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#155596803Sunday, February 08, 2015 10:15 PM GMT

0. This in a shellnut allow accounts to be managed by companies or schools who can enable/disable most features in roblox, to be used like how google admin sortof works... TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Intro/What's it do 2. Features 0) User Types 1) Client 1>User 2>Admin & Mod 2) Games/Catalog 1>User 2>Admin & Mod 3) Website 1>User 2>Admin & Mod 3. Cost 1) For-Profit 2) Non-profit/commercial 3) Schools 4. Examples 1) School 2) Workplace 3) After-School Places (BGCA, YMCA, etc) 5. Feedback ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Intro/What's It Do There is a way (or multiple ways) to give ROBLOX a push into schools and workplaces This one in particular will allow having School/Work Places to send waivers/other documents, or protect their students/employees from inappropriate content. 2. Features 0) User Types SysAdmin: Operates Entire Admin console, Deals with Good and bad places, And also manages users/Mods GlobalMod:Manages Users, Deals with Good or Bad Places, Manages Users. User: Plays Games, makes requests to allow/block games, etc 1) Client 1> User You as the user in-game can play roblox normally, All assets that are in the game will be allowed, other peoples t-shirst/shirts/decals in the game will be auto-blocked unless it has been already approved by admins (Can be changed). The SysAdmin may restrict the user from doing various tasks such as friend requests with non-domain users, chat, video/image recording, or to the extreme, playing in the same servers as non domain people. Also the Report button can be changed to you can alert both ROBLOX and/or SysAdmins & GlobalMods. In the game you can see custom icons for Mods/Admins. 2> Admins & Mods You as the Admin can play ROBLOX normally, All assets will be allowed, and you can click on other peoples shirts, decals, pants, etc in game and approve it for users. You always join a server with at least 1 domain user/mod/admin if you join the same game as a user (Can be changed). The admin can manipulate the user/mod's permissions on the spot, such as muting, kicking, banning, or removal of features. Moderators Have the same permissions, But they can be changed. Like the Admin you always join a server with 1 user/admin/mod, and you can manipulate users on the spot. 2) Games/Catalog 1> User The User by default only sees ROBLOX Admin/Domain Admin built games, approved games/assets, and it's own domain assets and games made by other domain users. (Can be changed) 2> Admins & Mods The Admins Sees all the games, also the admin can in an instant approve those games or assets. The mods can do the same thing (Can be changed). 3) Website 1> User The User by default Cannot visit the forum, messages, trade, ROBUX, Upgrade Now, or the blog (Can be changed). On the website by default it will act like safety mode before the filters back in 2010-12 (Can be changed). WHen you search people it only searches through the domain's user directory (Can be changed). IF the SysAdmin permits, there could be a domain forum only for those domain users. You are also notified at all times that this is monitored by the domain. 2> Admin & Mods Admin and Mods can USe the website Normally, They have all the features. There is a new menu Called "Control Panel" In there you can manage each and every user/mod/admin, their permissions, etc etc. Also you can give announcements with the banners similar to roblox's banners. You can also change the icons to the Admins/Mods or logo. You can also buy BC or ROBUX for other people. You can also monitor what each and every user/mod/admin is doing at that moment. Mods have all of these except for buying things, changing other mods/admin permissions and changing the icons. 3. Cost 1) For-Profit In for-profit businesses it will usually cost around 200$-300$ per 100-300 people If a user is allowed to buy ROBUX Or Builder's Club and does, the business gets up to 35% of the profit. 2) Non-Profit Non-profit businesses prices ranges from Free-150$ Per 150-250 Students. In order to get special prices like this you must submit an application. If a user is allowed to buy ROBUX or BC then 100%-65% of the profit goes to the business. Also ROBUX and/or BC may be discounted for users. 3) Schools Schools Get this service for a cheaper price than For-profit but still has to pay, it costs 50$-200$ per 150-375 students. If a user Purchases anything 75%-45% of the profit goes to the school. Schools must send an application. Also ROBUX and/or BC may be discounted. 4. Examples 1) School At your School you have coding lessons on ROBLOX Lua, Your teacher only allowed you to access other domain user's games and Studio, Your Teacher checks on everyone as they test their places then at the end of the day after 10 minutes of inactivity your account logs off. 2) Workplace At your online Workplace on ROBLOX you are working on a game with other people and your boss has disabled the Forum and catalog. You are in constant communications with your co-workers so you need no chat or forum, you finish the game and then you publish it. Then your boss celebrates by letting everyone do what ever on roblox for the rest of the day. 3) After-School Places (BGCA, YMCA, etc) At your place that you always hang out after school, the place now has roblox you can play on, you cant communicate with anyone outside the domain and the place's boss has turned off chat and has a whitelist of great games. your account auto logs out if you are inactive for 2 minutes 5. Feedback Now I could go on and on and on about this so I have to stop at some point so i'll stop here. Please, if you think that this can be improved on in anyway, post it!
#155597745Sunday, February 08, 2015 10:28 PM GMT

May not have read this right.. but did you say the school could be admins? If im right.. No Support. I don't feel comfortable with that.
#155599483Sunday, February 08, 2015 10:55 PM GMT

@Gamerdude107 Not exactly, It means that a school can manage their accounts created by them for students It does not mean they can ban non-domain accounts. It works similarly how Google Admin works (the reason why you may have a school google account)
#155600071Sunday, February 08, 2015 11:04 PM GMT

#155600128Sunday, February 08, 2015 11:05 PM GMT

@above k
#155602009Sunday, February 08, 2015 11:33 PM GMT

If ROBLOX gets in more schools that would be awesome.
#155602403Sunday, February 08, 2015 11:38 PM GMT

I don't see how roblox fits into any TYPICAL school that isn't a specialist school.
#155614216Monday, February 09, 2015 2:22 AM GMT

@above Why is that?
#155786221Thursday, February 12, 2015 1:23 AM GMT

@Dimethylmercury THis doesnt just fit in schools, it also fits in in businesses and after-school enviroments
#156759577Thursday, February 26, 2015 1:08 AM GMT

#156761838Thursday, February 26, 2015 1:38 AM GMT

TL;DR. 1. And that almost never happens to me. :I 2. That, and it's just too much for me to understand. -April showers bring May flowers. Mayflowers bring pilgrims. Pilgrims bring little kids who deny people who oppose them in the slightest-
#156912400Saturday, February 28, 2015 4:03 PM GMT

@above its just bacically "Group policy" I made a tldr at the top man
#156933325Saturday, February 28, 2015 8:54 PM GMT

#157256301Thursday, March 05, 2015 11:28 PM GMT


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