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#155410727Friday, February 06, 2015 4:08 AM GMT

[ MUST READ ALL OF THIS AND HAVE A CONSTRUCTIVE CRITISISM IF YOU OPPOSE THIS, OTHERWISE DON'T TYPE IN ANYTHING ] I dislike this update. Why? It removed all of my friends that I had and moved them to following and they're not even in order anymore! Are you kidding me right now?? I can't find the friends I made from the beginning of this account all the way to last night! I want an optional box where you can select the current friend list to the old friend list. you have to be kidding me. They even removed some of my friends I made way from 2009, are you kidding me right now? This isn't facebook or tumblr or google+, this is a plastic brick game called Roblox, not a social media site. Answer my question, is this a social media site, or a building game now? Because it sure seems like it's a social media site now. First you ruined the clothings, now you ruin our friend list. What's next? Have a BC to use Roblox Studio to get "more advantages"? Are you kidding me right now Roblox? Let us test the update before releasing it. Because basically you removed everyone's friends and giving us a limit and not let us see which friends we made from the first time you joined, to last night. Are you kidding me? This is a building game, not a network where you chat with people in a marathon.
#155410932Friday, February 06, 2015 4:12 AM GMT

I just even found out the limit is I think 100 or something, are you kidding me right now? You want us to be picky for someone to be our friend? You think this is a zoo where you can only pick 1 animal to look at? Are you kidding me? We need to have a limit on to who's out friend? You're not letting us pick who's our friend after we reach the limit are you crazy? Yes I know I have been warned about this update, but we all thought it was canceled. It was suppose to come out on October or September, and you realeased it months later without warning us about it coming soon? You haven't let us test it? If you won't let us test it, why let us test the chat bar, the loading stuff, the startgergui, why let us test those? Why let us test the new site layout? Why not let us test the friend list are you kidding me right now Roblox? What are you turning into, the next tumblr or pinterest??
#155411136Friday, February 06, 2015 4:16 AM GMT

1. You could have put everything in paragraphs it would make it more clear to read. 2. Seriously did you even look for you friends, they are called followers now, don't be lazy. 3. They want you to stick with the new stuff, deal with it. 4. Technically it is a social media site you socialize with other people, while building or playing a game. 5. It's both a social media site and a building game. 6. They didn't ruin the clothes, not if you meant ruin the prices I can understand. Roblox is just trying to make you buy more qualified close. 7. About the BC and Studio thing, Shut up. You thinking irrational. 8. Limits are good, are brain can only remember 120 names. 9. If they let you tested the update before releasing it, the only thing that would be update is the game, the site would still be the same. 10. You socialize with people, this is a social media site/building game. Let me guess your one of those people who think Minecraft ripped off Roblox, or the other way around.
#155411158Friday, February 06, 2015 4:17 AM GMT

I was best friends with logitech101 and he added me to his best friend list too in 2011, and now he's not on there anymore because you guys removed a lot of our friends, no you have not placed them in our followers or following. You removed them. Don't make any excuses saying "oh you all said we wanted a better friend list, so you get what you get" no we did not say anything like that. All we wanted was a more decent friend list, not this piece of crap. We can't even see the people we made friends last night! This isn't even a friend list to be telling the truth. This is a piece of crap, that's what it is. And many people agree too. I can list you at least 30 people that oppose this.
#155411163Friday, February 06, 2015 4:17 AM GMT

11. Shut up with the, "Are you kidding me right now??".
#155411381Friday, February 06, 2015 4:21 AM GMT

@Danieltck, don't tell me and other people to get used to this update. We have tried our best to get used to many other updates Roblox has made that are terrible. This may have been the worst of them all aside the apparel pricing. And you're probably one of them no lifers that lurk around the forum telling people what to do and to get used to the updates. We have tried our best to get used to the updates, and yet we can't because Roblox keep making these updates that have no use at all. Look at the chat gui, breaks all the time, wastes my time getting it fixed. And you telling me the friends have moved to followers? Barely. A lot of my friends got deleted, are you stupid? And a limit is stupid. A human brain can only remember 120 friends are you joking me dude? I can remember over 700 of my friends I made on my old account JockJuly and Bob2644 and largecheeseburger and etc. And you're telling me a human brain can only remember 120 friends? Have you been in a class in school called Psychology? No you haven't. So don't tell me hoax that people brainwashed you with.
#155411525Friday, February 06, 2015 4:24 AM GMT

And it is not a social media site. It is a building game, or at least was. Now all we have is the same games we see for months on the game page, nothing new at all. Absolutely nothing. I should've expected something like these updates to happen ever since in summer 2010 when the packages came out, we were all hyped for this because Roblox said nothing about it at all that it was going to be a BC only feature. Then we got extremely upset about it, and then you know what else happened next? BC only games came out, and you wouldn't believe how many people complained about this.
#155411577Friday, February 06, 2015 4:26 AM GMT

If you hate the site so much, quit then. We don't need another whiner.
#155412495Friday, February 06, 2015 4:44 AM GMT

I agree with Lego.
#155412599Friday, February 06, 2015 4:46 AM GMT

@Daniel, I think you need a nurse. Because it seems like you have an obsession with telling people what to do..
#155412618Friday, February 06, 2015 4:47 AM GMT

@Lego Search of social media on Merriam-Webster. And if your lazy here: Social Media forms of electronic communication (as Web sites for social networking and microblogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (as videos) So this is a SOCIAL MEDIA SITE.
#155412699Friday, February 06, 2015 4:49 AM GMT

Your future is a dead end of a dirt road.
#155412762Friday, February 06, 2015 4:50 AM GMT

Lego, please stop this argument now, cause I will win. I am already winning, I have proved a valid point.
#155413065Friday, February 06, 2015 4:57 AM GMT

You're just mad because I'm pointing out the obvious am I right no?
#155413120Friday, February 06, 2015 4:58 AM GMT

You are just mad because, I'm proving points and your not.
#155413290Friday, February 06, 2015 5:02 AM GMT

#155413341Friday, February 06, 2015 5:03 AM GMT

Now you're just making no sense...
#155413543Friday, February 06, 2015 5:08 AM GMT

That word was used in racist and slavery times for black people smart.
#155413592Friday, February 06, 2015 5:09 AM GMT

You have no excuse just because you're "black". You're still a person.
#155413616Friday, February 06, 2015 5:10 AM GMT

He still should have not used that word, the post was even removed. Thankfully.
#155413970Friday, February 06, 2015 5:19 AM GMT

if you hate everything then quit
#155414108Friday, February 06, 2015 5:23 AM GMT

@Robloxologism Said that already, he replied with: @Daniel, I think you need a nurse. Because it seems like you have an obsession with telling people what to do..
#155414382Friday, February 06, 2015 5:31 AM GMT

im supporting your point then lol
#155414822Friday, February 06, 2015 5:45 AM GMT

oh so he's your boyfriend now?
#155414918Friday, February 06, 2015 5:48 AM GMT

Why are you trying to act like a black 13 year old?

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