#26216385Monday, May 24, 2010 7:36 PM GMT

(If This thread dies, the world WILL end. Bumpification)
#26219545Monday, May 24, 2010 8:37 PM GMT

(Indubitably) John When the light died there I stood in the middle of my old town, Iridian. I walked down the main street headed towards my mothers house. Little kids were playing in the street. I opened the door to see my mother sat at the table with two little boys. "Hello" I said and she got up and rushed over to hug me. I hugged her back. "Kastor, I thought you were dead!" I was confused as she let go of me "Kastor? Its me John, your son" I said she looked a little suprised but didnt stop me "Colins gone". Her confused face turned into a smile "Is this somekind of joke? Colin and John are right here!" She said laughing. "Thats impossible" I said then realised she was right. Somehow I had traveled back in time........
#26234984Tuesday, May 25, 2010 12:15 AM GMT

Iridian was in sight for both Ian and Rima as they both rode into the town. The town looked run down, broken and abandened. "Ian, be cafeful." Rima said as she got off her horse and had her sword in one hand. About thirty minutes had past since Ian and Rima entered the town. Rima entered this one house as she felt a pressence she had felt before. "John...?" She whispered.
#26334765Thursday, May 27, 2010 7:25 AM GMT

John "Rima?" I called but with no reply. I looked at my mother, she was confused " Who's Rima?" She asked "A friend" I told her. I then walked out of the house, suddenly there was a buzzing on my chest. I looked down and saw the shard vibrating, I grabbed it and looked at it. Colins face was in it then he said " I've brought you back here because something in the timelines changed, I don't know much more. It's up to you now" Then his face vanished. I walked back into my mothers house and asked " Has anyone new come to Iridian lately?" She thought for a moment then said " Ah, yes a travelling trickster arrived afew days ago" "Thanks I replied then ran out of the house an towards the village centre.
#26510182Sunday, May 30, 2010 9:30 PM GMT

"John..." RIma whispered as the pressence went away. "Where are you?"
#26520351Monday, May 31, 2010 12:50 AM GMT

(Now I'm at Melvina) I found the tallest tree I could. It was in the forest. I looked up. It was big. I quickly grabbed the board off my back, the Fox staying on it as I pushed in the small bar to convert it to hoverboard. I quickly climbed up into the lower branches and used them to fly through the lower branches. I moved in a spiral motion through the trees, and dodged the branches as I went. Wasn't easy. I got to the top, made a clicking noise, and went through the maneuver that converted the hoverboard into a glider and attached it to my back. The fox took it all in stride and got on the top of the glider. I flew out to the country area, meaning to catch an updraft at the nearby volcano, but when I got there I was spun upward, and smoke filled my nostrils, penetrating the fabric facemask I was wearing. I thanked the straps holding me on an fell unconscious.
#26691900Thursday, June 03, 2010 1:34 AM GMT

As Rima exited the the house she heard some foot steps. A pack of wolves same charging right at her. "AGH!" Rima shrieked as she quickly took out her sword.
#26692219Thursday, June 03, 2010 1:38 AM GMT

I woke up above a small village. The air was azure. I was about halfway across the village when it started deconstructing itself, everything moving backwards, until it was just a forest. I shook my head. No village. It must be the volcanic gasses messing with my head.I passed out again. (it's NOT Iridian)
#26797654Saturday, June 05, 2010 12:01 AM GMT

#26797718Saturday, June 05, 2010 12:01 AM GMT

(I'm waiting for byebye)
#26820924Saturday, June 05, 2010 11:30 AM GMT

arthur:*makes it to camelot*
#26846367Saturday, June 05, 2010 8:06 PM GMT

John I hear a faint shreak and realise it was Rimas voice. "She still has my sword!" I say triumphantly and quickly ducked into an alleyway. I sat down and concentrated. Suddenly there was a mental barrier. I had to push with all my magic power. I was guessing that the barrier was the effort of having to make my image travel through time. I appeared next to Rima my image fuzzy and faint. "My!" I said seeing Rima. Then realised the wolves, I quickly picked up a pitch fork lying on the floor. "Stand back!" I said to Rima. I fended the wolves off. Stabbing one then having to quickly spin round to jab at another one leaping.
#26865227Sunday, June 06, 2010 1:23 AM GMT

"Oh John, where have you been?"
#26867428Sunday, June 06, 2010 1:56 AM GMT

arthur: *sees fire then goes to a knight* arthur:what happen here slodier knight:prince shdow is back and has more men we where just raided next is where your friend rima lives. arthur:no NO ill be back and with the head of the showdow prince arthur*rides to melviena
#26899605Sunday, June 06, 2010 5:40 PM GMT

John "Somehow I've traveled back in time" I said killing the last wolf.
#26899928Sunday, June 06, 2010 5:45 PM GMT

"What? But how?"
#26942045Monday, June 07, 2010 6:42 AM GMT

John "I dont know much, but I think Colin sent me back in time. To fix a bit of the timeline thats broken, otherwise this is what will happen to Iridian" I say gesturing at the destroyed houses and taverns. "Its good to see you" I say trying to change the subject off from people dieing.
#27035504Tuesday, June 08, 2010 11:44 PM GMT

"Well it's good to see you too."
#27055131Wednesday, June 09, 2010 6:31 AM GMT

John Suddenly I rose 5cms off the ground and invisible hands clasped around my neck. "Agh!" I said struggling to breath. I quickly cut the connection and went back in time to my real body. Someone was strangling me, a dark cloaked figure. I punched the guy in the stomach making him let go of my neck. I then kneed him in the face. And to finish him off a punch to the jaw and shoulder. The guy fell backwards against the other side of the alley. I went over to him "Who do you work for?" I whispered harshly. "The Raven" He said. I punched him in the fore head to knock him out then ran out of the alley towards the market.
#27163920Friday, June 11, 2010 3:01 AM GMT

(bump_ arthur:*gets men redey*
#27328852Sunday, June 13, 2010 11:15 PM GMT

#27494709Wednesday, June 16, 2010 8:47 PM GMT

The image went away and Rima felt a bit alone.
#27496642Wednesday, June 16, 2010 9:15 PM GMT

John When I got there and there was a caravan parked, I guessed it was where the 'trickster' lived.
#27639423Saturday, June 19, 2010 3:47 AM GMT

I woke up. above a forest. I was losing altitude faster than usual. I shivered. I came to when a huge hail hit me in the face. My glider was being pulled down by the sudden hailstorm! I fought to stay up, using loop-de-loops and diving, but I hit the ground. I crawled for a large evergreen tree and made it. I was cold. I quickly climbed the tree, and lodged in it's lowest and thickest branch.
#27647597Saturday, June 19, 2010 8:06 AM GMT

John I walked up the steps that lead to the caravans door. I was about to knock when I heard something from inside. I pressed my ear against the door, I heard a clock work ticking and something that sounded like a gust of wind over a desert. I kicked the door open, to find a ring of bronze clockwork around pure darkness. To the side of it was the Raven. "You!" He said then quickly dived into the darkness and dissappeared, the clockwork was stopping the darkness was fading. I dived. Not knowing what was on the the other side I braced myself.