How do you think ideas are spread? Friends are made? If you're going to be anti-social in real life, at least try and make some friends online lol
#155451627Friday, February 06, 2015 11:35 PM GMT

If you want it to be a building game, build something. No support. R U Trolling? It's not minecraft. If you want minecraft play minecraft.