#34650541Thursday, September 30, 2010 6:49 AM GMT

John I laughed for a second then realised it was Amils voice. Tyson leapt up and glided down towards Striker. As Tyson landed he started to growl at Amil. I got off Tyson and walked over to Striker "Whats he doing here?"
#34670789Thursday, September 30, 2010 9:55 PM GMT

Striker shrugged. "but he saved my life. I should ask the same about them." Striker pointing to the Charr at the top of the hill. Amil stood behind Striker, keeping a straight face.
#34671124Thursday, September 30, 2010 9:59 PM GMT

I looked up at where John was with my helmet on. Not sure if he could tell it was me. But this is great, John is back and with an army of thousands! "Now I just wonder how my trainer is doing with the council..." I said silently to myself, looking at the ground.
#34696403Friday, October 01, 2010 6:58 AM GMT

John "I promised an army and I brought two" I said I then walked ove to Amil "Can I have a talk with you over here?" I asked.
#34704456Friday, October 01, 2010 5:16 PM GMT

"Sure." Replied Amil, following John. "Before you ask, I'm not here to kill any of you. We have bigger problems."
#34710513Friday, October 01, 2010 7:55 PM GMT

John "Ok, I just have to ask you something, how are you back?" I said looking at him.
#34710766Friday, October 01, 2010 7:59 PM GMT

"Mages. Saved my life. Turns out they owed me one." Amil said. Suddenly, orc drum beats could be heard. "Time to go."
#34711453Friday, October 01, 2010 8:11 PM GMT

John "Wait" I said as I grabbed his shoulder. "Was one of them my hight, brown jacket, blue top underneath, black hair brown eyes?" I asked hoping that one of the mages was Colin.
#34713127Friday, October 01, 2010 8:35 PM GMT

Amil nodded. "I think I remember seeing one, but he didn't heal me. Someone else did. that man was standing at the back of the room, staring at the floor."
#34714048Friday, October 01, 2010 8:47 PM GMT

John I heard the orc drums getting louder. I cursed "We better get inside Melvina" The Charr and Harlaus' men all got inside Melvinas walls.
#34739268Saturday, October 02, 2010 2:25 AM GMT

Kei was in wolf form folowing, everybody into Melvinas gates. The man left and Rima was alone in the mysterious room. "Please let me out.!" Rima was screaming as she ran to the wall where the person just left from.
#34752088Saturday, October 02, 2010 8:27 AM GMT

Jared I walked into my chambers. I looked at a sword on its stand. It was my great grand fathers, he had said it had some kind of enchantment on it. But I think its been too long since anyone used it. I walked over to it put it in a sheath, I then changed into some more flexible clothes. I put the sheath on my belt. I then walked down to the dungeons, since they were empty it would be a great thinking space. As I got there I heard muffled cries, they sounded like the princess "Princess?" I called out.
#34752988Saturday, October 02, 2010 9:27 AM GMT

how is she old? /:l
#34753064Saturday, October 02, 2010 9:33 AM GMT

#34791621Saturday, October 02, 2010 9:32 PM GMT

"Who's there?" Rima said as she looked over her schoulder. (I've decided that the person who kidnapped her is the guild master :3)
#34917298Monday, October 04, 2010 9:40 PM GMT

Striker took his place on the walls, and Amil stood, sword drawn, some guards behind him. (Dibs on Amil killing him! Dont worry I have a plan to make it epic!!!!!!!!!!!)
#34927002Monday, October 04, 2010 11:41 PM GMT

(HORRAY FOR EPICNESS!) Kei was just close by Amil and Striker, a small cut on her leg.
#34937772Tuesday, October 05, 2010 1:50 AM GMT

(Yay for killing! Miles kills Amil, Amil kills the Guildmaster, and the Guildmaster might also kill a few people! It's an endless cycle of die!) I leaned against Melvina's walls waiting for the orcs with my arms crossed. My sword was stuck into the ground next to me, and my sheild was resting on the hilt. Luckily people will able to tell the diffrence between me and other knights; my armor was a diffrent color, I was obviously younger, and I have dragon wings on the back of the armor. I was there staring and no emotion could be seen through my helmet.
#34941325Tuesday, October 05, 2010 2:49 AM GMT

Orcs suddenly charged over the hill. Big in the front, small in the back. "Brute force, no logic. So predictable." Amil said, edging through the open gates, raising his shield. Striker pulled back his bow, preparing to let it fly.
#34945563Tuesday, October 05, 2010 6:52 AM GMT

John I sent most men to the walls I kept a group of 50 Charr with me ready to backup Miles, Striker, Amil and Kei. I drew my sword and looked through the open gates at the incomming horde.
#34969315Tuesday, October 05, 2010 10:54 PM GMT

Amil turned around and noticed John. "Wheres the Princess?" He asked him. "We need to keep an eye on her. While the guards are telling who might grab her."
#34975216Wednesday, October 06, 2010 12:27 AM GMT

arthur:*went to john* what should i do john
#34990433Wednesday, October 06, 2010 10:34 AM GMT

John "Arthur you should stay here and help Striker defend the walls" I said turning to where Amil was "I'll go find her" I shouted to him then turned and ran towards the castle. When I got there I rushed to Rimas room, she wasnt there, I changed my vision to time, I could see Rima getting dragged along by someone, I followed the image until it came to the dungeon then it dissappeared through a wall. I changed my vision back to normal I knew there must be a brick that acts like a lever. I spread my arms out and felt all the bricks, if some one came in it would look like I was hugging the wall. Jared I had been watching John all the time he had been in the dungeon. I got out of my hiding place and said "Had abit to much to drink eh?" looking at John as he swung around with panic on his face.
#35010775Wednesday, October 06, 2010 9:39 PM GMT

Amil had followed John. "The Guildmaster. Save Rima, I'll find him." He said, unsheathing his sword and turning around. Amil thought it was funny, the way John hid, but he didn't have time to comment. He ran down a corridor, following small clues the Guildmaster always left.
#35025558Thursday, October 07, 2010 1:05 AM GMT

Rima waited a few minutes waiting for the response that never came. She sighed and sat back down on the floor. Kei wasn't paying any attemtion and went on ahead to killing a few more people.