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#155512497Saturday, February 07, 2015 8:50 PM GMT

Heyo, as I said, I'm not sure where to post this, but the item description for Sharp Shark Sword is "Do 15 to 35 damage per swing with this amazing Sharp Shark Sword (say that 10 times fast!) Click and hold to do the special attack, which will unleash a tsunami, complete with hungry ,that you will ride for several seconds. Anyone hit by the wave or sharks will take massive damage!" The (what I'm assuming) typo in the description is in the sentence "...Click and hold to do the special attack, which will unleash a tsunami, complete with hungry ,that you will ride for several seconds..." The typo, yet again, that I'm assuming is present is in "...complete with hungry ,that you..." is that the word "sharks" is missing, meaning that the sentence is supposed to say "...complete with hungry sharks, that you..." Either way, in the current description is still a misplaced comma coming before "that" rather than after "hungry," leaving a space between the comma and the word it was meant to be paired with. Call me a nerd, kiddies, but that doesn't mean there's no typo ;)

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