#19633277Saturday, January 16, 2010 9:09 PM GMT

( i will savee it my padwan lol lol rofl) arthur*my hourse walks in the town* ( i was shot in the chest with 4 arrows stabed with a curved sword though my back to my chest and whiped 100 times with a whip with a blade at the top)
#19694607Sunday, January 17, 2010 10:05 PM GMT

*Rima notices it's late and walks inside the castle and goes into her room placing the cap on her table and waits for the guy to retrive it* Rima: He's not gonna leave Melvina without it *She hides in the shadows of her room with a sword waiting for an attack*
#19708010Monday, January 18, 2010 1:55 AM GMT

Arthur:*yells* HELP HELP UGG *falls unconcis*
#19769545Tuesday, January 19, 2010 1:41 AM GMT

Wow, it got late...I went inside and laid on my couch. Didn't bother with the bed, I wasn't tired at all for some reason. I got this book out I had, it was about Legends and things like that. I was checking to see if there was anything about that Ghostly Knight who...seems to be teaching me battle techniques. (Brandon, Arthur would have been DEAD a long time ago if all that crap happened...)
#19781071Tuesday, January 19, 2010 7:25 AM GMT

(XD) John John walks around Melvina letting the cold night air get into his lungs. "May aswell" John thought "I might be dead tommorrow" John sat down on a bench. He looked up at a mountain there was a small flickering light up there.........Colin.
#19784118Tuesday, January 19, 2010 1:34 PM GMT

(i know it is a miracle but he cant fight fora month
#19835016Wednesday, January 20, 2010 9:06 PM GMT

John John saw the sun about to rise. He walked back to the Arena and puts on his armour ready for the fight. John practiced his sword fighting on a dummie.
#19840523Wednesday, January 20, 2010 10:41 PM GMT

*As the sun got into Rimas room she and the other person in her room were shown in daylight. As the sun showed the person Rima charged at him* (she's in her costume so the guy wont recignize her) Rima: ARRGH! *Clanging and slashing came from her room*
#19864111Thursday, January 21, 2010 7:30 AM GMT

John Remembers that he hadnt told Rima that he was fighting in the Arena. John had to get there quick as his first fight started in 10 minutes. He ran to Rimas room. John could only hear the clanging of swords comming from Rimas room. John went inside to see two people fighting.
#20015213Sunday, January 24, 2010 10:55 AM GMT

(OMG Princess has been banned :(
#20088688Monday, January 25, 2010 11:23 PM GMT

(yeah stupid mods)
#20095653Tuesday, January 26, 2010 1:18 AM GMT

(Lol. RP time?)
#20109312Tuesday, January 26, 2010 7:49 AM GMT

( Yup) John "What are you doing in Rimas room" John asks both of them.
#20129479Tuesday, January 26, 2010 11:26 PM GMT

(yea) *Rima was in her boy costume to confuse the other person in the room* Rima: Oh great more?
#20343312Sunday, January 31, 2010 11:58 AM GMT

John "What?" (Rima should toatally own John then later he says he got beaten by a massive strong guy who could crush someones skull, or something like that)
#20422496Monday, February 01, 2010 11:56 PM GMT

*Rima charges after John about to scare him* Rima: PREPARE TO DIE!! *As soon as she was at his afce she felt an arrow go in her back. Looking behind her she noticed the guy behind her with a bow in his hand* ???: You shall not lay a hand on him. *Rima collapsed on the ground and her mask and hat flew off, revealing her hair and face.*
#20440182Tuesday, February 02, 2010 7:24 AM GMT

John "Rima?!" John looks puzzled then looks at the mysterious guy. "You !@$*#^? You nearly killed her!" John goes up to him and grabs him by the neck "If you ever hurt one of my friends again I swear I will kill you!" John shouts at him then throws him to the side. John then picks up Rima and carries her to the med clinic.
#20450224Tuesday, February 02, 2010 7:47 PM GMT

arthur:walks to john what happen
#20465559Wednesday, February 03, 2010 12:40 AM GMT

I was on my roof. Why?...Shutup. I saw John go into the medic. Wow. What was wrong with him this time? I climbed down the tree next to my house and went to the Medical Clinic.
#20481842Wednesday, February 03, 2010 12:07 PM GMT

*Rima was mumbling in pain* ???: *back still in Rimas room* Geez all I needed was my hat, and to give a message to Rima. *talking to himself* ????: I think they went down to the meic Rima looked pretty hurt. ???: Let's go down there when no ones there. *The mystery guy exits Rimas room by falling down her window and go hides in the forest for the night*
#20529352Thursday, February 04, 2010 7:14 PM GMT

John "Will she be alright?" John asked the medic "She'll be fine in time, you can leave now" John looks at Rima "I'm not leaving until she wakes" "But you have your arena fight" John looks out the window at the arena and then at Rima "I'll do it for her" John jogs out then he thinks "Wait a minute how did he know?" John ran back to the medic. John saw the so called 'medic' leaning over Rima with a knife. John charges in the shoulder barges the man.
#20529463Thursday, February 04, 2010 7:21 PM GMT

John Shoves the man up against the wall. "Who are you?!" John looked at the man then a sly smile sneaked onto his face. He clicked his fingers then it was Colins face but he had a scar across his right eye. "Colin!" "John! Your going down a path from which you cannot return!" John loosened his grip as Colins voice didnt sound evil like it had at their last encounter. "What?" John let go completely. John and Colin sat down "Rima will cause you unbelievable pain, I know you have feelings for her...." Colin looked at John in the eyes "I'm trying to help you.... and to tell you the truth. You and Arthur arnt brothers" "You lie!" John shouted a tear in his eye "That old man that suppousedly told you the truth that was Krios" "Really?" "Yup"
#20529576Thursday, February 04, 2010 7:27 PM GMT

John "Well you were right about the feelings" Then John took a rose out of his jacket and put it in a glass. "Krios trained us to kill each other, We are the actual brothers.... When I was with Krios he showed me the future and the past. Thats how I know all this" Colin took out two neclaces with shard stones on and gave one to John. "Take it. You'll need it in time to come...." Then Colin melted away into the wind. A tear trickled down Johns face. "Why cant anything go straight for me?" John said to himself. John sat in the chair next to Rima's bed and watched out the window night slowly turn to day.
#20530387Thursday, February 04, 2010 8:08 PM GMT

( Mr. B..... >:-| )
#20530438Thursday, February 04, 2010 8:10 PM GMT

( Raxon......)